[Gaming Group] Real World Exalted

HowlingCoyote said:
3) Your enemy is the Nameless Solar? Nice. Last time I checked, he didn't have a posse dude. You do. No worries about the high noon showdown.
He's the Nameless Solar, gunslinger extraordinaire .. do you -really- want to assume he doesn't have a custom charm which forces an exalt into a one on one gunslinging duel in front of the entire town? ^^
FluffySquirrel said:
HowlingCoyote said:
3) Your enemy is the Nameless Solar? Nice. Last time I checked, he didn't have a posse dude. You do. No worries about the high noon showdown.
He's the Nameless Solar, gunslinger extraordinaire .. do you -really- want to assume he doesn't have a custom charm which forces an exalt into a one on one gunslinging duel in front of the entire town? ^^
At first, I was in total agreement with HowlingCoyote about the posse, but... yeah. Though the charm would probably have a loophole to use a perfect integrity defense or something to "Just Say No" or something like that, like, "I reject your reality and substitute my own," kind of thing. Yay integrity. :D

Which you could then play along with the "It's a one on one duel!" and just when it starts to get tense... the Sorcerers among us finish our spells and the rest of us have finished our buff charms and we come charging in just to make a point 8)

The Nameless Solar will learn the folly of angering so many of the Chosen of the Sun.
FluffySquirrel said:
He's the Nameless Solar, gunslinger extraordinaire .. do you -really- want to assume he doesn't have a custom charm which forces an exalt into a one on one gunslinging duel in front of the entire town? ^^
A timely willpower expenditure on the part of our friend, and the Nameless Solar can stand out in the square till he's blue in the face. Or, as Andoriol suggests, till we send his shard back to Lytek's cabinet. :twisted:

Actually, I'm having all sorts of visions of two bad-ass posses meeting up, Tombstone style.

I love Westerns too much. :D
ShadowDragon8685 said:
Archery Five (Prayer Pieces +3) for the lot of us, then? :)
Nah, Archery Five (Sniper-rifles +2 ; Shotguns +1) for me. I don't know if Exalted already has the stats for their equivalents of those, but that's what I'm going for (eventually). But since this is Exalted, I'd probably end up carrying a semi-automatic .50 cal with infinite ammo and explosive, jacketed rounds blazing with the righteous fury of Sol Invictus with a range of YES... that can be transformed into a tight spread 10-gauge pump shotgun (still with infinite ammo of course) with a miscellaneous action with every pellet burning with the fury of a small sun.

... the main issue is actually making the ammunition bores synching up, pulling half the barrel in to elsewhere and swapping out the muzzle, if it's already got infinite ammo, you just have to switch the essence pattern that it's coallescing into from one to the other. The pump action part is pretty simple actually if it loads with a magazine... hmmm.... *ponders*

Yeah, that sounds about right :mrgreen:


As I think I'm gonna be the Craft guy (which is kinda what I want to be), any requests for weaponry? I know I'm going to be improving artifacts the moment I've got the resources, craft, lore, and occult to do so.
Speaking of Occult, those of you with Sorcery, (currently Andoriol and Fabricati,) if you could, I'd really appreciate it if you tried to find some way to justify how you managed to go through the five trials in your non-exalted life. I mean, for most characters, they take Sorcery at the start, and it's just assumed they passed the five trials. But since your characters are you... If that's too much to ask, then I'll just drop it, but it would be nice if you could find some way to say how, while still mortal earth humans, you managed to unconsciously pass the five trials. Where did you journey, how were you humbled, who taught you, (not necessarily about sorcery, but some kind of profound teaching none the less,) what fear did you overcome, and what did you sacrifice?

Also, my whole moving thing was pushed back to tomorrow, so while I'll try to keep abreast of what's going on, don't be too surprised if I don't really respond tomorrow.

Also, (again,) Ker'ion, have you made a character with stats yet, or do you still just have your concept?
Im a bit late but is there still room for another person?

Id like to evetually be a zenith. Im kinda a highly self controling person so i think it fits me best.

If the game if full thats fine just felt I could ask.
.... Damn, I hadn't considered that. I can justify Humility (boy howdy), Tutelage (Several forays into philosophy have helped me arrive at a truth, of sorts, though whether this is applicable to Creation is debatable), and Journey (Flights and other travel that have revealed very uncomfortable facts about myself, as well as useful facts about the world). However, I just plain can't justify my Fear, or Sacrifice.

Oh, well. More Charms for me, I guess.
Alright I wasnt sure i counted 6or seven people posting in this thread other then you and you stated eight I also read something that seemed like some people who were posting werent gonna be able to play. I couldnt find a good count of players.

Well have fun...wish id noticed this earlier.
Andoriol said:
FluffySquirrel said:
HowlingCoyote said:
3) Your enemy is the Nameless Solar? Nice. Last time I checked, he didn't have a posse dude. You do. No worries about the high noon showdown.
He's the Nameless Solar, gunslinger extraordinaire .. do you -really- want to assume he doesn't have a custom charm which forces an exalt into a one on one gunslinging duel in front of the entire town? ^^
At first, I was in total agreement with HowlingCoyote about the posse, but... yeah. Though the charm would probably have a loophole to use a perfect integrity defense or something to "Just Say No" or something like that, like, "I reject your reality and substitute my own," kind of thing. Yay integrity. :D

Which you could then play along with the "It's a one on one duel!" and just when it starts to get tense... the Sorcerers among us finish our spells and the rest of us have finished our buff charms and we come charging in just to make a point 8)

The Nameless Solar will learn the folly of angering so many of the Chosen of the Sun.
Thank goodness I'm integrity favored. But seriously by looking on his stats this guy is really dangerous.

Why? Well firstly he's ESSENCE 4 DAWN CASTE SOLAR! He have all charm from Righteous Devil Style and while they are weaker than solar archery charms but this alone still make him deadly foe. Also Nameless Solar have 5 dots in Awareness ( join battle specialty),Integrity (specialty against begging ), Martial Arts ( guess what specialty) and Survival ( so he can track me) and all favored. Also he have perfect deferences against mental and physical attacks. Oh yeah, and my first session will be short SOLO GAME! I will be really lucky if I manage to join your group in the next game. Only thing that can save me is Invisible Statue Spirit so i can hide from him.

Man i really don't have easy live even in creation.
Aasharu said:
Also, (again,) Ker'ion, have you made a character with stats yet, or do you still just have your concept?
Sorry. I caught a nice case of pneumonia. I have the mortal sheet done right now and I'll have both sheets in to you tonight. I just got back from the ER after realizing I had been asleep since Saturday night.
Aasharu said:
Speaking of Occult, those of you with Sorcery, (currently Andoriol and Fabricati,) if you could, I'd really appreciate it if you tried to find some way to justify how you managed to go through the five trials in your non-exalted life. I mean, for most characters, they take Sorcery at the start, and it's just assumed they passed the five trials. But since your characters are you... If that's too much to ask, then I'll just drop it, but it would be nice if you could find some way to say how, while still mortal earth humans, you managed to unconsciously pass the five trials. Where did you journey, how were you humbled, who taught you, (not necessarily about sorcery, but some kind of profound teaching none the less,) what fear did you overcome, and what did you sacrifice?
Also, my whole moving thing was pushed back to tomorrow, so while I'll try to keep abreast of what's going on, don't be too surprised if I don't really respond tomorrow.

Also, (again,) Ker'ion, have you made a character with stats yet, or do you still just have your concept?
I wondered about that (which is also why I originally didn't have it and when I took it, it was just having the charm and no spells) but when you didn't get onto Fabracanti for that I'd assumed it was okay. No problem though, I'll justify it now :D


Hm, I've got Humility covered, hard. I was an arrogant son of a bitch in high school, got metaphorically slapped with a brick a couple times till I got over it.

Tutelage is covered, I've always sought it out. I can't point back to any one person, but I've debated every aspect of philosophy with someone more intelligent and wise than myself at least once, probably several times.

I've gone on my Journeys, they're not as epic as going to all the Elemental Poles, but they are Journeys to go beyond what is comfortable to me and appreciate the world around me more. I'm still convinced that that spring was below freezing but didn't freeze over only because it was going so fast)

My greatest fear was to not be able to do anything, to be unable to make a difference, to be worthless and easily ignored. Allow me to paraphrase my thoughts when one of my friends was in danger: Fuck. That. Shit. Still terrified, still worried about those things, but it doesn't prevent me from getting shit done when I have to.

The only one I've got an issue with is sacrifice, if it's got to be for sorcery, then I've got nothin'. If it means a sacrifice you've made for knowledge, I should be okay... but if it's talking about just having made a terrible sacrifice... I... lets just say I've done it and leave it at that.
Regarding the sacrifice for sorcery: guys, you've sacrificed your homes, families, friends, and mundane lives to live, and become heroes, in Creation. If that's not a sacrifice, nothing is.
HowlingCoyote said:
Regarding the sacrifice for sorcery: guys, you've sacrificed your homes, families, friends, and mundane lives to live, and become heroes, in Creation. If that's not a sacrifice, nothing is.
This is perfect example of sacrifice with one but... This one is more suitable for Celestial Circle sorcery. maybe even Solar Circle. Besides if this is sacrifice for Terrestrial Circle then i don't want to know what will be higher sacrifice foe next circles.
Hm? Brigid's (and Mela's, as the propoganda story goes) sacrifice was herself- a reforging of her personality by the Unconquered Sun (Or, of course, the Elemental Dragon of Air). "A mortal life" would also qualify, if you happen to be attached to the idea of ever being normal again.

I happen to be.
Thats kinda sad man. But that the nature of sacrifice. I wonder what i will have to sacrifice when I'll decide to learn sorcery ( with is very likely by favoring occult).
HowlingCoyote said:
Regarding the sacrifice for sorcery: guys, you've sacrificed your homes, families, friends, and mundane lives to live, and become heroes, in Creation. If that's not a sacrifice, nothing is.
The whole "Mortal Life" aspect is true. So, Fabricati, given that what you told me earlier does qualify as overcoming fear, then this could be your sacrifice, if you still want Sorcery.

Also, to everyone, while I promised not to railroad you, in the first session, I'm going to have to indulge in a bit of railroading, but since the tracks lead to your Exaltation, I hope nobody complains too much. Also, it'll be a case where it's not just me railroading you; there is an active entity driving you towards your Exaltation. So really, it's the one railroading you, not me.
That's the first time I've heard a story-teller use "a wizard/god/primordial did it" as the reason for the ST's actions. :P

I imagine the first session will be a little railroaded as that was part and parcel with getting us from here to there, so I'm good with that.
Fabricati said:
Hm? Brigid's (and Mela's, as the propoganda story goes) sacrifice was herself- a reforging of her personality by the Unconquered Sun (Or, of course, the Elemental Dragon of Air). "A mortal life" would also qualify, if you happen to be attached to the idea of ever being normal again.
I happen to be.
Really? The fluff on the process of Exaltation makes it out to be the kind of experience that would be hard to reject.
I think it not more about process of exaltation but its true nature. After Exaltation you may simply still acting as person you always were and still have very mortal-like view on the world, still being attached to mundane things and you mortal live. Sacrifice may be complete acceptation of you demigod nature, that you no longer normal mortal human being and you can no longer come back to this live.
I favored Occult, too; mainly I was thinking "kill ghosts dead" Charms when I did it, but with Lore as well, that gives me the 'in' to sorcery...

Let's see: Journey...

Well, that's easy; ripped from my home and everything I known should count, for TCS, anyway.

Humility? My life is an excercize in humulity. While I can be arrogant at times, I'm humuliated every time I look in a mirror.

Tutelage... Hm. I'd say... I've had many great teachers over the years. My first-grade teacher, took a kid who loathed reading and sciences and turned him into a voracious reader. Then there was the one who taught me that sometimes you've gotta do what you've gotta do, even if is against the rules and will get you in trouble; he taught me about honor and standing up for myself. Not a lesson I was ever really able to put into practice, but one I do hold dear... One of the first teachers I met in college taught MA 93, remedial algebra; he made someone who hated higher maths buckle down, taught me to really focus, even if I hated it. Then there was my Intro to Ethics and American Government and Sociology and Western Civ and Psych teachers, cornerstones and rising stars of the pollitical and historical sciences. Without them, I'd be a far poorer person in terms of understanding society, and understanding morality. Without them, I wouldn't even know what the fuck a 'social contract' was, let alone why the widespread lack of understanding of it leads to most of the problems in my homeland.

Fear... I overcame my fear of driving. Unlike most teenagers, I was nervous and afraid to get behind the wheel. That one took a while - it used to be that I shared an old person's disdain for people who drive too spiritedly, and now I relish my morning commute as a chance to get my truck out on the Interstate, get the revs up to the redline reaching highway speeds; though I drive a beat-up 200 HP Dodge Durango, I love playing with Beemers and riced-out Hondas.

Sacrifice... From March to September of 2009, my mother 'borrowed' my car, after having signed a lease, and swearing she'd get it back soon to me (which she didn't.) She wound up owing me $1,137.50, and I was furious that she didn't pay up in a timely manner ($50 a week, no penalties or interest, payment deferred until 1/1/10,) because I thought she was just pissing her cash away and saying "fuck it" about her debts. After it turned out she had no money and was operating under the red ink, I just kind of gave up on getting the money out of her. I mean, I could take her to court, potentially try to squeeze blood from the turnip, but what's the point? She's my mother for crying out loud, and no matter how much I want that new computer (and boy do I want a new computer,) ultimately she's more important. I can't fuck her over when she's in truely over her head.
Jaksio said:
I think it not more about process of exaltation but its true nature. After Exaltation you may simply still acting as person you always were and still have very mortal-like view on the world, still being attached to mundane things and you mortal live. Sacrifice may be complete acceptation of you demigod nature, that you no longer normal mortal human being and you can no longer come back to this live.
That was more what I was thinking, except more along the lines of that even if we achieve whatever hoops we go through to get home, we'll never be normal- or truly mortal- ever again. And yes, I plan on accepting this fact very early on and never looking back, much as I might want to.

Because the sooner I accept it, the sooner I can make that sacrifice on MY terms instead of "Mr. Wizard"s.
You know guys i just were thinking about sill Craft (Elemental). Complete fusion of elemental crafts seen to be not very good balanced. So I just had this small thought. Why not thread Craft Elemental like linguistic? For each dot you chose one elemental craft you know and you can have up to 3 specialty points for each one.
Jaksio said:
You know guys i just were thinking about sill Craft (Elemental). Complete fusion of elemental crafts seen to be not very good balanced. So I just had this small thought. Why not thread Craft Elemental like linguistic? For each dot you chose one elemental craft you know and you can have up to 3 specialty points for each one.
Thought about it for a bit before I posted, but it doesn't work. If we do it that way, how do we represent Craft 5 in something? How do we represent a specialization in a specific area? It doesn't really work the way I'm understanding it. It's a good idea, but not one I think would work, at least not better than what we're already doing.

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