[Gaming Group] Real World Exalted

Jaksio said:
FluffySquirrel said:
While a part of me would be all 'yaaay, Marena!' .. .. I can't help but feel that us meeting up with them wouldn't go down well
.. .. *wonders how secret would react to Solar Fanbois*
Dodge Charms my friend. Dodge Charms. :roll:

But i wonder from witch point of storyline we will chase them? Meting with Raksha? Or maybe with Nova? I can't wait to see this.
I figure the best way to find them is to find the unmistakable last place they went. Which means finding the northeasterly machine city run by a certain Oricalcum Caste of the Alchemical Exalted who goes by the name Elegant Nova of Progression and get her to set us up the group's tail. Assuming that someone has picked up the Aragorn Psychic Bullshit Method (Survival Charm) by then, we should be able to hunt them down.

Problem: Ten Winds will know when we start to get on their tails, and they'd have no way of knowing until we're within visual range that we're not Forgotten Flame and his hombois. Can't be helped, unless the Magical Tracker combos the Aragorn Psychic Bullshit Method with a custom Stealth charm that conceals the use of Charms combo'd with it and applies a lot of successess and/or dice to the Essence roll-off.

Oh, and we should totally make our way by reinventing indoor plumbing using what we know - U-bends, aquaducts, so forth and so on - and selling the technology to people. Travelling troupe of plumbers, that's the perfect disguise.

Who wants to be known as Mario? Someone will have to be Luigi, of course.
Well, um, first of all, this is an Exalted without Keychain of Creation involved, sorry. I have other things planned for Creation, and I don't need those guys wandering around, getting in the way.

Secondly, with flaws, upon some further thought, you can take any mental flaws you want, but the method of your arrival in Creation, and especially the mover, would ensure that your basic physical flaws would be fixed.
Aasharu said:
Secondly, with flaws, upon some further thought, you can take any mental flaws you want, but the method of your arrival in Creation, and especially the mover, would ensure that your basic physical flaws would be fixed.

I mean, woohoo!

I'll need to adjust for the 2 bonus points from poor vision. I'll get to that tomorrow sometime.
And the government paid good money for that vasectomy too!

Don't forget you can all take Displaced (or Twisted Upbringing, if you prefer) as a 1 point flaw because we're all from Earth, not from Creation.

It takes away a die from all social pools due to you not being savvy to the social set of Creation.
I think I shall decline that option.

Aside from deciding on the hearthstone I want, I think I'm done with the edits. I'm pretty happy with what I've got so far. I can definitely see things I need, and want, but that's what experience is for.

Edit: one question though ...

You will all automatically start off with an understanding of Old Realm, and whatever language you speak in real life, but nothing else.
Does this mean we start with English (aside from Jaksio) and Old Realm as our Native language and can't learn others to start, or that they're our native languages and we earn an additional one for each point of Linguistics that we 'learn' through character creation. In other words, can we get additional languages or is linguistics a skill that can not be purchased at character creation?
Jaksio said:
FluffySquirrel said:
While a part of me would be all 'yaaay, Marena!' .. .. I can't help but feel that us meeting up with them wouldn't go down well
.. .. *wonders how secret would react to Solar Fanbois*
Dodge Charms my friend. Dodge Charms. :roll:.
Definitely, while it would be nice to meet them, we'd probably weird the hell out of them. :D

HowlingCoyote said:
1) It's pretty easy to create bullets with current Creation tech - gyrojet bullets should work with firedust, and extend the range of flamepieces, firewards, and plasma tongue repeateres. They'd definitely work with the alchemical gel that fuels plasma tongue repeaters. And they'd be big, anime-style bullets. I don't think they'd have the range of modern firearms, but certainly better than current Creation 'guns'.
Ah... didn't know that.

HowlingCoyote said:
3) We have a fair amount of knowledge about *a lot* of Creation. I'm pretty sure the first session that we're actually in Creation will feature a conversation about how we can rape what we know as much as possible without getting ourselves killed. I'm really looking forward to that conversation in the context of whatever Aasharu throws at us.
Correction, you guys know a lot about Ceation, I know some and have a good grasp of the basics as well as a considerable aptitude for learning. You guys are going to have to fill me in as we go *cue shrug*

Aasharu said:
Well, um, first of all, this is an Exalted without Keychain of Creation involved, sorry. I have other things planned for Creation, and I don't need those guys wandering around, getting in the way.
I totally saw this coming when people suggested finding the Keychain Circle. Mostly because a huge pull of this is the fact that Creation is... well, Creation. It's not a game we're playing, we're thrown into their world and now we have to survive it when its NOT a game. The Keychain version of Exalted is auto-genre-savvy as well as mechanics savvy, which doesn't work in this case. Ergo: We probably wouldn't be in the Keychain version of Creation.

... darn you logic for crushing my dreams once again.

P.S - ShadowDragon, which of the survival charms is Aragorn Psychic Bullshit Method? Unshakable Bloodhound Technique I'm guessing? :D
Aasharu said:
Well, um, first of all, this is an Exalted without Keychain of Creation involved, sorry. I have other things planned for Creation, and I don't need those guys wandering around, getting in the way.
You do of course realize that the laws of narrative causality state that it won't be long before we identify the fact that we're all Keychain readers and hence will assume that Misho, et al, are real - and that being the case, set off to find them - resulting in you, as an ST, having three choices:

1: Railroad us somewhere else. (Nigh-unto impossible when the Solar Exalted decide they're going there in great number.)

2: Let us chase something that doesn't exist and have boring times tracking something that doesn't exist until we decide to give up. (Boring.)

3: Let us get into fights with Flame and Ben and other familar antagonists as we charge down their rear until we finally find them Awesomely.

HowlingCoyote said:
Does this mean we start with English (aside from Jaksio) and Old Realm as our Native language and can't learn others to start, or that they're our native languages and we earn an additional one for each point of Linguistics that we 'learn' through character creation. In other words, can we get additional languages or is linguistics a skill that can not be purchased at character creation?
Jaksio speaks passable English, so it'd probably be a second language for him. Technically he ought to take Linguistics 1 to pay for it, but since he's provably fluent in it, it might be a Freebie.

And we're getting Old Realm as a Freebie.

Other than that, I took Linguistics 2 because of all the fanfiction and writing I do, and I listed those languages as (Reserved) since I don't actually understand any other languages.

Andoriol said:
Definitely, while it would be nice to meet them, we'd probably weird the hell out of them. :D
Yeah, it'd be awesome. Between 4 and 6 Solars show up knowing much more about them than they should - and begging for help.

HowlingCoyote said:
1) It's pretty easy to create bullets with current Creation tech - gyrojet bullets should work with firedust, and extend the range of flamepieces, firewards, and plasma tongue repeateres. They'd definitely work with the alchemical gel that fuels plasma tongue repeaters. And they'd be big, anime-style bullets. I don't think they'd have the range of modern firearms, but certainly better than current Creation 'guns'.
Ah... didn't know that.
Goddamnit, if you're inventing the Bolter, you're going to have invent me the Chain Daiklaive and build/find me a set of Celestial Battle Armor so I can be a proper Sister of Battle. (Also, I'll need to take Performance 5 and cough up the 1XP to become an official priest of The God-Emperor of ManSol Invictus, the Unconquered Sun.)

That said, I'd rather you invented the plasma gun and hoverdrive. I'm a Tau player. For the Greater Good!

Aasharu said:
Well, um, first of all, this is an Exalted without Keychain of Creation involved, sorry. I have other things planned for Creation, and I don't need those guys wandering around, getting in the way.
I totally saw this coming when people suggested finding the Keychain Circle. Mostly because a huge pull of this is the fact that Creation is... well, Creation. It's not a game we're playing, we're thrown into their world and now we have to survive it when its NOT a game. The Keychain version of Exalted is auto-genre-savvy as well as mechanics savvy, which doesn't work in this case. Ergo: We probably wouldn't be in the Keychain version of Creation.
Why? We're perfectly capable of being genre-savvy and mechanics-savvy, just like the Keychain Group. Just because we might be able to guess at our 'stats' doesn't mean it can't still be "Holy shit, I'm not rolling dice, I'm actually swinging a Daiklaive at someone!"

... darn you logic for crushing my dreams once again.
In Creation, Occam's Razor falls flat before Occam's Daiklaive: the explaination which is most awesome is the right one.

P.S - ShadowDragon, which of the survival charms is Aragorn Psychic Bullshit Method? Unshakable Bloodhound Technique I'm guessing? :D
I donno, really. I don't know Survival Charms, but that one might be right. You can call yours the Aragorn Psychic Bullshit Method if you like. ^_^

Oh, and for what it's worth, My character's done.
ShadowDragon8685 said:
Aasharu said:
Well, um, first of all, this is an Exalted without Keychain of Creation involved, sorry. I have other things planned for Creation, and I don't need those guys wandering around, getting in the way.
You do of course realize that the laws of narrative causality state that it won't be long before we identify the fact that we're all Keychain readers and hence will assume that Misho, et al, are real - and that being the case, set off to find them - resulting in you, as an ST, having three choices:

1: Railroad us somewhere else. (Nigh-unto impossible when the Solar Exalted decide they're going there in great number.)

2: Let us chase something that doesn't exist and have boring times tracking something that doesn't exist until we decide to give up. (Boring.)

3: Let us get into fights with Flame and Ben and other familar antagonists as we charge down their rear until we finally find them Awesomely.
Depends, I'm not going to get the debate started just yet (save that for in character when the game gets going), but I can actually see a way or two that Aasharu could railroad us, at least for a bit.

ShadowDragon8685 said:
Andoriol said:
Definitely, while it would be nice to meet them, we'd probably weird the hell out of them. :D
Yeah, it'd be awesome. Between 4 and 6 Solars show up knowing much more about them than they should - and begging for help.
Epic, awkward, amusing, generally a fun time. It'd be more epic if we could somehow rope Jukashi into actually playing the Keychain. In the case that they're actually there at least.

ShadowDragon8685 said:
HowlingCoyote said:
1) It's pretty easy to create bullets with current Creation tech - gyrojet bullets should work with firedust, and extend the range of flamepieces, firewards, and plasma tongue repeateres. They'd definitely work with the alchemical gel that fuels plasma tongue repeaters. And they'd be big, anime-style bullets. I don't think they'd have the range of modern firearms, but certainly better than current Creation 'guns'.
Ah... didn't know that.
Goddamnit, if you're inventing the Bolter, you're going to have invent me the Chain Daiklaive and build/find me a set of Celestial Battle Armor so I can be a proper Sister of Battle. (Also, I'll need to take Performance 5 and cough up the 1XP to become an official priest of The God-Emperor of ManSol Invictus, the Unconquered Sun.)

That said, I'd rather you invented the plasma gun and hoverdrive. I'm a Tau player. For the Greater Good!
Actually... making a bolter analouge was my seond thought when trying to design an Exalted gun, and if anyone favored Daiklaves I was going to try and make a Flaming Chain Daiklave. :lol:

ShadowDragon8685 said:
Aasharu said:
Well, um, first of all, this is an Exalted without Keychain of Creation involved, sorry. I have other things planned for Creation, and I don't need those guys wandering around, getting in the way.
I totally saw this coming when people suggested finding the Keychain Circle. Mostly because a huge pull of this is the fact that Creation is... well, Creation. It's not a game we're playing, we're thrown into their world and now we have to survive it when its NOT a game. The Keychain version of Exalted is auto-genre-savvy as well as mechanics savvy, which doesn't work in this case. Ergo: We probably wouldn't be in the Keychain version of Creation.
Why? We're perfectly capable of being genre-savvy and mechanics-savvy, just like the Keychain Group. Just because we might be able to guess at our 'stats' doesn't mean it can't still be "Holy shit, I'm not rolling dice, I'm actually swinging a Daiklaive at someone!"
Well, two things: A) What the Storyteller says, goes, prefferably something fun for the group, but his game, his rules, even I know that. (That said, meeting the Keychain Circle would be epic, I just don't think it suits the tone of this specific game)

B) What I meant by genre and mechanics savvy wasn't us, but the rest of Creation. The Keychain Circle knows about The Great Curse and Limit (which they shouldn't), normal people know rules and mechanics and background that they shouldn't for the sake of a (usually pretty good) joke. Part of the appeal of this (at least to me) is getting stuck into an effectively real world all its own that to us was just mechanics and dice and text, but to them is very real. It's not a game to them, nor has it ever been a game to them, they don't think in terms of dice and successes or such as that, it's all real to them.

(That said, it'd nice if we could work in the Keychain Circle into our game, even if its just meet up, talk, get some training, head together for a bit, then go our seperate ways as we try and complete what we were put into Creation to do and the Keychain Circle goes to finish their quest)
Put it this way: If it came down to an argument, I'd argue against finding the Keychain Circle, even if we find evidence of their existence.

Very simply, Misho and his circle have their own problems to deal with. We're Celestial Exalts, we can (eventually) do everything savant-y Misho can! MORE because we're four to seven working in concert! We're in this mess, let's get ourselves out of it.
The Keychain Circle knows about The Great Curse and Limit
Do they? While Misho's Limit Break has occurred in the comic, at least, I don't recall anything that indicated they knew what it was...

But anyway, if you do somehow get Jukashi to participate in this, I'll be joining too, lack of common sense and impractical schedule changes or no.
Even if the ST hadn't said outright that the Keychain Circle didn't exist in his Creation, it wouldn't be a safe assumption that the Keychain circle exists in our particular Creation, and thus I would argue against it being our plan A regardless.

That's not to say that it wouldn't make sense to put out feelers once we started developing a power base- but as our go-to idea, it's decidedly lacking.

As for the Great Curse, they've made brief jokey little references to it but haven't taken the kinds of actions that would be consistent with knowing about it on a basis besides that of a one-panel joke.
Fabricati said:
Put it this way: If it came down to an argument, I'd argue against finding the Keychain Circle, even if we find evidence of their existence.
Very simply, Misho and his circle have their own problems to deal with. We're Celestial Exalts, we can (eventually) do everything savant-y Misho can! MORE because we're four to seven working in concert! We're in this mess, let's get ourselves out of it.
If we want to get home, the obvious way is to collect the five Keys of Creation. Seeing as Misho has one already, anything along those lines would nessessitate finding him - and thanks to the spells he has (and no doubt he's invented a Charm that prohibits spells from deattuning his stuff after last time,) - diplomacy would be a much better idea than violence.

I mean, the other thing that comes to mind is the EYe of Autochthon... But, that's really not a good idea, is it?
Actually, question about returning home is very important in my point of view. Let's take a look:

Staying in Creation:

+Becoming A person you always wanted to.

+A looooong live spawn( unless someone kill you sooner)

+Being able to do really make impact and difference in Creation

+You are not ruled. Its you that Rule.

-Cutting ties whom all those you care on earth

-You will never have peaceful live.

-Honestly. How many Celestials died of old age?

-Great Curse.(sorry. But even if we know her existence we still are under it influence. Actually knowing about it is even more mind screwing than not knowing.)

Return on Earth:

+You still carry experiences from being a solar.Who know how this will change you.

+I have my normal peace live back.

+No "Sword of Damocles"

-I'm no longer god

-You may back as really mess up person.

-Peaceful live, jet it will be weary plain compared to this in creation.
ShadowDragon8685 said:
If we want to get home, the obvious way is to collect the five Keys of Creation.
Aaaaand that's why this isn't the Keychain verse. I have ideas, plans, stories, characters, goals. I don't plan to railroad you, but you all deciding to run off and collect the keys isn't jumping the tracks, it's transplanting yourself in an entirely different story. It would necessitate that I become a fan fiction writer, and I don't write fan fic, mainly because I'm really not comfortable writing other people's characters. I'm very sorry, I know I have to make this as fun as possible for you, but there has to be at least an element of fun for me in this, and forcing this on me would pretty well kill any enjoyment I'd get out of this.

Jaksio said:
-I'm no longer god
-You may back as really mess up person.

-Peaceful live, jet it will be weary plain compared to this in creation.
Not even a primordial is capable of removing the Solar shard from a soul, once it's grafted on. What makes you think something as simple as returning to your original world would be able to undo your Exaltation?

HowlingCoyote said:
Does this mean we start with English (aside from Jaksio) and Old Realm as our Native language and can't learn others to start, or that they're our native languages and we earn an additional one for each point of Linguistics that we 'learn' through character creation. In other words, can we get additional languages or is linguistics a skill that can not be purchased at character creation?
You get your native language for free, and if you know any other languages, you know them and need to purchase a point in linguistics, which Jaksio already did, and I think he's our only bi-lingual member. You also know Old Realm for free, as soon as you arrive in Creation. You do not know any other languages, but if you have points in linguistics, you can have languages set in reserve, like ShadowDragon did, and then when you are in Creation, you'll be able to easily learn languages to fill in those reserve spots. Haven't quite decided on the mechanic, but it should help the whole "I can't understand anyone" problem, at least after a bit.
Think I'm just gonna leave off the linguistics for now, and learn when I'm there.. solars are awesome at learning things anyway, and picking up 1st dot of linguistics to learn the language of wherever we arrive shouldn't be too tricky.. I hope :)

Edit: Oh yeah Aasharu, can I get a ruling on my artifact please?.. even if it's a no.. would mean I could move forward with char, at moment just left on hold really.
Aasharu said:
ShadowDragon8685 said:
If we want to get home, the obvious way is to collect the five Keys of Creation.
Aaaaand that's why this isn't the Keychain verse. I have ideas, plans, stories, characters, goals. I don't plan to railroad you, but you all deciding to run off and collect the keys isn't jumping the tracks, it's transplanting yourself in an entirely different story. It would necessitate that I become a fan fiction writer, and I don't write fan fic, mainly because I'm really not comfortable writing other people's characters. I'm very sorry, I know I have to make this as fun as possible for you, but there has to be at least an element of fun for me in this, and forcing this on me would pretty well kill any enjoyment I'd get out of this.
Yes, but (a) we'd all probably automatically assume we're in Keychain's version of Creation anyway; which would send us on a wild goose chase. It'd be the first thing I'd think of if I did wake up in Creation, actually; need to find the one genuinely benevolant Twilight because he's (a) the most likely to be willing to help, and (b) the most likely to be able to help.

(b) There are other Artifacts to search out that would do the job; Eye of Autochthon, for example.

© An RPG is not fanfiction. The same argument against using Jukashi's characters as NPCs can be extended to the entire setting: I don't want to use canon NPCs, they're not mine, I don't want to use canon cities, they're not mine, I don't want to use canon societies, they're not mine, I don't want to use canon settings, they're not mine.

Jaksio said:
-I'm no longer god
-You may back as really mess up person.

-Peaceful live, jet it will be weary plain compared to this in creation.
Not even a primordial is capable of removing the Solar shard from a soul, once it's grafted on. What makes you think something as simple as returning to your original world would be able to undo your Exaltation?
It's a legitimate expectation. Wrong, perhaps, but legitimate.
Firstly, why on earth would your first thought be that this is Keychain verse? Just because that's what happened in your fan fic, doesn't mean it's happening here. Secondly, if you want to hunt down other artifacts, go nuts. You want to try and fine the Eye of Autochthon, have fun. Third, yes it is. The RPG characters are specifically designed to be open ended, to have players be plopped in to upset plans and save people, etc. The Keychain characters, on the other hand, are part of an established story, with an established plot, and established events, and in order to involve you, I would have to interfere with that. Which I'm not doing.
Aasharu said:
Firstly, why on earth would your first thought be that this is Keychain verse? Just because that's what happened in your fan fic, doesn't mean it's happening here. Secondly, if you want to hunt down other artifacts, go nuts. You want to try and fine the Eye of Autochthon, have fun. Third, yes it is. The RPG characters are specifically designed to be open ended, to have players be plopped in to upset plans and save people, etc. The Keychain characters, on the other hand, are part of an established story, with an established plot, and established events, and in order to involve you, I would have to interfere with that. Which I'm not doing.
Simple: The Rule of Cool.

We've probably seen more of Creation through Jukashi than we have through the setting books. It shapes all of our understandings and expectations.

If you wound up Star Wars circa the Clone Wars, wouldn't your first thought be "I'm in deep shit, and that shit's about to get everywhere. I need to find someone who'll understand me, and someone not so hidebound they won't listen to me," and immediately try to find Obi-Wan Kenobi? That'd be my first thought.

What you said about the Keychain characters applies to every NPC in the setting. If we wind up fucking with the Infernals, we're going to tear apart the established plot of the Return of the Empress, and you'll have to interfere with that in order to involve us. If we decide we want to conquer the North, we'll wind up locking horns with the Bull of the North and his plans to conquere the North; that'll have to interfere with those plans. If we decide to conquer Paragon or Chiaroscuro, we'll have to interfere with the Perfect or the Tri-Khan, if we go screwing with Lookshy or the Realm, or Nexus or Great Forks, or messing with Thorns, we'll be interfering with their stuff.

If this game is going to have us forbidden from changing the world, then I don't think I want to play any longer. The whole point of the Solar Exalted is that they're Big Damn Deals from day 1, and by Day 5 (metaphorical days) they're serious power players in their direction, and by Day 25 they can topple Empires by talking to random joes on the street.
ShadowDragon8685 said:
Yes, but (a) we'd all probably automatically assume we're in Keychain's version of Creation anyway; which would send us on a wild goose chase. It'd be the first thing I'd think of if I did wake up in Creation, actually; need to find the one genuinely benevolant Twilight because he's (a) the most likely to be willing to help, and (b) the most likely to be able to help.
Not my first assumption, my first assumption is that I'm in bread-n-butter Creation, entirely canon, while hoping that the Keychain Circle exists and keeping an ear out for any mention of their exploits just in case.

It's a definite contingency (until we find out otherwise), but not plan A. Plan A is probably going to have to do directly with whatever brought us there in the first place, either by completing the task it sets before us or punching it in the face really hard.

'Sides, I understand where Aasharu is coming from on the 'not messing with other peoples characters' thing (it usually doesn't bother me so much, but I totally get where he's coming from). My first though in Creation is: "What brought me here? Why? Does this give me a way back?"

After answering those, my next thought is to find a (peaceful) bit of civilization and get properly equiped and informed, then most likely get pointed in the direction of some First Age ruins and or an applicable library. If nothing else, I can learn enough to make a way back home, though I'd definitely be looking for other options.

Unless I have proof or indications otherwise, I'm assuming the worst and that all of Creation is hostile to me/us and that there's noone willing to help.

And here's the thing: The canon characters from the game are made to be used in this kind of stuff, it's intentionally open-ended. Jukashi's are not. Jukashi is telling his own story with his comic, and (unless we got him roped into this) we can't know what he's planning. If Aasharu is unwilling to rape the storyline of KoC or risk not playing the characters to expectations and decides to just not have them in this version of Creation, it's his call. :D
Andoriol said:
Not my first assumption, my first assumption is that I'm in bread-n-butter Creation, entirely canon, while hoping that the Keychain Circle exists and keeping an ear out for any mention of their exploits just in case.
Fair 'nuff. Would be my first assumption, though. Especially since Nova's been canonized.

It's a definite contingency (until we find out otherwise), but not plan A. Plan A is probably going to have to do directly with whatever brought us there in the first place, either by completing the task it sets before us or punching it in the face really hard.
I didn't mean it was the immediate goal. The immediate goal, of course, is face-punchery. ^_^ Just, you know, once the "holy shit, we're HERE!" wore off.

'Sides, I understand where Aasharu is coming from on the 'not messing with other peoples characters' thing (it usually doesn't bother me so much, but I totally get where he's coming from).
Yeah, I suppose. I've never had a problem running with characters that others have set-up. I'm usually pretty good about emulating what already set-up characters would do, but I can see how some people would not be.

My first thought in Creation is: "What brought me here? Why? Does this give me a way back?"
Mine would have been "Whatever brought me here, it's not good, I'd better get the fuck away from it ASAP." But then, I'm paranoid. :)

After answering those, my next thought is to find a (peaceful) bit of civilization and get properly equiped and informed, then most likely get pointed in the direction of some First Age ruins and or an applicable library. If nothing else, I can learn enough to make a way back home, though I'd definitely be looking for other options.
Good ideas, those.

Unless I have proof or indications otherwise, I'm assuming the worst and that all of Creation is hostile to me/us and that there's noone willing to help.
Which is why I said I'd try to search out the one genuine benevolant that I could be sure would be interested in helping out of the goodness of his blessed Compassion 5 heart. :)

And here's the thing: The canon characters from the game are made to be used in this kind of stuff, it's intentionally open-ended. Jukashi's are not. Jukashi is telling his own story with his comic, and (unless we got him roped into this) we can't know what he's planning. If Aasharu is unwilling to rape the storyline of KoC or risk not playing the characters to expectations and decides to just not have them in this version of Creation, it's his call. :D
True, but it's really not so hard to take something from a comic, 'fix' it in your head at a certain point, and go off on your own with it. But yeah, all right.
FluffySquirrel said:
Remind me why we'd want to go home? Screw the narnia ending, I'm stayin ^^
I definitely concur.
Well, if my wife and kids can be ported in.
ShadowDragon, I'm not trying to be an ass, just defending Aasharu's choice to not include the Keychain Circle/Keys. That said, I think it'd be totally awesome if we could meet up with the Keychain Cirlce etc.

:P But I'd like to quote you on something you said earlier:

ShadowDragon8685 said:
None of which makes "Build like Jon Chung is STing, and hope for fluffy kitten STing" invalid advice; just like "prepare for war, hope for peace" is good advice.
If we're dumped into Creation, you're assuming that Misho (and by extension, the rest of KoC) are part of the Creation we're in, a Solar that would certainly be helpful etc. etc.

Thing is, we can only hope that they're there. Without any indication otherwise, we can't assume anything. For all we could know, the Creation we know could be an alternate universe of the one we're in and everything is different on a subtle level (this almost certainly won't be the case, but you can follow my logic). "Assume the worst, hope for the best, expect something in between."
FluffySquirrel said:
Remind me why we'd want to go home? Screw the narnia ending' date=' I'm stayin ^^[/quote']I definitely concur.
Well, if my wife and kids can be ported in.
Would you really want to rip them from the Earth they know and love and put them in a superpower soup where they're automatically targeted because of their relation to you and the only thing keeping them safe from those who target them thusly is the strength of your sword-arm?

Andoriol said:
ShadowDragon, I'm not trying to be an ass, just defending Aasharu's choice to not include the Keychain Circle/Keys. That said, I think it'd be totally awesome if we could meet up with the Keychain Cirlce etc.
I... Didn't assume you were being an ass?

Andoriol said:
:P But I'd like to quote you on something you said earlier:
ShadowDragon8685 said:
None of which makes "Build like Jon Chung is STing, and hope for fluffy kitten STing" invalid advice; just like "prepare for war, hope for peace" is good advice.
If we're dumped into Creation, you're assuming that Misho (and by extension, the rest of KoC) are part of the Creation we're in, a Solar that would certainly be helpful etc. etc.
Well, yeah. You have to hold on to some hopes, haven't you? I would tend to assume that.

Andoriol said:
Thing is, we can only hope that they're there. Without any indication otherwise, we can't assume anything. For all we could know, the Creation we know could be an alternate universe of the one we're in and everything is different on a subtle level (this almost certainly won't be the case, but you can follow my logic). "Assume the worst, hope for the best, expect something in between."
Right. Si vis pacem, para bellum. I gotcha. We're on the same page here.

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