[Gaming Group] Real World Exalted

Ker'ion, you asked how many flaw points you can have... um, I just assumed you would take flaws that fit you, and if they don't fit you, you wouldn't take them.

ShadowDragon, I'd like to keep house rules to a minimum, since this is my first time out. All elemental crafts being reduced to Craft(Elemental) is good, we'll leave it at that.

Campaign Wiki, mayhaps. I'll have more time on Sunday to work on that.

Also, yes, I did mean Saturday the 17th. I'm also going to be moving tomorrow, so it wouldn't work at all.
Toptomcat said:
My single commitment Saturday runs from 11:30-1:30. I'd have to start at 1:45 or later: would that work?
Afternoon would be fine for me. I'm not generally a morning person anyways.
One thing I might suggest, which isn't a major change.. is allowing new charms to be added to old combos at just the normal xp cost .. so that we can actually make combo's somewhat near the start and not have them become utterly useless later on.
Aasharu said:
Ker'ion, you asked how many flaw points you can have... um, I just assumed you would take flaws that fit you, and if they don't fit you, you wouldn't take them.
ShadowDragon, I'd like to keep house rules to a minimum, since this is my first time out. All elemental crafts being reduced to Craft(Elemental) is good, we'll leave it at that.

Campaign Wiki, mayhaps. I'll have more time on Sunday to work on that.

Also, yes, I did mean Saturday the 17th. I'm also going to be moving tomorrow, so it wouldn't work at all.
I see, i see. Well then i have problem. 17th I'll go for wedding. So , my dear ST and Players, is there any, i mean any, possibility that you agree on putting game session in Saturday after 17th ( it will be 24th IIRC)? If not then unfortunately I will have to say goodbye to our group. :cry:

Don't worry of course. I' not some kind of bastard to force you. I would feel bad if I kill joy from play because you have to wait just for me. So i can Live with any decision you will make.

Anyway. What about our ideas for Customized Artifacts? Can we make/use them?

FluffySquirrel said:
One thing I might suggest, which isn't a major change.. is allowing new charms to be added to old combos at just the normal xp cost .. so that we can actually make combo's somewhat near the start and not have them become utterly useless later on.
I think it's nice idea. But from logical point of view we will be a beginning bunch of solars that must learn how to use basics of essence use and single charms, not mentioning combos that include few of them. Still I'm voting for this proposition.
Jaksio said:
I see, i see. Well then i have problem. 17th I'll go for wedding. So , my dear ST and Players, is there any, i mean any, possibility that you agree on putting game session in Saturday after 17th ( it will be 24th IIRC)? If not then unfortunately I will have to say goodbye to our group. :cry:
Don't worry of course. I' not some kind of bastard to force you. I would feel bad if I kill joy from play because you have to wait just for me. So i can Live with any decision you will make.
You don't HAVE to be at every game, you know.
And the cause of our teleportation into the game can occur more than once, allowing for players/ PCs to join after the first session, ST willing.
We're new to the powers themselves, but not to them in general though, we're fully genre savvy, and will know full well how useless it would be to waste valuable xp on rubbish combos ^^
Jaksio said:
I see, i see. Well then i have problem. 17th I'll go for wedding. So , my dear ST and Players, is there any, i mean any, possibility that you agree on putting game session in Saturday after 17th ( it will be 24th IIRC)? If not then unfortunately I will have to say goodbye to our group. :cry:
Don't worry of course. I' not some kind of bastard to force you. I would feel bad if I kill joy from play because you have to wait just for me. So i can Live with any decision you will make.
You don't HAVE to be at every game, you know.
And the cause of our teleportation into the game can occur more than once, allowing for players/ PCs to join after the first session, ST willing.
True enough. Oh yeah. I wonder about Craft Elemental. For this craft, only allowed specialties will be a specific element only?
You could take other Craft specialties, if you like.

"Things I've Designed Myself" is always a fun one for Twilights.
Jaksio said:
Andoriol said:
I'm tempted to try waking up earlier once a week so that I can join' date=' but that would wreak havoc on my sleeping schedule, and I'm doing enough of that already...[/quote']
This actually brings up a point, I'd suggested 7 - 12 to get as much of an opening as I could, but that's early for me as well, would anyone be bothered by changing the time to 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. EST?
I have zero problem with that. I planned to have all Saturday as my "lazy relax time".
...Well, that's probably worse for me somehow, but as I said, don't worry. It's probably best if I don't try to do this, what with everything I have going on at the moment.
Is (Craft) Engineering considered a viable specialty?

And are we allowed to take a flaw for being displaced from our world into Creation, since our social upbringing isn't the same as how things would have worked there?

Something like Twisted Upbringing or just Displaced?

Twisted Upbringing was a 1 point Flaw in oWoD, by the way.

Gave a -1 penalty to all social situations, IIRC.
If you like, seems like a simple enough flaw.

And sure, Craft (Engineering) is viable. Maybe you'll use it to create firearms or something.
Fabricati said:
You could take other Craft specialties, if you like.
"Things I've Designed Myself" is always a fun one for Twilights.

I'm totally taking that instead of cooking, cause I can broaden that into dishes of my own make as well as giant flaming chainsaw daiklaves. Yeeesssss :twisted:

At Ker'ion: We've got to remember that it's difficult to make actual solid bullets with 'middle ages' tools... so we're gonna have to make the clips bassically essence sinks that is then used a stored mote at a time to fire either packets of energy or small grains of sand at several times the speed of sound... or we'd have to make another machine/spell to creat bullets out of something else and use the essence clip to replace the casing and the powder...

Hmmm... *ponders*

[Edit] Before I forget, Aasharu, could you check over my 'derangement'? I'm not entirely sure whether it qualifies or not and I'd like your approval/confirmation on it.
If you're going to make magic guns, don't bother: they already exist, they're called Prayer Pieces, and they're in Glories of the Most High: The Unconquered Sun.

I thought about starting with one, actually.

Anyway, no. No chain-daiklaives, no Roast Suckling Damnbeast, none of that shit: the first thing you're reinventing is Indoor goddamned plumbing!
ShadowDragon8685 said:
If you're going to make magic guns, don't bother: they already exist, they're called Prayer Pieces, and they're in Glories of the Most High: The Unconquered Sun.
I thought about starting with one, actually.

Anyway, no. No chain-daiklaives, no Roast Suckling Damnbeast, none of that shit: the first thing you're reinventing is Indoor goddamned plumbing!
Well obviously, at least right after a working heat pump system with an actual air-conditioner. Though we're going to need a wagon or something permanent that we travel in before I can really do either of those, otherwise I'd have to build a frakkin outhouse every time we stopped to rest.

And I didn't know about the guns, I've only got the core book, but that certainly simplifies things on my part. :mrgreen:
Andoriol said:
[Edit] Before I forget, Aasharu, could you check over my 'derangement'? I'm not entirely sure whether it qualifies or not and I'd like your approval/confirmation on it.
Seems decent enough.

Oh, and as for transportation/base of operation: I'm still debating with myself as to where I want to place you all to start. If it's in the west, then you'll have to pilfer yourself a ship of some kind. If it's in one of the other directions, well, why settle for a wagon when you can make an artifact mobile battle tank fortress landship... thing? Or grab an airship, or something.
Aasharu said:
Andoriol said:
[Edit] Before I forget, Aasharu, could you check over my 'derangement'? I'm not entirely sure whether it qualifies or not and I'd like your approval/confirmation on it.
Seems decent enough.

Oh, and as for transportation/base of operation: I'm still debating with myself as to where I want to place you all to start. If it's in the west, then you'll have to pilfer yourself a ship of some kind. If it's in one of the other directions, well, why settle for a wagon when you can make an artifact mobile battle tank fortress landship... thing? Or grab an airship, or something.
... well, as for why not a battle tank fortress landship thing, two words: Wyld Hunt. Now, a wagon that transforms or unfolds into a battle ready artifact of whup-ass, certainly (obligatory G1 Tranformation sounds included), or something like the Keychain Circle has. Regardless, it's going to be bigger on the inside than it is on the outside. The airship idea has potential though, as long as people don't start flying up to meet us (which seems sadly likely with air aspect Dragon-Blooded.)
Of course, if you do start us in the East, or in the Northern Threshold; really any Threshold, actually - you know that our first order of business will be to attempt to track down the Keychain Circle and ask them to help us get home, right?

Of course, following Misho's tracks couldn't hurt....
While a part of me would be all 'yaaay, Marena!' .. .. I can't help but feel that us meeting up with them wouldn't go down well

.. .. *wonders how secret would react to Solar Fanbois*
FluffySquirrel said:
While a part of me would be all 'yaaay, Marena!' .. .. I can't help but feel that us meeting up with them wouldn't go down well
.. .. *wonders how secret would react to Solar Fanbois*
Dodge Charms my friend. Dodge Charms. :roll:

But i wonder from witch point of storyline we will chase them? Meting with Raksha? Or maybe with Nova? I can't wait to see this.
Jaksio said:
FluffySquirrel said:
While a part of me would be all 'yaaay, Marena!' .. .. I can't help but feel that us meeting up with them wouldn't go down well
.. .. *wonders how secret would react to Solar Fanbois*
Dodge Charms my friend. Dodge Charms. :roll:.
I actually laughed so loud at this that my girlfriend gave me a look like I'd just gone insane.

Alright, now that I'm done moving, I'm going to post a quick reply to a few things before heading off to watch the Habs v the Leafs:

1) It's pretty easy to create bullets with current Creation tech - gyrojet bullets should work with firedust, and extend the range of flamepieces, firewards, and plasma tongue repeateres. They'd definitely work with the alchemical gel that fuels plasma tongue repeaters. And they'd be big, anime-style bullets. I don't think they'd have the range of modern firearms, but certainly better than current Creation 'guns'.

2) Indoor plumbing does exist in Creation, and is really easy, but most people have a medieval application of technology. It's not that the plumbing is too advanced, it's just that most of Creation doesn't apply engineering in that way, in most places. Aquaducts, cisterns, gravity, a few water-powered pumps, and, voila, plumbing for an entire city. If the town has a sewer system then you can have anything from Roman to to Victorian era plumbing. This is pretty standard for the Blessed Isle, but in the Threshold ... well, they're called barbarians for a reason.

3) We have a fair amount of knowledge about *a lot* of Creation. I'm pretty sure the first session that we're actually in Creation will feature a conversation about how we can rape what we know as much as possible without getting ourselves killed. I'm really looking forward to that conversation in the context of whatever Aasharu throws at us.

OK, now I'm off to have a couple beers and watch some hockey.
HowlingCoyote said:
3) We have a fair amount of knowledge about *a lot* of Creation. I'm pretty sure the first session that we're actually in Creation will feature a conversation about how we can rape what we know as much as possible without getting ourselves killed. I'm really looking forward to that conversation in the context of whatever Aasharu throws at us.
Hah, yeah, that's one of the things I'm looking forward too as well.. it's gonna be hard to agree with a plan..

For a start we'll likely have to make a choice between hiding from the possible siddy death squads, or going hunting for various setting things and chars to squee over .. heh

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