[Gaming Group] Real World Exalted

ShadowDragon8685 said:
Andoriol said:
Allow me to put it this way: If I/my character think(s) for a moment that we'll be stuck there for more than five years, I will go out of my way to get this: Craft = YES
First up: Craft (Water/Earth) to invent Indoor Plumbing, am I right? :)
Ah, forgot I had to do that... *rummages around* Okay! Stand back everyone, I'm about to do... SCIENCE!!!

*flips a switch*

There, essence generator system's up and running, the plumbing is a go, we've got lights, and the heat-pump unit is running smoothly. Now to get that essence-torch up and running so I can start making us a wagon that transforms into a hover-craft/VTOL aircraft. Though I feel like I'm forgetting something...
Andoriol said:
ShadowDragon8685 said:
Andoriol said:
Allow me to put it this way: If I/my character think(s) for a moment that we'll be stuck there for more than five years, I will go out of my way to get this: Craft = YES
First up: Craft (Water/Earth) to invent Indoor Plumbing, am I right? :)
Ah, forgot I had to do that... *rummages around* Okay! Stand back everyone, I'm about to do... SCIENCE!!!

*flips a switch*

There, essence generator system's up and running, the plumbing is a go, we've got lights, and the heat-pump unit is running smoothly. Now to get that essence-torch up and running so I can start making us a wagon that transforms into a hover-craft/VTOL aircraft. Though I feel like I'm forgetting something...
... Wasn't this place supposed to have a Hearthstone, too? I didn't spend 2 willpower and forty motes for nothing, you know!
Fabricati said:
Andoriol said:
Ah, forgot I had to do that... *rummages around* Okay! Stand back everyone, I'm about to do... SCIENCE!!!
*flips a switch*

There, essence generator system's up and running, the plumbing is a go, we've got lights, and the heat-pump unit is running smoothly. Now to get that essence-torch up and running so I can start making us a wagon that transforms into a hover-craft/VTOL aircraft. Though I feel like I'm forgetting something...
... Wasn't this place supposed to have a Hearthstone, too? I didn't spend 2 willpower and forty motes for nothing, you know!
Um... yeah... it's mine though seeing as I'm the one going through all the trouble of making this thing and making it bigger on the inside than it is on the outside and all. That and once I get through with converting the wagon into our own transformer, I'm gonna get to upgrading the equipment of the rest of the group, including yours. That's what you paid the willpower and motes for :P

((That and I haven't seen the rules for making a manse yet seeing as my core-rulebook is due to ship tomorrow :D ))
Thanks for the answers .. and yeah, sorry for getting into a bit of a heated debate there.. tend to get a bit overly into such things.

Personally I'm rather a big fan of Archer from Fate/Stay Night, and it would likely factor into what I'd be tempted too do.. but at the same time, at the moment I'm far from big on making things.. so it would likely take me a while to learn that.. loong while.

Little unsure what do to artifact wise.. might have to think up some kind of high artifact weapon which can be used in both melee and archery or somesuch.. I can't recall there being any in canon offhand.. could be wrong tho, it's also quite late, so I'll likely be thinking more about this tomorrow

Personally I tried to just keep the general stat increases somewhat realistic... as much as it would be nice to suddenly jump up to appearance 5 ^^ .. that said.. maybe that would ironically fit me better.. I'm somewhat negatively obsessed about my appearance (preeetty overweight).. hmm.. eh, will think about it tomorrow.

Oh, btw, the really decent manse creation rules are actually in Oedanol's Codex.. the core has the basic rules, but the codex has the -fun- rules.. if you're also considering craft in general, might be worth considering looking into that, it's a good book.
FluffySquirrel said:
Little unsure what do to artifact wise.. might have to think up some kind of high artifact weapon which can be used in both melee and archery or somesuch.. I can't recall there being any in canon offhand.. could be wrong tho, it's also quite late, so I'll likely be thinking more about this tomorrow
If you want to dual wield, go for a bow that can split at the middle break into two blades, if you want a single weapon, go for a rifle-blade sorta deal. Angled handle that can be the stock of the rifle, hole in the blade where your hand will go to steady the rifle, basically an extended bayonet on the weapon... I could sketch it out if you like the idea and don't really get it, but... meh.

FluffySquirrel said:
Oh, btw, the really decent manse creation rules are actually in Oedanol's Codex.. the core has the basic rules, but the codex has the -fun- rules.. if you're also considering craft in general, might be worth considering looking into that, it's a good book.
Problem: I don't have the money. I just got the money to buy the core-book. While I'd love to have all the books, it's not about to happen anytime soon. :oops:
I have both Oadenol's Codex and the ever-so-fancy White and Black Treatises. I'm pretty sure 40m/2wp is the cost for Raise the Puissant Sanctum- which can be said to be "Build a Manse in Six Hours", but i might be wrong.
I'm not quite sure about this Craft fusion. Are you saying that 'Craft' is a standalone skill, with 'earth', 'water', 'magitech' as specialties? Or Craft (elemental) is one craft, while Craft (magitech) is another?
FluffySquirrel said:
Personally I tried to just keep the general stat increases somewhat realistic... as much as it would be nice to suddenly jump up to appearance 5 ^^ .. that said.. maybe that would ironically fit me better.. I'm somewhat negatively obsessed about my appearance (preeetty overweight).. hmm.. eh, will think about it tomorrow.
Essence: The ultimate lipsuction.

Howling Coyote: What it's done has condenses Craft Air, Craft Earth, Craft Fire, Craft Water, and Craft Wood into Craft Elemental, but left the other esoteric Crafts alone.
ShadowDragon8685 said:
Howling Coyote: What it's done has condenses Craft Air, Craft Earth, Craft Fire, Craft Water, and Craft Wood into Craft Elemental, but left the other esoteric Crafts alone.
Woot! Now to re-spend my points!
Fabricati said:
I have both Oadenol's Codex and the ever-so-fancy White and Black Treatises. I'm pretty sure 40m/2wp is the cost for Raise the Puissant Sanctum- which can be said to be "Build a Manse in Six Hours", but i might be wrong.
Could you (or someone else) give me an idea how that works? 'Cause that sounds a lot like something I'd do:

"We're going to be attacked at dawn!"

"Oh, okay, give me a minute" *turns the place into a deathtrap*
Ah, yes, on the subject of house-rules, what about some of the stuff here: viewtopic.php?f=15&t=6803 ?

As I'm not an experienced player with Exalted, I can't suggest any one of them or even say that I think they're neccessary, but a consistent point I've heard/read brought up is that you either dodge, perfect defense, or die at higher levels and that ping damage is a pain in the bahoocky, these are suggested fixes to all that, do any of these seem viable? Or is this even an issue...?
Aasharu said:
Really, there's a lot of potential for interesting roleplaying in this idea. For instance, I imagine that, unless anyone here is in the army, none of us has ever actually killed someone before. How would you react the first time you cut someone down?
Quick point: I am ex-military.
Aasharu said:
Really' date=' there's a lot of potential for interesting roleplaying in this idea. For instance, I imagine that, unless anyone here is in the army, none of us has ever actually killed someone before. How would you react the first time you cut someone down?[/quote']Quick point: I am ex-military.
Then you (or your character, damn you pronoun trouble) can help the rest of us get over it when we have to kill another human being, which is almost a given in Exalted. And you can also help us determine (out of character of course) what is a more reasonable reaction to actually killing someone rather than the classic hollywood version of such.
I think we shouldn't worry too much about complex, rule-heavy fixes for a first-time ST. Unless they're easy, simple things without too many ways to cause unintended consequences- like consolidating the Elemental Crafts, which I agree is a good idea- then I'd rather avoid them.
I second the idea that too many house-rules is a bad idea for a new ST. I like Aasharu's solution of just lying to us.
Aasharu said:
Really' date=' there's a lot of potential for interesting roleplaying in this idea. For instance, I imagine that, unless anyone here is in the army, none of us has ever actually killed someone before. How would you react the first time you cut someone down?[/quote']Quick point: I am ex-military.
Cool, then you could take a point in war, and would have a realistic reaction, etc. I was merely pointing out that since you are your character, in this case, you can roleplay how you would honestly react in various situations.
Andoriol said:
Then you (or your character, damn you pronoun trouble) can help the rest of us get over it when we have to kill another human being, which is almost a given in Exalted. And you can also help us determine (out of character of course) what is a more reasonable reaction to actually killing someone rather than the classic hollywood version of such.
Pretty much it would be (in game terms):
Roll Compassion + modifiers like Motivation, Intimacies and GM fiat versus Conviction + said modifiers.

Depending on which side wins and how badly, you just roleplay the reaction.

2 or more successes on the Compassion winning and you break down from the event (after you've calmed down from the battle), possibly gaining nightmares from it.

2 or more successes on the Conviction winning and you have hardened yourself versus that one, making the next death easier to deal with.

It's a bit of a vicious cycle and you have to be careful to keep from becoming a heartless bastard.

The nightmares help though. If you remember what you did and know it's wrong, then it keeps you sane.

I'm pretty much over the nightmares, but the memories stay around.

(I had to deal with cleaning up a terrorist cell that had holed up in a daycare center, so I'm glad the nightmares are over, thankyouverymuch)

At Aasharu:

How many Flaw points are allowed?
I'm tempted to try waking up earlier once a week so that I can join, but that would wreak havoc on my sleeping schedule, and I'm doing enough of that already...
I'm tempted to try waking up earlier once a week so that I can join' date=' but that would wreak havoc on my sleeping schedule, and I'm doing enough of that already...[/quote']
This actually brings up a point, I'd suggested 7 - 12 to get as much of an opening as I could, but that's early for me as well, would anyone be bothered by changing the time to 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. EST?
Andoriol said:
I'm tempted to try waking up earlier once a week so that I can join' date=' but that would wreak havoc on my sleeping schedule, and I'm doing enough of that already...[/quote']
This actually brings up a point, I'd suggested 7 - 12 to get as much of an opening as I could, but that's early for me as well, would anyone be bothered by changing the time to 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. EST?
I have zero problem with that. I planned to have all Saturday as my "lazy relax time".
Oh, damn. I'd actually only be able to play until 11:30- I have a martial arts class that starts then. Sunday is entirely free for me...if that works faultlessly for everyone else, we could switch, but if not it might be better for the group for me to drop out entirely.

Toptomcat said:
Oh, damn. I'd actually only be able to play until 11:30- I have a martial arts class that starts then. Sunday is entirely free for me...if that works faultlessly for everyone else, we could switch, but if not it might be better for the group for me to drop out entirely.
Um, I forget who, but someone is running a game on sunday so I don't think that'll work, but I'm like everyone else, Saturday is a free day for me, the only issue is time-zone differences really...
Andoriol said:
This actually brings up a point, I'd suggested 7 - 12 to get as much of an opening as I could, but that's early for me as well, would anyone be bothered by changing the time to 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. EST?
I'm all for an extra hour of sleep. An 8AM start time works perfectly for me.

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