[Gaming Group] Real World Exalted

I imagine that most of our session will look like this:

ST: You Meet Abyssal.

PC ( All): We all gonna die! Run For your Lives!.

I can't wait till i start scramming this sentence every 5 minutes :wink:
"I know this game! It's called Cat and Mouse! There's only one way to win; Don't be the mouse!"



"How did you know he was bluffing to intimidate us while putting up an Infinate ability Mastery."

"I didn't. I was quoting Red Dwarf and trying to give you guys time to run like fuck."
What.. you're saying you wouldn't even briefly consider joining up instead of dying?.. immortality ain't so bad.. .. whaaat?.. just sayin'...

On a side note.. I have no clue what to do with my ability to write code.. do you think we'll have much use of a craft: software? .. we might find neat first age computers.. never know! Curious what people think.
FluffySquirrel said:
I have no clue what to do with my ability to write code.. do you think we'll have much use of a craft: software? .. we might find neat first age computers.. never know! Curious what people think.
Lore covers mundane sciences, history, etc. I'd say represent it as dots in Lore, or maybe a specialty.
Yeah, but then I won't be able to -write- code... which is kinda what I do for a living, would feel odd if I suddenly lost the ability to do so ^^

Edit: Oh yeah, are we using merits/flaws? Even if we don't get points for them, I'd like to use them for flavour.. will gen char without them for now.. possibly edit them in after.
I see what you're getting at. Maybe Linguistics?

Honestly though, I'd put it in Lore. It's not like I AM ran on code we'd recognize (you'd need Craft: magitech), whereas what we use here on Earth is just basically nonsense in Creation. What you know now, while cool, would become theory in Creation. That's my take.
Hmm, I know.. I'll just take a speciality in Magitech: Coding.. as you say, likely won't be able to actually -use- it for a while.. but I refuse to let one of the few things I'm actually -good- at fall at the wayside! *shakes fist at the world*

Edit: Actually, will just make it Craft: Coding.. it's quite narrow as it is.. and it might -not- be magitech necessarily. probly best to leave it open due to not knowing what to use it for yet.
Work backwards to it.

Using the defined 25 abilities we have now, what ability best fits any given skill?

Firing a gun and firing a bow are seperate things, yet they'd both use the Archery skill. Driving a car and riding a Simhata are seperate things, but they'd both use ride. Sailing a vessel upon the sea and an airliner in the are seperate things, but they'd both use Sail. (Jet fighters, BTW, would use Ride, too.)

Now, the question becomes: what would computer coding be in the 25 abilities we have? Craft (Fate) would seem to indicate that programmable things (Loom, or a computer,) would be an Esoteric Craft. On the other hand, computer coding requires advanced maths; which, if anything, seem to be the realm of Lore or Occult. Most likely Lore. Geomancy is a combination of the two, but all things considered I'd say it's most likely to be Lore.

On the other hand, that's three related abilities; what have we again? Craft, Lore, and Occult - all Twilight Caste Abilities. Congratulations, I think we've found your Caste!
Whether or not we can even construct a Turing machine in Creation is an interesting question due to the degree to which the laws of logic are likely to be interfered with by the laws of narrative casuality, which seem to have at least as strong a hold on Creation's metaphysics as logic. I suspect we will be able to build one if, for example, we are able to make it consistently more interesting for it to run reliably than for it to break down: logic does seem to hold if nothing narrative interferes.

Also potentially interesting: are we made of atoms or motes? Whatever our souls are right now, do they spontaneously transition to Creation's hun/po model, or have we got something else?
Yeah, but again.. I'd like to actually be able to -do- something with it, which is why I took it as a craft spec

And call me boring ShadowDragon, but I suspect a game where pretty much all of us were twilights, by dint of the fact that we have rpg books, would be quite dull.. also, I don't define myself purely by my job
FluffySquirrel said:
Yeah, but again.. I'd like to actually be able to -do- something with it, which is why I took it as a craft spec
And call me boring ShadowDragon, but I suspect a game where pretty much all of us were twilights, by dint of the fact that we have rpg books, would be quite dull.. also, I don't define myself purely by my job
If I defined myself by my job, I'd be an Eclipse because I'm currently working for the Census (Bureaucracy.) :P

But my question stands: do you have a high degree of advanced mathematics? You write computer code for a living, yes?

You create for a living. And given the abominable degree of interplay between Twilight skills, it only makes sense to take any of Craft, Occult or Lore if you're planning to take them all, and if you are, you might as well just be a Twilight.
I don't actually.. I learn Math's up to A-level grade (College grade in UK), but have since forgotten most of it, because while good at it, I don't have any interest in maths in of itself.

Also, I don't tend to categorise exalted purely by what skills they have and what they know.. otherwise you get entirely dull and castebound characters who all tend to be the same. It should be more a case of how you act, how you solve problems.

Thing is, as I said.. if we were judged by our mortal lives.. literally.. we'd all come out Twilight.. that'd be.. bland, at best.

So therefore I've instead based my case on the idea that if given super power, I'd generally learn to kick ass and solve problems that way.. I wouldn't sit there making tons of gadgets to solve problems.. I wouldn't try and talk people into my way of thinking (well, might sometimes, not as a main goal).

I mean, it's not like it's a major bother.. could easily rewrite char as a twilight and not cause much fuss at all, seeing as could put favoured in Dawn abilities too.. but not entirely sure why it seems to bother you so much that I want to be a dawn?

Also, if it's the fact that it bothers your sensibilitities of powergaming, consider also that I'll likely be taking a good 3 or 4 of the Dawn caste abilities.

Edit: Hmm, maybe larceny for the code hacking?.. another tricky one really.
ShadowDragon8685 said:
"I know this game! It's called Cat and Mouse! There's only one way to win; Don't be the mouse!"


"How did you know he was bluffing to intimidate us while putting up an Infinate ability Mastery."

"I didn't. I was quoting Red Dwarf and trying to give you guys time to run like fuck."
This had me laughing for like fifteen minutes after I saw it :D
Wow, I come back and find a raging debate. Alright... so, first of all, in regards to possibly having a sub-optimal build. Firstly, keep in mind you have 5 bonus points when making a mortal, plus the normal 15 when you become a solar. Spend the five on abilities or whatever, and then when you get the 15, you can boost your attributes, or spend some on your virtues. Could be you weren't a very brave person before, but by the mere act of becoming a Solar, you've become braver.

Second, consider the fact that, while I have an in depth knowledge of the setting, and a theoretical understanding of the mechanics, I have yet to have any practical experience with the mechanics. Thus, I shall be following the strategy known as Fun > Dice Rolls. I will be keeping storyteller rolls separate, if I find that I've accidentally made an encounter too hard, I will lie to you all about the dice rolls, and I won't kill you just because the random number god said so. That said, it doesn't mean there is no danger. All you are guaranteed is that you won't die if I screw up. If you do something stupid, you will be in danger. So I'd recommend against trying to beep Mask of Winter's nose, or blowing raspberries at the Wyld Hunt.

Third, Jaksio asked if your exalted self will look like you. In answer; it will look like a better you. If you boosted your Appearance, you will look like a much better you. If you're female, you will look like a better female you. You are you, and look like you, but as a Solar, you will look like a better you then you. I need to cut back on the sugar.

Finally, with home rules... well, I looked at the suggestions ShadowDragon gave; anyone else approve of any of the specific house rules? Let's make this a consensus decision.
I certainly think Craft (Elemental) is a good rule, with the various Elements falling into specialties (Which makes more sense for squishy mortals anyway).

I don't know about the XP. I have some mild experience running as an ST, but I've only awarded around 28 points and four days of training time, so it's been pretty much totally under control for now. If the others think it won't completely tip the game over (which it probably won't), 30 xp at start is very much not out of the woods as regards being squshy. Heaven knows I'd probably put it towards one of my characters coach me in an "All In Your Head" scene on the Martial Arts. :D
Oh, and in regard to Merits and Flaws, yes you can take them, and you can take or give bonus points to either bonus point pool. So you can take a 2 point flaw as a mortal, but give those two extra points to your exalted bonus points.

Craft (Elemental) seems like a good idea to me as well. I've never seen much point in having the various different crafts.
I'm in favor of the fusing of the elemental crafts into one Craft, I know that much. Most of the rules seem fine, I haven't found anything that jumps out at me as 'bad idea'. To be honest, if I had any experience with the game, I'd probably suggest more actually.
All right, I'll fuse the Elemental crafts into my template.

What about reduction on the costs of artifact armors and increasing their hearthstones? Artifact armors, as they stand now, suck balls.
Which is why I didn't take an Artifact armor despite the fact that I'm quite obviously playing a Resistance-based soakmonkey.
Fabricati said:
Which is why I didn't take an Artifact armor despite the fact that I'm quite obviously playing a Resistance-based soakmonkey.
Take some Celestial Battle Armor. (Actually, come to think of it, I oughta do that myself...)

Is anybody gonna take Craft Magitech?

Also, what about the thought of giving us +30 XP to spend? It'd come in handy - not to mention that for some things, it's hands-down far and away more efficient than BP (Cough Essence Cough).
ShadowDragon8685 said:
Fabricati said:
Which is why I didn't take an Artifact armor despite the fact that I'm quite obviously playing a Resistance-based soakmonkey.
Take some Celestial Battle Armor. (Actually, come to think of it, I oughta do that myself...)

Is anybody gonna take Craft Magitech?

Also, what about the thought of giving us +30 XP to spend? It'd come in handy - not to mention that for some things, it's hands-down far and away more efficient than BP (Cough Essence Cough).
Allow me to put it this way: If I/my character think(s) for a moment that we'll be stuck there for more than five years, I will go out of my way to get this: Craft = YES
I dunno, Celestial Battle Armor's a significant investment, weighing in at ten motes on top of my already kinda restrictive panoply. Worse, I wouldn't get any benefit from my Gem of Gender Transformation, and I don't have the BP for it even if I did go for it, probably having to forsake more Abilities or worse, the dot of Essence, which means no Pick Everyone Up and Go Zoom.

If anything, I'd prefer to find that in play; Massive Resistance Soakmonkey aside, I don't have Hauberk-Lightening Gesture yet and people are going to notice someone in brilliant golden power armor glowing with resplendent Essence. Unless I spend five motes an hour to disappear, which considering I favor Stealth too... Might be fun. BUT I DIGRESS. CBA should be something gained/earned/built, I suppose I'm trying to say. Just because I like it better that way, I guess.

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