[Gaming Group] Real World Exalted

I have a fact to face game that is running/I will run on Saturdays and typically takes up a lot of time from 11 PST/2PM EST to pretty late at night; I'd prefer to play early as my arrival time will tend to be erratic after that game.
Northwest... 'kay, I can work with that.

If HowlingCoyote's gonna be getting the actual dots in Sail, as long as he keeps the ship pointed in the right direction, I'll keep it running (esspecially with Craftsman Needs No Tools, I look at that and just drool at the possibilities). We could be pirates! And what would the Wyld Hunt do? I'm already started on my Survival charms and I've favored it so it won't be hard to pick up anti-tracking charms, once one of us gets an anti-tracking charm to nullify magical tracking, the difficulty of tracking someone on the open seas is astronomical. We could be pirates, or merchants, or whatever we wanted. It'll be awesome!

Unless you get seasick easily, then it'd suck. :P
The Wyld Hunt would use First Age submersibles to launch surprise attacks, that's what.

I know basic boat safety, but not enough (and too long ago) to really justify the dot in Sail...

Aasharu, question from the peanut gallery:

What artifact rating would you give to copies of "The Art of War" and "Tao Te Ching"? Or would you allow that?
Their artifact rating would depend entirely on their mechanical effects, of course. They'd be equipment that gives a bonus die or two to War, thaumaturgical divination, or specialized religious and specialized Lore and Occult rolls if assigned no artifact powers. The Artifact background is for intrinsically magical items.
I happen to have them, and having versions written in Old Realm in ink flecked with Orichalcum and completely indestructible would be pretty fun. Besides, it's something from Earth, which by definition probably means that it demands Artifact due to its rarity (and usefulness!)
Well, since you own them, I'm assuming you've read them. And, if you've read them, then once you become an Exalt, you'll be able to sit down, meditate for a bit, then write the whole book out by memory, even if you don't have the Eidetic memory merit. So, if you want a copy, you don't have to spend any points, you just need to get your hands on raw materials, (something to write on and something to write with,) and have some calm, free time to write it all down.

Also, both morning and evening are fine for me, but wasn't morning difficult for someone else?
I just tend to work late shifts, so my average bedtime is 3am, CST.

I wonder how my character is going to react after about a week of not having my meds.
Frak. Alright, everyone please post when, on Saturdays, you have commitments. If you can post it in relation to CST, I'd appreciate it, makes my job easier. I'm free all day.

Aasharu - Free All Day

Andoriol - Free All Day


Fabricati - Free Until 1 PM CST

HowlingCoyote - Free Until 7 PM CST


Toptomcat - Busy at 9 AM to 1 PM CST


Ker'ion - Free All Day; Prefer Afternoons
I'll repeat myself for posterities sake: I'm good any time Saturday.

[Edit:] This one would like to express appreciation of such appropriate usage of explicative Aasharu, and this one humbly agrees that this shit is messed up.
Free all day Saturday until further notice.

I work late, so I prefer afternoon games, but that's just a preference.

And I live in Kansas, so I'm running on CST.
I normally have free all Saturdays. So i wont have any problem with those things. Also since I'm from Poland, the difference of timezones will be -5 hours for CST (my perspective) so people that live in this time zone see it as +5 hours.
I'm free from 10am GMT to 2am GMT

And yes, I second that we use Veav's, but we should also have a backup server so we know where to go to just in case it happens to be down, trith isn't home all the time so it's not perfect uptime.

Usually we use blackstar as a backup, it's quite reliable.

Also might be wise if we had some kind of IM contact for emergencies, my aim is FlufffySquirrel
I'm good all day and night, but I'd prefer the afternoon, evening, or night. that said, I am good all day.

Also, having read The Art of War, I'd have to say... Yeah. That would be totally useful to have. Not to mention we could make money selling it.

Just don't sell it where it'll get sold back to the Realm. It wouldn't do to hand our enemies a manual of tactical advice to use against us. :)

Also, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates, remodeled appropriately; IE, "Sarcasm and derision have their place. Usually, it's overboard."
My landlord just informed us the mortgage defaulted. We've got two weeks to find a new place to live, so I'm not going to be able to be in the game.

Sorry, but such is life.
My landlord just informed us the mortgage defaulted. We've got two weeks to find a new place to live, so I'm not going to be able to be in the game.
Sorry, but such is life.
Dude! That's insanity. Isn't there a tenants protection act that provides 60 days (or at least 30 days) if your landlord sells/defaults? Two-weeks notices is fine when you're leaving a job (on your terms), but to say "Sorry, didn't pay my mortgage, so get out" is... well, insane.
ShadowDragon8685 said:
Also, having read The Art of War, I'd have to say... Yeah. That would be totally useful to have. Not to mention we could make money selling it.
Just don't sell it where it'll get sold back to the Realm. It wouldn't do to hand our enemies a manual of tactical advice to use against us.
They already have one that's better - The Thousand Correct Actions of the Upright Soldier. It's a Shogunate-era book that talks in detail about how to fight in each polar direction, and comes with both Charms and Spells. Take The Art of War, make it Exalted, and you have The Thousand Correct Actions. Every Realm soldier carries an abridged copy. Officers, particularly Dragon-blooded, carry the unedited version.
The problem is that the Thousand Correct Actions was written for late First Age and very early Shogunate warfare, so there's a lot of stuff about how to deal with Essence artillery and flying machines and warstriders and probably not enough about shit that was just not a problem in the First Age, like how to deal with managing a supply train that's just wagons pulled by animals and what to do when cholera is ravaging your ranks. Imagine a Napoleonic-era army getting hold of a really, really well-written modern U.S. Army field manual now regarded as a classic: there would be a lot of stuff that would be really good ideas, some things that would just confuse the hell out of people and would thus be ignored, and more than a few suggestions that would be actively counterproductive because of different underlying assumptions. As the Second Age grows increasingly different from the First, its more specific advice will grow increasingly out of date.

The Art of War, by contrast, is well-regarded in modern times specifically because it's aged well, and has lots of advice that works well in any era.

This might make up for the fact that one of them was written by an Exalt and the other wasn't. I suspect that it would certainly find an audience.
I'm going to just flat out say I disagree with you 100%, for the following reasons:

1) TCA is presented as Creation's version of The Art of War, just written by an Exalt, containing everything in The Art of War, plus more. Additionally, it covers all material based on which Element it falls under, so it by definition covers how to apply all 25 skills to warfare.

2) TCA is also a real-world book as much as a book in the game, with the real thing being presented as an adridged version of what a Realm officer might carry, so we know it covers how to manage supply, how to engage insurgencies, propaganda, etc, both in specifics and in a more philosophical sense in order to be eternally applicable.

3) TCA has Charms, so it will always, by definition, trump things that don't, even if it contains nothing useful other than Charms. 'Cept that it is filled with a whole bunch of useful stuffs.

Basically, the easy way to think of TCA is The Art of War with magic, whereas our version is just the parts without magic. Our version is pretty much the version carried by Realm soldiers - The Art of War in different words, but so too are two different translations of The Art of War. The underlying message, content, instructions, and applicability remain.
Actually, if we're working in the Northwest, I'd be more worried about the Bishop's goons, the Silver Pimp, or one Yurgen Kaneko getting their hands on it than the Realm.

The Bull's very much out for Number One and while he might be a useful ally, we should never forget this- admittedly, it sounds a lot like he could derive the thing instead of needing a copy.

The Silver Pimp, while not a warlike Deathlord, would probably quite gleefully start exchanging copies among the others in exchange for favors.

And if one of the Bishop's Abyssals, especially a Dusk Caste, get their hands on a copy it could well end up being a major problem for the entire region, not just us.

And this is regardless of what, precisely, the Thousand Correct Actions read.

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