[Gaming Group] Real World Exalted

ShadowDragon8685 said:
We'll probably be using the OpenRPG Veav 1 server, since it's the best, and we can hopefully trust Aasharu to think of a good room name... :P
One thing that does worry me, though; This is going to be in the Northwest, right?

Conquering our own personal Northrend is nice, of course, but does anybody know Sail?
Exalted: Face in the Mirror
Wut's the bloody password?
HowlingCoyote said:
As much as I love all the scheming about who we should seek out and what not, Andoriol sums up our problem fairly well. As we stand now, we are not as powerful as most starting Solars, nor do we have the kind of support that's possible to achieve at the beginning of play, so grand schemes should be a bit secondary to getting on an even footing with what's 'out there'.
But as has been stated, our unusual knowledge will allow us opportunities to do some very interesting things should we find ourselves- or put ourselves- in the right place, even without having first gathered a conventional power base. Any encounter with any Celestial Exalt or god offers opportunities.
Not to ruin the mood, but we still have the issue of the scheduling conflict. We need to work that out.

As an aside, Ker'ion's name seems good.
Aasharu said:
Not to ruin the mood, but we still have the issue of the scheduling conflict. We need to work that out.
I'm not really sure how we work out two players with a direct conflict - one's free till 1PM, the other is busy till 1PM. For the most part, everyone else is free, though I do realize I'm imposing a 7PM CST limit on my own availability.

This is the problem I've had with larger groups in the past: wrangling gamers is like wrangling cats.

Fabricati - your tablet-top game runs for quite a while, would it be possible to push back the start time?

Toptomcat - how set is your Saturday morning commitment? Would it be possible to switch it to afternoons?

If one or the other can move their conflicts a bit, maybe we can open a window that fits everyone.
I'm aware; what's the consensus so far?

Actually, I can pretty easily push it back to 1PM/3PM CST. It's happened before to no one's surprise.
Ah, I might have a bit of an issue for the first game, the family was going to go to St. Augustine on the weekend and I'd just assumed it was on Sunday... it's not, of course :oops: .

I might be able to get it changed or shifted, I'll keep you updated if I can. But as it is, I might not be able to make it to the first game...
*Sigh* Like herding cats indeed. Should we push back until next week, to give another week to work out all these problems?
I'd like to start tomorrow, but it's causing issues. My vote is unfortunately for postponing it (otherwise I miss out on St. Augustine and/or have to pull an all nighter to finish a paper on time). My apologies ~nya ^^;
Well, it depends on if the story can take it. If the magic Cannot Be Repeated, let's delay it a week. Otherwise, full steam ahead!
The magic Cannot Be Repeated, but my plan was that any that couldn't make it would arrive in Creation, they would just be separated from the rest of the group, and show up later.
You were on about having custom trials for each of us to take or some such upon entry.. could always run through those tomorrow?

I'm also in favour of not postponing, would like to do something at least, even if it's just a bit of an intro or some such
Aasharu said:
As an aside, Ker'ion's name seems good.
Oh, I thought the group had made a room and was chatting there.
I guess that name is taken by someone else's group.
Blech, if I don't miss this one I miss the next one... but since (unless something changed) Jakiso is going to be missing this first one anyways, I guess I'll miss this one.

... dangit.

I'd appreciate it if someone could copy the conversation so that I (and anyone else that misses) can know what you guys talked about even if our characters don't.
Now, of course, the only question left is time. Because, you know, no matter what time we pick, someone is going to be left out. Alternatively, we could split the group up into two separate groups, one running in the morning, the other in the afternoon, both doing different things. Then, the only person who suffers is me, amusingly enough. We could have the people who can't make it tomorrow join up with one of the people who has timing issues, and we run through them later.
And then, as our time expires, a decision must be made. And as the storyteller, I must make it.

Fabricati, I'm sorry, but we're going to run the game in the afternoon, at 1 PM CST. If you can make it, even for a bit, you would be welcomed.

Verv 1 Server, and I'll name the room Exalted: Through the Looking Glass. Nice little Alice in Wonderland reference there. Follow the white rabbit...

Any final alterations will be posted tomorrow morning.
Awh, darn. I was hoping for Exalted: In a Dark Mirror, Brightly.

We ought to exchange other contact info, guys.

My AIM is "ShadowDragon8685," my email is "ShadowDragon8685@gmail.com". I prefer AIM, but I have other options: Skype is the same as AIM as far as screen name, and MSN is "ShadowDragon8685@hotmail.com" (which is not a working email account.)
I'm "Fabricati" on AIM, as long as we're exchanging info; "fabricati @ gmail.com" if you want to contact me via email.
I don't have AIM at current time but I'll install it tomorrow of day after. As for email it's in my profile.

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