[Gaming Group] Real World Exalted

What, the one who thinks he can talk Creation to death? Frightening maybe, but his mindset is not conducive to puzzling out the most militarily efficient way to do things. The Bishop is, fundamentally speaking, an academic, not a general.
HowlingCoyote said:
My landlord just informed us the mortgage defaulted. We've got two weeks to find a new place to live, so I'm not going to be able to be in the game.
Sorry, but such is life.
Dude! That's insanity. Isn't there a tenants protection act that provides 60 days (or at least 30 days) if your landlord sells/defaults? Two-weeks notices is fine when you're leaving a job (on your terms), but to say "Sorry, didn't pay my mortgage, so get out" is... well, insane.
I'm waiting on him to call back with an exact time line, so I don't have any clue what's going on.
My wife and I are thinking he defaulted a bit ago and didn't bother mentioning anything to us until now.


I don't know.

I'll make the first game for sure, but I'll keep you guys abreast on the housing situation.

So, just ignore my housing post for now.
We can always write Art of War it in English you know. Yet it can still be translated with proper spell.

As for potentaial canon caracter to meet:

Bull of the North : I'm not so eager to meet him. Somehow i have feeling that we only get in deep troubles just by trying to ally with him.

Silver Pimp: I would prefer to head opposite direction he is. Jet we could try to expose his hidden fleet to Darktide and show how untrustworthy this Deathlord is. Also we could try to get help from Fallen Wolf and vice versa.

Bishop: to be honest i never was weary interested in this mind-raping Deathlord and his servants. I always hated cults and sects that only lead to self destruction of others both mind and body. So after exaltation i might be more willing to get rid of his influence on Creation.

Leviathan: Ah yes this guy. I wonder if one of us will carry exaltation of his Solar Mate or his Solar wife.
Magnificent Jaguar?

Contentious Sword?

Tepet Arata?

Tepet Ejava?

:mrgreen: Solar Circle Banishment and Mnemon? :mrgreen:
Oh, Heaven, Leviathan. There's a can of crazy I don't want to deal with. Of course, there are a few other choice incarnations that might be a problem for us- Apparently one of the Big Three of Sorcery was a Zenith, though I don't know a lot about that, any Night Caste has the potential to be FDD's student, and having someone playing one of the Nameless Solar's enemies will make Righteous Devil form a pain in the butt, if we even get to meet him at all (him being down South and all...)

Fallen Wolf should be an interesting work, especially if we can convince him that Redemption is possible...
Personally, I'd love to expose the Black Fleet to the Realm, the Coral Archipelago, and anyone else nearby. I'm not too afraid of the Bishop so long as there are Exalted to oppose him - Toptomcat is right in how he's not much of a military threat, so an effective opposition of his disciples is good enough to keep him bottled (or maybe even defeated). I'd love to take out the Bull though, I really dislike that guy.

Making contact with the Bronze Faction, and certain Lunars, as well as bringing key Terrestrials over to our side would, seem to be at least as important as defining who our enemies would be.

I'm dubious of tipping our hand to what we know though. Taking advantage of it without letting anyone know that we know... that's a bit of a challenge.
When did I say I liked the Bull? He's an unstoppable gloryhound, who is only likely to truly deepen the world's dislike of golden Anathema.

Worse, he doesn't seem to be able to listen to his savants. There are ways and ways of dealing with him, so I'm not too worried so long as we stay off his radar long enough to get a good power base going.

The central problem in all this is, yes, not tipping our hands while still doing some good in the world. It wouldn't be surprising for someone to make the connection "Hey, if a Solar can be turned into an Abyssal... Could an Abyssal be changed into a Solar?"

But to have them actively tell Fallen Wolf "This is how you do it" would turn more heads than we can handle.
Mmmmm. Depends. There aren't many setting players with really good large-scale intelligence networks, and Creation is a very big place. I think we can afford to do quite a bit of good without worrying too much so long as we don't go around flaring our animas.
Well, that's the thing, how do we get Fallen Wolf to believe us? And how do we keep helping him while keeping ourselves discreet?

... Egad, now I understand why Sidereals get headaches.
Fallen wolf might be hard to convince but not impossible. I think he would even be willing to check how much truths it's in what we say.

Our starting location give us some room for choosing our next move but not many of us have any dots in sail so it might turn quite a problem. At beginning at least. But hey, this is why it might turn out as hell of a fun. I imagine myself hanging over edge of the ship suffering from effects of sea sick.

Ah yes. Sids. I won't trust those guys easily. Why? Well Bronze Faction want us dead and Gold Faction want to control us. None of these options is easy to accept. But to think about this other Exalted also won't be easy to communicate. Dragon-blooded... well not much to explain, every one know what's situation look like. But Lunars are even more complicated. Some want to get rid of us some want to kill everyone some want to join us some don't need us.

Now to think of it. How do you guys will react if you meet your Lunar Mate. Who do you think he/she will be for you? Rival, lover, friend or sworn enemy?
... uh, help the one book wonder out here, Fallen Wolf? I've gotten the fact that he's an Abyssal seeking redemption, but that's all I got.

And on plans, there's still the simple fact that we're in the Northwest. What kind of powerbase can we get going? From what I can derive, it ammounts to a fleet of some kind until we can find a port city suitably far enough from the Realm's touch to set up a permanent base of operations. Interacting with the big players should come AFTER we've made up for the fact that we have Resources NONE, Backing, NONE, and Allies NONE. I can feel the hurt implied in that so hard right now. If we run into any kind of Exalt or player of any kind, we should slip away until we can get something of our own going. Probably by a mixture of selling quick little things Ker'ion and I can craft up and one of the more social members of the group talking some people into following/worshiping/holding down the fort for us while we sail about in a ship of whatever size is appropriate.

P.S. - Something occured to me: We'll have Lunar Mates. Somewhere out there in Creation, maybe even on the other side, we each have a Lunar Mate that's probably a full degree of power more dangerous than us.

This can either be really good, or really, REALLY bad.
He's in Abyssals, sorry. Solar converted to Abyssal via a Monstrance. But... He was a little too much on the 'zealotry' side, so the Silver Pimp booted him out of Skullstone and he's been wandering around trying to do good ever since.
Hn, 'Zealotry'? Define that a bit better for me. Devoted to the Deathlords/destruction of Creation/maimburnkill!!! kinda Zealotry or still devoted to the Unconquered Sun or somesuch? Zealotry is only applicable when you define what they're being zealots about :D

((Though I do get the second part just fine, don't worry about that))
If I don't understand, I will ask questions (even when it might be annoying), so don't worry, if it ain't clear, you'll know :mrgreen:

But if he was concerned with the villagers... hm... doing good while seeking redemption... *ponders*

Our best bet would to be to 'run into him' while we're about or have a follower (if we have them) be on the look out for him to tell him (and any other Abyssals we can think of who are seeking redemption) that we might've found a way to bring them back to the light/redeem their souls and shards. We say that we read it in an obscure text that was destroyed when we tried to remove it from the place (possibly our manse if there are other old texts there) so our knowledge is incomplete, but we got something out of it and it seemed relavent. We want to save as many Abyssals as we can with this as well as help the world as best we can, but we don't know any abyssals nor have anyone willing to be tested on. We don't know everything there is to know about Abyssals, but anything he (and any she's we might encounter) can tell us or help us discover would be extremely benificial. We'll keep it cordial, hands off, and untrustworthy as hell on both sides until everyoneis okay with it, but we're willing to give an alliance a try for the sake of saving as many truly repentant abyssals as we can.

Of course, the 'obscure texts' we got our information from were the books from our world which we were 'unable to recover' since we were unable to bring them to Creation. And we don't know everything about Abyssals, just more than the statement implies. We could probably get the beginings of an alliance with Fallen Wolf without tipping our hand at any point of the exchange as long as we've settled in some before we try to pull this of course and can feasibly pass as natives to Creation, if from a different part of it than we're in right then.
Why lie about where we got the info? Direct lies are easy to detect with basic Investigation charms, above and beyond the troubles they cause you when people start asking simple questions or doing a little research. Make bare assertions- throw in a few things that any Abyssal will know, and will also know are not general knowledge, to give us credibility, then tell him enough to help him: a Charm requiring Integrity Essence Flow can get him partway there, the destruction of his Monstrance will help things along, the god Lytek can probably be of aid.
Because "We used to be mortals from another world that got transported via a means we can't reproduce" makes us sound like Wyld-tainted, deranged fools.

... Okay, so maybe... We kinda are BUT THAT'S NOT THE POINT.

Still that should be enough information to get him going, maybe a bit of aid here and there if we run into him again. Again, serendipity should probably guide our tracks.
Like I said, we don't need to explain a damn thing. Tell them what we know, not how we know it. The sheer amount of eerily accurate context we can give with a lot of our advice should be enough to give it quite a bit of credibility even if we don't explain ourselves a whit.
Fabricati said:
Because "We used to be mortals from another world that got transported via a means we can't reproduce" makes us sound like Wyld-tainted, deranged fools.
With me standing over on the side, looking slightly bewildered and interrupting with "I don't know these guys. We just ended up on the same ship and they started acting all crazy." followed by me walking up to him and putting a hand out while showing my concern "But, if you want, come with me and I can show you a way to solve all of your problems."
*[Manip(3) + Socialize(3)] + 1st Socialize Excellency +3 dice from the Jem of the Crafty Merchant + Stunt dice*

That's 15 dice plus a 2 to 3 die stunt. :twisted:
Yeah, that's about right for a two-man con.

Ugh, I keep on thinking of new things to add in or adjust on the character sheet. This should be the last edit.
You know, it occurs to me... We're going to be hunted by the Sidereals even more.

The Gold Faction won't know us, and given what we know, they'll assume we're Bronzies in disguise who know too much and are trying to lure them into a trap - and thus, will try to lure us into a trap. The Bronze will assume the opposite, and thus, will try to lure us into a trap.

Anyway, I suspect needing to Sail is a ways off. First we need to conquer our own personal Northrend, kick Cthulu out, and set it up for some kinda stuff.
Andoriol said:
And on plans, there's still the simple fact that we're in the Northwest. What kind of powerbase can we get going? From what I can derive, it ammounts to a fleet of some kind until we can find a port city suitably far enough from the Realm's touch to set up a permanent base of operations. Interacting with the big players should come AFTER we've made up for the fact that we have Resources NONE, Backing, NONE, and Allies NONE. I can feel the hurt implied in that so hard right now. If we run into any kind of Exalt or player of any kind, we should slip away until we can get something of our own going. Probably by a mixture of selling quick little things Ker'ion and I can craft up and one of the more social members of the group talking some people into following/worshiping/holding down the fort for us while we sail about in a ship of whatever size is appropriate.
P.S. - Something occured to me: We'll have Lunar Mates. Somewhere out there in Creation, maybe even on the other side, we each have a Lunar Mate that's probably a full degree of power more dangerous than us.

This can either be really good, or really, REALLY bad.
As much as I love all the scheming about who we should seek out and what not, Andoriol sums up our problem fairly well. As we stand now, we are not as powerful as most starting Solars, nor do we have the kind of support that's possible to achieve at the beginning of play, so grand schemes should be a bit secondary to getting on an even footing with what's 'out there'. That said, we're starting in an isolated area that we should be able to make our own and convert to our base of operations. Aasharu has basically come out and said that, once we accomplish the task of 'taking over' the island, we'll be quite a bit more powerful than we are now, with a real base from which to operate. I really like the idea of a secret island in the North-West that's ours, so once that happens I'm thinking our 'Step 2' plans may be a little grander than we're currently thinking.

I guess my point is, regardless of what we want to do at the moment, we're going to be faced with the immediate problems faced by the island on which we appear. We really don't know much abut them yet, but I get the feeling they'll be every bit as challenging as the schemes we're currently concocting. After our initial challenges are dealt with however, I wouldn't be surprised if we start to look at Creation's problems from a different perspective than we're currently seeing them. The change in our own circumstances will invariably change how we see things, who potential allies may be, who potential enemies may be, etc. And then, on top of that, will be the storyline that Aasharu himself will be presenting.

Man, I can't wait!

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