[Gaming Group] Real World Exalted

That went well, if not perfectly smoothly. Any after-action stuff anyone wants to say about how well things went and how we might make things work better?

Also: I left the question of what my Hearthstone was and what it did to you, Aasharu. Now that I have it, I'd like to know.
Well, I would like to apologize, just for my general lack of experience. Also, I'm not used to handling play-by-chat games. I'm better at face-to-face, to be honest.

As a boost to my fragile ego, however, is there anything about all this you particularly enjoyed? Or, alternatively, anything in particular you think I should change?

Also, Andoriol and Jakiso, I'd like to set up a time, sometime this week, to run you both through your Exaltation and starting points.
If it counts for anything, I think you did well, from the admittedly small amount I saw. Better than I expect to do if my game ever starts up, but that isn't saying much...

This may have come up already, but the only thing I would recommend is trying to make it more clear when you're still writing, and when you're ready for the players to continue. I'm not sure what would be the best way of doing that, though.
Was a fun session overall, you'll pick things up, online play is considerably different from RL play.

While it was somewhat fair enough, and part of the fact you're not used to it, I likewise felt a little bit put off by the requests to stop talking, writing in bigger more full paragraphs would help.. or just maybe not mind so much if we talk during them, in online play, it's less talking over you, and more just talking IC during events... which would often happen IC.

But yeah, that's just cause you're not experienced with online I imagine, with typing being slower, generally talk will just come where it comes, best to let it slide :)

Exaltation was of course cool, and I liked getting to finally use my charms to do some real damage, heh.

In general the session was fun.. be interesting to see what happens next session ^^
While it was somewhat fair enough, and part of the fact you're not used to it, I likewise felt a little bit put off by the requests to stop talking, writing in bigger more full paragraphs would help.. or just maybe not mind so much if we talk during them, in online play, it's less talking over you, and more just talking IC during events... which would often happen IC.
About that, you could set up a separate window for OOC discussion; that's what I've done for the online games I've been in, and I think it works rather well, though I suppose your mileage may vary. But if you want to keep the main window free of OOC chatter, I believe OpenRPG allows for private group conversations.
Yeah, sorry about that. I kept getting flustered. Didn't help that, in the middle of the most critical parts, I had my dad walk in and start haranguing me about actually get some work done today, moving boxes, and all that.
I think you did quite well for your first session. I don't know about the bit where the geography of the particular portion of the Northwest we're in is an exact duplicate of Warcraft's Northrend, though: it raises too many metafictional issues for me to be comfortable with. If it's the source of a potential future, awesome plot twist, then cool: leave it at that. If it's just for the convenience of having a mapped region, though...
It was originally just for convenience, however, I pride myself on being able to find a plot twist in anything. Don't know about awesome plot twist, but there is a reason for it looking exactly like that.
I'm here I'm here, great balls of fire, I'm here! And I just missed it didn't I? :P

I'm good any time this week aside from Monday or Wedensday, anything else is up to Jakiso's convenience. :D

So, what'd I miss?
I must say I rather like the idea of a second window for OOC chatter. I also think that we might want a signal or recognized convention for Aasharu to say 'settle down guys, narration incoming'. Also we need to improve the flow of how stunt bonuses are allocated- I liked the descrip-then-award-then-roll way as least messy.
Maybe I should post "XI" (for "Exposition Incoming,") before I go off?

Oh, and Toptomcat, you'll be happy to know that I've managed to both think up and refine a plot twist for the similarities to Northrend. Some of you may be pissed off by it, but just because I'm not the sort of GM to torture you too much, doesn't mean I can't have some fun in twisting your expectations and ruining some of your short-term goals. :P
I thought we got all off our Hearthstones, etc. in the game.

And the second chatroom for OOC would be great as well, but I don't know how to set that up, except through Skype or another IM.

Many of us seem to use AIM, so that's a possibility.

Another possibility would be an IRC channel, but I still haven't been able to get my Trillian IRC to work right and I hate mIRC.
Sorry I hadn't answered back. Yesterday was....

Anyway, um... Yeah.

One thing that really did piss me off was being told to wait. Like, really pissed me off. OpenRPG has a frankly huge text-entry buffer, it's not like MSN with it's tiny entry limit.

If you feel the need to narrate something, please use a huge paragraph rather than putting it in


by freaking


by freaking

- please stop, I'm still typing

line by freaking


If you need us to stop trying to act whilst you're typing a paragraph, you can say something like ((Hold on, spam incoming)) or whatever.

Because we're PCs. Whether we're the scummiest level 1 scum-sucking rat-hunters in D&D or the Solar Exalted (which we are), we're going to want to do stuff, awesome stuff, especially in the middle of other awesome stuff.

Like with that laser-beam-emitting oricalcum cone. I had the awesomest idea. I was going to try and use what I know of reflection and the indestructability of my sword to swing the 'beam' - which I had believed to be a persistant beacon-beam, not a single-shot FREEMgun - around, and either saw the ice cap (dropping it on the city) or use it to blast through the formation of bad guys.

I also was quite aggrevated with the way you kept saying 'no' when I kept trying to hoist it up for another shot through the bad guy's ranks. Exalted is the Game of Yes, you couldn't have given us like, four more shots out of it? Besides, how in the hell would we have wrangled it up the stairs without getting overtaken by prawns anyway?

And lastly, I got quite aggrevated (it's hard to overstate my aggrevation) when I was trying to do something violent to the prawns and you kept interrupting me to hear what the guys not fighting were doing. If what they're doing is doable and relevant in combat time, you should have them Join Battle and take Speed 6 Miscellaneous extended actions to get it done.

So, all in all, a fair game from a newbie ST. Don't get down, you didn't do that badly. Just learn from the past.
I had a good time, enjoyed the story and interaction, and thought that, for a first game, you did pretty well. I played in another online game a couple years ago where the ST wrote like you did yesterday, so I just got used to watching for '...is typing' to know when to post or not, but I second the idea that you either write in paragraphs or post 'XI' as a warning that you'll be posting a longer piece of exposition. I also like the idea of a second window for OOC. I don't like OpenRPG's tiny little text box, but that's not something you can change.

One suggestion I'd make is maybe a little more time for player-to-player RPing, but I understand that yesterday you were up against a time constraint, and we were being pressed by a horde of bug-prawn-things.

I'm looking forward to the next game. :)
HowlingCoyote said:
I don't like OpenRPG's tiny little text box, but that's not something you can change.
Yes, it is.

You can drag the text box and resize it - resizing it up reduces the screen real estate devoted to the map.

However, you can't make a second window for OOC without starting a new instance of ORPG, and some people's computers may not be up to that.

I'm looking forward to the next game. :)
Hi. I finally got some decent sleep and i can start thinking now.

Aasharu i have quite elastic possibility for the game any day on the week ( and Saturday also :lol:) So just tell me best day and hour you preffer and I will see what i can do.

As for first game i have one question. Do someone saved record from it? I rally want to see what happened. Or maybe out ST prefer to keep this as secret from us for god plot?
I'd rather not seperate the OOC to be honest.. it leads to more faffing around.. don't see it as a bad thing either, I like a bit of OOC chat during play myself
Jaksio said:
Hi. I finally got some decent sleep and i can start thinking now.
Aasharu i have quite elastic possibility for the game any day on the week ( and Saturday also :lol:) So just tell me best day and hour you preffer and I will see what i can do.

As for first game i have one question. Do someone saved record from it? I rally want to see what happened. Or maybe out ST prefer to keep this as secret from us for god plot?
Ahhh, crap. I forgot to save a log. Sorry.

Did anyone else have a log?

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