[Gaming Group] Real World Exalted

ShadowDragon8685 said:
You scare me, Andoriol.
You scare me a lot.
In what way? I scare a lot of people for different reasons, some people are scared I'm going to be a real mad scientist from the comic books, others are afraid I'm actually going to take over the world, others are bothered by the fact that once I get to know a person I can predict what they're going to do with about an 85% accuracy all the way to being able to think what they're thinking in a situation before they do (depending on how well I know them).

So, honestly, in what way do I scare you? :D

(I make light of it, but it's an honest question, I want to avoid bothering people with all my little idiosynchrisies and mild craziness as best I can, whatever it is that's scaring, I'll do my best to stop bothering you with it)

Andoriol said:
It was going to have a mega-cannon-sized shoulder-mounted fire flower that could spray exploding seeds like a mini-missile barrage on one shoulder, a pod-shaped Essence pulse cannon on the other shoulder that basically deals x dice worth of damage and x as a movement penalty to the target as years of plant growth just pour over the target, an acid-style spray weapon like the forest god's blood off of Hellboy 2: The Golden Army (about an hour in, the stuff tears buildings apart and starts doing the miracle grow crap) on it's arm, Wood Dragon's Claws for hands and an Essence pulse flight booster.

Armor would be an Essence-empowered version of the skin of an Elemental Dragon of Wood, but created where it used the energy of pure Essence to grow, so it sucks up some of the damage of Essence weapons and natural light-based weapons, such as Solar / Lunar bolt attacks and converts it to fuel.

This along with full genesis level regeneration and being able to grow new parts from seed pods about covers everything I was wanting to do.

If you want to be my lab assistant, I don't have a problem with that. *shrug*
Assistant? Meh, more assistant/partner really, but it'll work. I honestly hadn't gotten into working out how it works mostly because I only have the core book and don't have any warstriders to work off of.

But reading over this, you seem to be missing both thorns and natural poisons, two majorly nasty things about plants... and we could probably forgo making it purely plant based or just a single plant and make it a colony, kinda like a Man-of-War, the weapons being specially grown plants for said purposes while the main body is a single plant... you'd probably want to put spikes on the back that can hold some form of fungi that can hold and digest corpses to fuel this thing in standby mode so it doesn't take absurd amounts of Essensce to keep alive or keep it growing... hmmm... *ponders*
... Man, and all I wanted to do was become an immensely sarcastic, yet superb teacher in most forms of peculiar power.

The Athletics stuff was mostly for extra stunt fodder.

You two got me beat.
Hey, I can make all the equipment our military (groups) use, you can teach them how to use it and make sure they're not dumb as stumps. Teaching is important :D

And to quote: "Shoot for the moon, even if you miss, you land amongst the stars." Overacheiving is fun, if irritating when people get mad at you for it.
Andoriol said:
And to quote: "Shoot for the moon, even if you miss, you land amongst the stars." Overacheiving is fun, if irritating when people get mad at you for it.
I prefer the comparison to Babe Ruth: he may have been the all-time strike-out king, but he also held the record for most home-runs. Swing for the fences!

But, to each his own.

Also, you two, and your Twilight schtick, are really illustrating why I, whose profession is actually based on Craft, am definitely not a Twilight. Man, you two come up with some crazy stuff. That's not criticism, more a statement of amazement.
Theoretical Science, it's what I do. 'Cept in Exalted, the theoretical becomes reality quite easily. I am simultaneously crazy enough to understand quantum mechanics, photons, and superstring-theory without any headaches, intelligent enough to apply those to reality, and sane enough to not lose sight of what is and isn't possible. I independantly came up with the concept of a Coil-Gun before I'd ever heard of rail-, coil-guns or any other magnet-based weaponry. And we're giving me a Solar Twilight Shard. There will be SCIENCE.
Actuality that is the same reason why twilight scare shit out of me. Personally i think twilight are most dangerous solars under influence of great curse. Those guys can craft and shape world around them selfs to level beyond greatest dreams and worst nightmares. Blinded by great curse and striped from their own humanity they believed that they crated better perfect world. No matter that they sacrificed body's, minds and souls of millions innocent people. For them they were just insect.
Jaksio said:
Actuality that is the same reason why twilight scare shit out of me. Personally i think twilight are most dangerous solars under influence of great curse. Those guys can craft and shape world around them selfs to level beyond greatest dreams and worst nightmares. Blinded by great curse and striped from their own humanity they believed that they crated better perfect world. No matter that they sacrificed body's, minds and souls of millions innocent people. For them they were just insect.
I definitely agree with you on this one, bad things can happen if a Twilight looses sight of their morals. Hopefully it won't happen to me, but it's a definite risk. Hopefully we'll have an equivalent of Kamina that can smack us around (or we can smack each other around) when we start getting too arrogant/corrupt/heartless.
Unfortunately our characters know about great curse and this knowledge is even greater burden. We know that there will be times that we will act completely different than usual. That with time we will become corrupted by this paranoia if we wont find a way to get rid of it.

And this is one of many challenges before us. I think that Creation won't survive more that 2-3 decades, so we don't have much time. This will be really a true gamble with fate of many beings at stake.
While we do know about the curse, it's going to affect us in a particularly unique way, so we may have as little control over it as any other Solar, despite our knowledge. I have no idea how it's going to manifest in myself, so I can't prepare for it, while I could at least direct it if I knew which of the traditional curses was affecting me. We have more knowledge about Creation than just about anyone other than Jupiter but, combined with our unique manifestations of the curse, that could be even worse for Creation if we can't manage to control ourselves. I plan on always asserting partial control (if I can), and not seeing the true extent of how the curse affects me.
Jaksio said:
Lemme guess that this warstrider will be a egg size seed that only need few tick for grown into gigantic weapon of flowery destruction mode, and all he need is some water and sunlight to activate. Hmmm... I don't thing that swallowing it by solar will be good idea.
Andoriol said:
But reading over this, you seem to be missing both thorns and natural poisons, two majorly nasty things about plants... and we could probably forgo making it purely plant based or just a single plant and make it a colony, kinda like a Man-of-War, the weapons being specially grown plants for said purposes while the main body is a single plant... you'd probably want to put spikes on the back that can hold some form of fungi that can hold and digest corpses to fuel this thing in standby mode so it doesn't take absurd amounts of Essence to keep alive or keep it growing... hmmm... *ponders*
It will most likely have to be grown in it's separate parts which are seeds when they start. Each seed was going to be a separate plant-form that would probably take a day or three to mature to full size and then be added to the base warstrider that took a month to grow on it's own.

So, half-a-dozen plants combined into one big artifact.

Grow the weapons on the field and then attach them to the main system for tons of fun.

The digestive-acidic spray was covering the poison part, as some plants do that instead.

Using corpses as a food source for the plants would be a great idea though and we can internalize the feeding chamber somewhat to keep up appearances. It'll probably still need the occasional day in the sun and some water to stay nice and healthy.

As for the assistant thing, I was just messing with you. Equal credit works fine for fixing the world.

And I'm leaning towards being a mad-scientist Eclipse, thankyouverymuch.

Silly Twilights and their Solar-only Charm limits.
It will most likely have to be grown in it's separate parts which are seeds when they start. Each seed was going to be a separate plant-form that would probably take a day or three to mature to full size and then be added to the base warstrider that took a month to grow on it's own.

So, half-a-dozen plants combined into one big artifact.

Grow the weapons on the field and then attach them to the main system for tons of fun.

Using corpses as a food source for the plants would be a great idea though and we can internalize the feeding chamber somewhat to keep up appearances. It'll probably still need the occasional day in the sun and some water to stay nice and healthy.
What about leaf-wings? Using a basic design similar to the classic feathered angel wings with leaves (or pine needles) instead of feathers we can get maximum surface area as well as giving the system the ability to adjust to get the greatest amount of sunlight, we could also use the wings as radiators, using the normal fluid channels (veins) in the leaves to pump the hot water from activity from the rest of the unit back up through the 'wings' and allow it to dissipate into the environment easily due to the considerable surface area.

Making the enemy-corpse-consumption system into an internal chamber could be problematic depending on the size of the unit, and unless we're going for something the size of an Eva, we're probably going to want the Corpse-Consumption-Chamber to limit to a single (large) human-sized corpse or amount of dead material.

If we are making it big, we'll want to dot the thing with several inch thorns in order to deter people from climbing up it in combat as well as using directed posion weapons, needle-firing systems, or other some such way to deliver poisons aside from just getting eaten. Allowing the unit to secrete a corrosive oil from its claws and/or thorns would also be a good idea, similar to poison-ivy only more powerful.
How about an anticoagulant poison so that they just bleed out while trying to get past the thorns?

Simple, yet effective.

Further thoughts will be brought up later after I work on curing this insomnia.


I like the design of those little helicopter-like seedlings for "feathers" on the wings, personally. Naturally aerodynamic.
Please stop talking about your's crazy artifacts ideas. It start freaking me out. :lol:

But seriously now. If our twilights will teach the rest of us some exotic crafts and charms we will be able to build things really fast. Also I'm pretty sure that on this island we will find some first age workshop manses and some books or some other records of ancient techniques to craft true wonders.
And unfortunately, I have to quote the Mask here. "But fiiiiiiiiiiiirst-"

- We have to deal with whatever's on the aboveground.

- We have to deal with the Prawns who might come at us in a mass-combat frame.

- We need to deal with siddy death squads.

In short, while I love the idea of saving Fate and Creation itself, surviving is totally first.
Fabricati said:
And unfortunately, I have to quote the Mask here. "But fiiiiiiiiiiiirst-"
- We have to deal with whatever's on the aboveground.

- We have to deal with the Prawns who might come at us in a mass-combat frame.

- We need to deal with siddy death squads.

In short, while I love the idea of saving Fate and Creation itself, surviving is totally first.
Thank you.

I'm all for recreating indoor plumbing, the heat pump, etc. and all, but killing the thing trying to kill me till it's dead comes first. Though with any luck we won't attract any Siddy's for a while, esspecially considering that we're probably outside of the purview of Fate and all.
Fabricati said:
And unfortunately, I have to quote the Mask here. "But fiiiiiiiiiiiirst-"
- We have to deal with whatever's on the aboveground.

- We have to deal with the Prawns who might come at us in a mass-combat frame.

- We need to deal with siddy death squads.

In short, while I love the idea of saving Fate and Creation itself, surviving is totally first.
I must admit that you're right. If we can't save each other then we can't even dream about saving creation.

First we need training and while at it we will garter resources and followers. There should be some on this island. Also prepare some counter measures against Sids ,Silver Prince, League, Realm and Raksha. Man this will take at least year or two, maybe even more. Also improving island live and governing it plus retrieving as much first age technology as possible. Man and how the hell we will agree those things between our selfs?

Probably best course of action will be using our caste roles. Eclipses will take care of government and trade. Dawn will take military. Twilights, education and R&D thingy. Zenith will spread religion and Increase our Cult Background ( essence regeneration will be always useful). Finally Night will create and use information nets, intelligence and counter-intelligence cells and infiltration actions.

Andoriol said:
Thank you.

I'm all for recreating indoor plumbing, the heat pump, etc. and all, but killing the thing trying to kill me till it's dead comes first. Though with any luck we won't attract any Siddy's for a while, esspecially considering that we're probably outside of the purview of Fate and all.
We don't know that we are outside of fate. And even if we are our actions and influence might not be. This alone might bring attention of viziers to investigate further.
Jaksio said:
Andoriol said:
Thank you.

I'm all for recreating indoor plumbing, the heat pump, etc. and all, but killing the thing trying to kill me till it's dead comes first. Though with any luck we won't attract any Siddy's for a while, esspecially considering that we're probably outside of the purview of Fate and all.
We don't know that we are outside of fate. And even if we are our actions and influence might not be. This alone might bring attention of viziers to investigate further.
True, though considering the Neverborn are outside of fate, it is certainly a possibility that we are. I'm not saying we should bet and act as if we were outside of fate, merely keep the possibility in mind. Thing is, at what point do we start attracting Siddy attention? Building a power base of any kind could bring them running (which if this is the case, it confuses me as to why the Bull of the North isn't very, very dead at this point).

Regardless, our first concern should be to stay alive and ensure that we can remain so, then determine the best course of action from there. If becoming the God-Kings (and Queen) pantheon of a small island nation is a viable option, I'm all for it. But if there are no people already on the island, we're going to have to decide on another course of action.
... This might be a bad time, but I'm opposed to making ourselves god-kings while we still lack the ability to hear and answer prayers. Better the worship go to the Unconquered Sun and the Incarnae and/or a few other gods (The Right Hand of Power and 5DD for a start) than to us.

Better we be seen as servants in any case levied against us in Heaven than as usurping idiots.

As for the Bull of the North, the Sidereals already tried. And the Bull was somehow simply too badass to take out without the Sidereals screwing the pooch on their secret. Yeah, I'm not sure why either.
Fabricati said:
... This might be a bad time, but I'm opposed to making ourselves god-kings while we still lack the ability to hear and answer prayers. Better the worship go to the Unconquered Sun and the Incarnae and/or a few other gods (The Right Hand of Power and 5DD for a start) than to us.
Better we be seen as servants in any case levied against us in Heaven than as usurping idiots.
This. I agree. Setting themselves up as god-kings was the First Age Solar's step one on the path that led to the Usurpation, and I don't plan on following.
Ah, touche' (curse the lack of accented letters in the english language) Fabricati, touche'. I failed to take that into account when I was planning. There's still the possibility that we might be seen as gods, though considering that, we may not wish to encourage it. Though that's really up to the rest of the group considering that I have a very limited knowledge of the setting and its fluff.
OK, so... I was a bit inspired by Andoriol posting a pic to his character sheet, so I added one to mine. I'm still working on it, but it's basically the Crown of Thunders and the Eclipse caste mark added to a pic I did of myself a few years ago while I was still wearing contacts. Yeah, it's a total exercise in uber-geeky ego-stroking, but... isn't that the whole point of this game?
Phew! I was worried I was going to be the only one to do that! :oops:

Yours is actually nicer than mine, curse you! :P

Mine was actually me doing surprisingly well and accidently getting a pretty good anime-esque representation of myself rather than actively trying to make an exalted self-portrait... though I might actually try to make one of those now that someone else put up a picture.
We can always try to use Gaia Online avatar maker if you don't have any talent to use a pencil ( like me for example). Actually i make one for my mortal self but i can't put it on my post. I can't figure it out.

EDIT' Ok never mind, i managed to put it on my posts now time for making Exalted one.
Damn, damn, damn.

So, we have downright moronic internet service at my house. My mother is being driven right up a wall - she's organizing a major event, and is unable to get to her emails. Anyways, there is a distinct possibility that I won't be able to run the game on Saturday, due to not having any appreciable internet. So, prepare for that eventuality.

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