[Gaming Group] Real World Exalted

Does anyone else think it would be a good idea to ask Flagg to move this thread and the one with our characters to the 'Gaming Groups' section? Having a forum sub-heading of its own, the game could have threads for particular topics, characters, game logs, IC and OOC posts, etc.
It could be moved to the ECR's PbP forums, but some of us would have to make accounts over there.
Looking forward to the next game.

I really, really hope it lasts more than two/three hours. I was really enjoying it, even if it had some hitches.

It can't go worse than tonight's Star Wars game. I was obliged to kick a player, with all the drama trauma which that entails.
Weighing in; I thought it was fun as heck! Really ended up missing those smashfists in the fight, though; I suppose it fits.

As an aside, was I supposed to be doing something else important in that fight? I couldn't think of anything Zenith-y to do. I just went "... Hm, they're probably doing something important, I'd better keep these jerks off their back."

... Come to think, that is kinda Zenith-y.
Are you kidding?

You went Steve Irwin on a Soldamned Cthulu-Prawn.

That's Zenith all the way. You need to take a Martial Arts speciality of (Wrenglin' +3).
Jaksio said:
Aasharu i have quite elastic possibility for the game any day on the week ( and Saturday also :lol:) So just tell me best day and hour you preffer and I will see what i can do.
I'm pretty flexible, aside from Monday or Wedensday, I'm good for a run through.
I am, for the next week, two, or three at least, gloriously unemployed, so any day of the week, any time, is good for me; but I do not expect this condition to last. Also, I have to GM a Star Wars RPG on Sundays, from 6 'till late.
I thought we got all off our Hearthstones, etc. in the game.
And the second chatroom for OOC would be great as well, but I don't know how to set that up, except through Skype or another IM.

Many of us seem to use AIM, so that's a possibility.

Another possibility would be an IRC channel, but I still haven't been able to get my Trillian IRC to work right and I hate mIRC.
OpenRPG allows you to create whisper groups, which sounds good for what you want, though... I don't know how to use them. I can't experiment and figure it out, since I believe I would need some test subjects to create one...

HowlingCoyote said:
One suggestion I'd make is maybe a little more time for player-to-player RPing, but I understand that yesterday you were up against a time constraint, and we were being pressed by a horde of bug-prawn-things.
One game I was in had a decent way of handling this.... The Storyteller seemed to plan sessions so that they usually ended with some free time for the group to relax and interact among themselves, generally RPing after the session had officially ended. It wasn't perfect, as players often left before much could be done, but it did give everyone a chance to have some downtime for character development once in a while.

Although I did find myself wishing for a bit more time in the game itself, so I guess I wouldn't recommend relying entirely on downtime either...
FluffySquirrel said:
Huh?.. we're moving game time?.. I thought Aasharu was just asking those guys so he could run a catchup exaltation session for them
Exactly what FluffySquirrel said.

Your's circle is not completed ( my night caste join in and we will get one perfect). So we will join you guys on Saturday but our exaltation will have different place and different circumstances. Not that i mention it, only solar caste that don't show in two are zenith and night, complete opposites toward each other.

I have question toward players. On what future concept do you base you characters?

For example I created my solar more on concept of manipulative peace keeping master spy and guardian from the shadows than a master assassin( doesn't mean i don't know how to work that way thanks to archery + caste Abilities). So i can use my skills to create riots in enemy cities that we get under siege by spreading rumors ( Socialize), fight against rouge spirits ( god, raksha, demons and undead) by better understanding them and use of sorcery ( Occult), Finding all dirty secrets of my enemies or discovering all their evil plots( Investigation) and not gone mad from all of these or being dragged on the wrong side of the fence( Integrity). So yeah. I might not be best at direct confrontation in physical or social combat but that not how Night caste do their job anyway.
Actually, I can't do Tuesday, something came up, it looks like thursday afternoon-ish will be the best time for those of us that missed the first game to get our time in. :D
Jaksio said:
I have question toward players. On what future concept do you base you characters?
My concept is to be a courier and diplomat between mortal societies, and a mediary between mortals and spirits or exalted, aiming to build up mortal societies so that they are secure, stable, and in peace with each other. I want to use UMI as little as possible. Given that sail is a caste ability for me, I can also see being part of a ship's crew.

As for combat, I'm focusing on melee. I'm not looking to be the Invincible Sword Prince to ShadowDragon's Invincible Sword Princess - I'm just not really going to pick up too much in the way of archery, martial arts, thrown, or war. I am going to pick up another specialization (two weapons +1), and fight as a dual-wielding duelist. So... getting even one weapon is also a priority.

I have a question of my own for our esteemed ST: we picked up 5xp at the end of the session - can we spend it? I want to increase my melee from 3 to 4, which costs 5xp. I know that we have no 'training time', but favored abilities have an 'immediate' training time.
If the training time is 'immediate', then...

You can just snap your fingers and raise it, provided you have the cover fee.

This is especially fun if you save up a lot of XP and go from, say, Martial Arts 1 to Martial Arts 5 in the span of an eyeblink.
Jaksio said:
I have question toward players. On what future concept do you base you characters?
If stuck in Creation, I'd be a Kung-Fu-Wizard!!!11!1!

Well, really, that's not completely off. I've always been a bit of a Jack-of-All-Trades, Master-of-One, which has always been understanding and building stuff. For the most part, I want to settle into a support role in most situations, let the specialist do the job while I just run interference, be the Go-fer, cover the exits, be the sneak-in buddy, etc. etc.

Someone needs medical attention? On it, won't be pretty or painless, but it'll work.

Need food in the wilderness? Got it, won't be eating well, but we'll be eating.

Need to plan a battle? Got it, can't match Napoleon, but I got it.

Just don't ask me to talk to people, I'm usually not good at that.

But, when it comes to functional machines, equipment, figuring out how something works, when something needs repairs, or just to improve somethings function, I (hope) to be the go-to-guy.

When it comes to fighting, I'm thinking more along the lines of hit-and-run tactics, using speed/athletics charms to zip around the edges of the battlefield until there's an opening and then rush in and unleash a rain of martial arts blows on them which (if it doesn't kill/seriously injure them outright) should open it up for someone else to finish them off. If someone needs to get 'civillians' out of the fighting area, that's more my thing, I plan on favoring resistance and dodge so I can get whatever work I need to get done unimpeded and/or take hits for someone.

While I'll definitely carry weapons and be reasonably good with them, I probably won't be using them much (or have many charms for them), instead using Solar Hero Style and custom (ST approved) spells as my main form of offense. Dodging most attacks and hopefully tricking my opponent into thinking I'm a 'Fragile Speedster' (Trademark) when I'm actually better at soaking damage.

Bassically, a support unit in most respects, but a really good craftsman.
Jaksio said:
I have question toward players. On what future concept do you base you characters?
Well, my character was always going to be the "Bulwark" of the group. Hit me as much as you want, I'll just get right. Back. Up. That applies to both social and normal combat, so in the future I'll probably be picking up the Integrity tree as well as going back and picking up Iron Kettle Body, Resistance Excellencies, Survival Charms, and of course, Terrestrial Circle stuff aimed at helping a large group get out of the wilderness in short order and/or alive.

After that? Well, I'd probably have picked up Summon Elemental, and I've always been interested in a Supernatural Martial Arts-based character, and I'll probably just pick up Stealth Charms where I can. Because there's really no better way to be rid of the Wyld Hunt than to simply vanish into fat air.
My general concept is the inventor with the ability to pull the crushing of your bones into powder and the socializing you until you think shoving your head up your own @$$ is an excellent idea.

And I've currently got a Lethal and Bashing soak of friggin' 12, before armor. Right out of the gate.

I really want to build the plant based warstrider concept though.
Aasharu said:
Also, have no net, using my phone. Play things by ear for a bit.
Dang, that's gotta suck.

I really want to build the plant based warstrider concept though.
Why you son-ova-

That was my idea! :P / :D

Plants: Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Hydrogen, these comprise over 95% of a plant's structure. A plant is therefore, built almost entirely out of water, air, and sunlight. The air I breathe provides Nitrogen and Carbon Dioxide, the water beneath me is my Oxygen and Hydrogen, and my will, the power of the Unconquered Sun, is the energy to put it together.

Craftsman Needs No Tools. Craft: Genisis.
I've never noticed this before but the rules on p244 contradict the rules on p274, concerning training times for combos. On p244, it says it takes 3x the sum of the minimum abilities, in days, to learn a combo (as a general rule). Then on p274, it says it takes 1x the sum, in days, if the character is tutored in the combo, 2x the sum if the character has details of the combo but no tutor, and 4x the sum if the character creates the combo.

Here's my issue: what's the difference between 'knows the details' and 'creates the combo'? A character able to learn a combo must first know all the charms involved, and the combo can only be created according to set rules, so what 'details' could the character not possibly know? If a character has no tutor, then they are are basically creating the combo from scratch... and so take 2x, 3x, or 4x the sum of the minimum abilities to learn the combo?

I checked the Scroll of Errata as well as the Exalted wiki, and found nothing to clarify the rule or where I may be going wrong. Idea? ST ruling?
Andoriol said:
I really want to build the plant based warstrider concept though.
Why you son-ova-
That was my idea! :P / :D
My dream, my idea.
I even mentioned it during last session. :mrgreen:

It was going to have a mega-cannon-sized shoulder-mounted fire flower that could spray exploding seeds like a mini-missile barrage on one shoulder, a pod-shaped Essence pulse cannon on the other shoulder that basically deals x dice worth of damage and x as a movement penalty to the target as years of plant growth just pour over the target, an acid-style spray weapon like the forest god's blood off of Hellboy 2: The Golden Army (about an hour in, the stuff tears buildings apart and starts doing the miracle grow crap) on it's arm, Wood Dragon's Claws for hands and an Essence pulse flight booster.

Armor would be an Essence-empowered version of the skin of an Elemental Dragon of Wood, but created where it used the energy of pure Essence to grow, so it sucks up some of the damage of Essence weapons and natural light-based weapons, such as Solar / Lunar bolt attacks and converts it to fuel.

This along with full genesis level regeneration and being able to grow new parts from seed pods about covers everything I was wanting to do.

If you want to be my lab assistant, I don't have a problem with that. *shrug*
Lemme guess that this warstrider will be a egg size seed that only need few tick for grown into gigantic weapon of flowery destruction mode, and all he need is some water and sunlight to activate. Hmmm... I don't thing that swallowing it by solar will be good idea.

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