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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

The coordinates are longitude δ187.413 latitude β612.942 altitude 4314 wait until dave gives the signal whick will be exicuted by me
Afrien : Keep Puking

You continue to puke Jade Blood onto the ground, as the wind keeps pulling it out. Oh well, no one will miss you if you die.

"Uh... I think all the bad blood is gone. You should probably stop so he doesn't die of blood loss."

Shadow: Stop

She pulled back, frantic. "S-sorry...just making sure...Afrien...are you okay? Feeling better?" She asked, putting a soft hand on his back. She almost killed him!...oops...he'll never forgive her for this...

@Midnight Phantom
Duke: Enter coordinates

You enter into the interface longitude δ187.413, latitude β612.942, and altitude 4314. Okay, that was pretty easy, you're surprised it took this long just to enter a target. Then again, you don't know jack shit about in-game alien tech.

Duke: So when do I get to press the big red button?

@Kurai Okami

You stop, blinking. You had no idea you were the one doing that. And now you regretted it. Fudge... What on earth was a Rage Slug..? You didn't... You didn't do that, did you..?
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Shadow looked at him with sad eyes. He looked so sad...and she couldn't think of one thing to help besides fighting with Aura and killing ogres and imps...but he can't be fighting with his condition right now. "Afrien...I'm really sorry...so please...say something?" She said sadly, gently rubbing his back. She hated seeing him like this...

@Midnight Phantom
Afrien : Spit

You spit out the residual trace of blood in your mouth.

"Mind control fucking sucks.

Deust : Laugh

It seems Afrien has returned to normal.

"Well, it seems like he is alright."

Afrien : Stand

You push yourself off the ground, swaying a bit.

"God that slug tasted like shit."

@ShadowHuntress @MoltenLightning
Shadow quickly stood up and steadied him. "Please be careful! You still aren't completely steady." She said, though with concern instead of it sounding like a command. She didn't want him getting angry again.

@Midnight Phantom

You rub your temples, sighing in frustration.

"I swear to goodness... How on Earth did you get that slug, where did it come from and how did anything that just happened... Happen!?"
"Tch. Only a pussy goes down from this much blood loss. I am fine."

Deust : Sigh

He really is back to normal.

"I think those slugs live in symbiosis with the Ogres. Filling them with anger and making them warriors, while drinking from their large supply of blood. While Afrien was committing a genocide against them down here, one must have popped out of a corpse, and into his mouth."

@ShadowHuntress @MoltenLightning

Afrien : Approach Cannon

You wander away, walking towards the Orbital Cannon.
Shadow watches him with uncertainty and worry. He was going to get himself killed if he didn't rely on the rest of them more...

"What matters now is that we now know to be careful of the ogres alive but dead as well. One wrong move and we could have one of those Rage Slugs in our systems and I don't know if I could handle doing that anymore at the level I'm at." She said, looking at both Deust and Aura.

@Midnight Phantom @MoltenLightning
"That... Is disgusting. I'm just glad I could help. I almost thought I would have had to... I don't know, attack him? Yeah. I was like that a little bit ago, but that was because of my aspect... I might even be immune. That would be nice... But, I'm not going to assume that. We just have to be more careful."

You walk back to the Orbital Cannon as well, rubbing your face. Great, now there are more angry things... You might have activated those slug when you aroused those Ogres, or you might not have. It just sucked...
Dave: Instuct Duke

TG: the troll isnt responding so you need to do this

TG: longitude δ187.413

TG: latitude β612.942

TG: altitude 4314

TG: then wait until i give the signal to fire

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Duke: Answer Tro-er, Human

QA: Been there, done that.

QA: The coordinates are already entered, I'm just waiting for the signal to fire this baby.

QA: Also, I know it's odd to be asking at the end of my post instead of the beginning, but who're you?

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TG: dave strider

TG: knight of time in another session

TG: i already know you

TG: duke solomon mage of void

TG: no time for small talk yo

TG: get ready.....

TG: .....

TG: aim.....

TG: .....

TG: fire

Shadow: Watch

Shadow stood where she was beside Deust and watched the launch. She didn't know what it would do, but hopefully it would help Prospit...or they just did something that was totally pointless and cost the lives of several dream selves. She hoped they could trust whomever was telling them what to do...whoever it was.
Cannon: Fire

The cannon rumbles, then fires a giant energy beam into the sky.

Meanwhile, in space, a giant black-and-white ball flies past LONAP.

Suddenly, an energy beam cuts through space, hitting the ball directly in the middle. The ball splits apart, revealing a glowing green core. The beam cuts through the core, making it destruct. The sky is filled with a brilliant green glow.

@Nawmoo @Kurai Okami @Midnight Phantom @MoltenLightning @ShadowHuntress
Shadow shielded her eyes as she watched. It was a pretty green but somewhat brighter than she liked. But she was happy it worked. She walked over to the others and continued to watch, but wondering what they would do now.

Afrien : Celebrate

You run around flipping off the sky and laughing.

Deust : Celebrate

You cheer at the sky and laugh heartily.

"Well, guess that settles that."
Duke: Break the bad news

TG: dont celebrate just yet

TG: derse isnt down for the count yet

TG: theyre making another of those bombs

TG: itll take two weeks for them to make another though

TG: you have to ascend before then and stop them

@Midnight Phantom
Aura: Whoa.

You watch the beam, then watch the sky turn green. Wait. Was this what the apocalypse looks like!? You run back to the Orbital Cannon, looking for Ken. You'd wanted to know what was going on...

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