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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

"Ken, the sky is freaking me out!"

You shout as you run towards him. You then inform him of the events with Afrien, in case he didn't catch it. Though, you were more worried about the situation at hand, so you tried keeping it brief.
Duke: Pull out something for special occasion

You pull out a toy button from your shirt and place it down. You give it a push, and wait for something to happen.


"That was easy."

Duke: Be satisfied

Ah, you've always wanted to use that thing in an ironic situation...or would it be un-ironic...Eh, you can't really tell the difference, who care.

Duke: Just dance

You once again do a little jig in celebration of doing something good and/or beneficial. You move like a majestic beast on the dance floor, "totally owning it."
Shadow: Worry

She has to Ascend? But...she's so behind the others...and most of the ways to gain more rungs was fighting imps and the like...she didn't want to hurt anyone or anything else...she sat down against what she thought looked like some weird version of a tree and pulled her knees to her chest. If only Teddysprite hadn't just vanished, she could ask him...


You ran by, staring at the sky and flipping out. You try hiding, but its no use. THE SKY IS GOING TO DESTROY EVERYONE!!!


Normally, you would never have just shouted whatever was on your mind, but you were terrified out of your wits.

Aura: Try and be relieved

You would, if Sharil wasn't screaming like a lunatic.
"WHAT!?... Oh. S-sorry..."

You face palm. Of course it wasn't the end of the world, what were you thinking?


Aura: Relax

You relax, just happy that that was over with.

"So, whats our next plan?"
A small consort of kersins begins nipping at auras heels. he probably does not know what he is doing since he is so young, and possibly lost. The Forest of the Forgotten was very near them, yet they did not know of it.


OK, so, heres the dealio. we are going to go back to my house and alchemize a few weapons.

i found a few shiny objects whilst i was walking around before i met that scout so im p sure we can alchemize something p cool.

Yes p cool weapons will be... p cool


the duo continued back to the house together.

Aura: Pick it up

You grab the cute... Um... Glowing lizard thing. Was he lost? Who knew. You showed him to Ken.


You have no clue why you wanted to name him Smith, it just felt right. Then you realize what Ken said.

"Wait, ASCEND!? Right now?! But I have no clue what my level is!"
Aura: Consult Sprite

You bring out PuffieSprite, who seemed to be waiting for you.

"Aura your rung is-"



PuffieSprite: Feel jealous

You start growling as you stare at the other reptile.

"PuffieSprite??? Hey! Sorry, what was that?"

"Yeah, um, your rung is 89."

"How the fudge..?"

"You used your powers several times, even killing underlings with them."

"Oh. That is pretty friggin' awesome!"


Aura: Question Ken

"Hey Ken, whats your rung?"

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Shadow watched them and sighed. She wasn't needed, but it's not like she could leave either. She needed Ken to get back to her hive...or the communal hive stem. Which ever he decided. Teddysprite disappeared and now she felt alone. She wondered where she was at, but it wasn't like she could another sprite. Where had they come from anyway? Did they follow them?
"SERIOUSLY?! My fudge! Whats the title of my rung, PuffieSprite?"

"Passing Storm."


"I... Don't know."

"Ooookay... So, Ken, how should we level up more?"
"Uh...I don't know. Teddysprite disappeared, so it's not like I can ask. But what about you? You've gotten quite strong in such a short time, right? What rung are you at?" She asked with a smile. She didn't want to get her down. It was her problem, not Charlotte's.

"Uh...okay..." She said, glancing over at Ken. At least she would be heading back to her hive. She then looked at Aura and began to ponder that herself. It sounded like some sort of boss...it wasn't going to hurt anyone, was it?
Duke: God, this already sounds like one big clus-...um...I mean big can of worms.

Duke: Remember

Oh yeah, Aura doesn't like swearing. Good catch of the tongue.

Duke: So, where do we start with this mess?


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