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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

Amanda: Become exhausted

Amanda collapsed onto her bed and looked at the ceiling. "Hey RoboKitty, what rung am I at now?"

"You are at rung 83."

She threw her arms above her and yelled happily. "Yes! I'm awesome!"

"Don't get ahead of yourself. You aren't God Tier yet."

"Which brings me to the ever reoccurring question of What. Can. I. Do?"

RoboKitty paused before answering. "You can steal another's thoughts. That is what a Thief of Mind is capable of."

"Steal...thoughts...? How would I do that?"

"That is something you will need to figure out on your own."

Amanda groaned. Some guide he was....
JF: H3y! So, ! r3ach3d rung l3v3l 83 and....that's !t. RoboK!tty won't t3ll m3 Anyth!ng about b3!ng a Th!3f of M!nd b3s!d3s that ! can appar3ntly st3am thoughts? What3fur, ! gu3ss.

JF: What k3pt you so busy? G3t yours3lf a g!rl fur!3nd wh!l3 !n th!s d3ath gam3?

She sent it with a smirk. Let's see if this pissed him off or not.

JF: Oh....w3ll, okay.

JF: G!v3 m3 a m!nut3

She quickly took a picture of her room and sent it too Ken...after making sure RoboKitty was in his crystal necklace...thing.

JF: Th3r3! Now do your t3l3port!ng mag!c!


"Nope. Just couldn't find him..." She said, looking at the purple lake. She had an orange necklace around her neck, though she didn't know it was there.

@Midnight Phantom
"Freud, locate Teddysprite."

"Teddysprite is currently within Shadow's pendant."

"Tell him to come out."

Freud : Try

"He refused."

"Tell him his motherfucking pendant is getting shattered, and him with it, unless he gets his stupid ghost ass out here."

"I will pass that on."

Theo and Victor had made it back to the house and had begun alchemizing things creating the CRYSTALINE AXE from a HARD CRYSTAL and THE AXE, a STARTER SWORD from the SWORD your grandparents had brought home once and the BROKEN PLASTIC SWORD, you had also alchemized a THEIFS HOODIE from your BLACK HOODIE a SUCKY THEIF COSTUME, and your IPOD.

Alright i think we r good to go.

I like this sword.

Hehe smae
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Shadow looked at him, confused. "What pendant? I don't wear a pendant." She said, looking down. Her confused expression became deeper as she touched the pendant. "Where did this come from?" Was all she could ask before it glowed and Teddysprite appeared. She looked at him with surprise before bolting up and hugging him. "I thought you left me."

"Never. I just figured you needed some time to grow on your own." He said, hugging her back.

@Midnight Phantom

Amanda: Be amazed

Oh, she was. She jumped up, knocking her bow and quiver over in the process.
"Amazing! So cool! Please tell me how you did that! Can I do it too? Wait, purrobably not. But still, cool!"


You grab the lizard from your hand where he was biting you. He... Accidentally does stuff with your BRACETOP.

- domineeringConflagration [DC] started pestering artisticMage [AM] -




DC: Oh. Hi Theo, lovely day...

DC: Oh fudge!!

DC: We need to get you here ASAP!!

DC: Ask your sprite what level you are, hurry!!!

DC: Oh wait!

DC: You know what?!

DC: Teddysprite, Deust and I are all orange... THIS MUCH BE FIXED!!!

"Hmm...." She ran around her room, grabbing a bag and stuffing clothes, games, extra quivers, arrows, and....oh! She ran out of her room and grabbed a few of her books that her parents made her keep downstairs. She loved these things! She then ran back up and got her bow and current quiver. "Ready!" She said, out of breath.

AM: what?

AM: me and victor are having a whale of a time

AM: why and how do we need to get our
Cabooses over there?

AM: hehe

You like to believe your so clever when in reality your not and you act like a child sometimes... WELL it cannot be helped
Amanda blinked and shook her head. That was...well, weird. But cool! But she was still a little dizzy...she leaned against the closest thing and held her head. What a rush!

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DC: What is your rung level?! On the echeladder?

DC: And we need to rendezvous so that we all can ascend together!!!

DC: Give me a picture of where you are, and I'll show it to Ken...

DC: I'll explain later,
just do it.

AM: do you mean the super duper climby level bars

AM: im at like nine from all the practice strifes i've had with onii-chan

AM: anyways heres the photo

Instead of sending a photo of the room she sends a selfie of her and Victor with enough back ground to use for teleportation.


k... dont die
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DC: ...

DC: Wow.

DC: Okay then

DC: I'll be right back!

Aura: Show Ken... Peculiar picture.

"Hey, Ken, heres Theo's location. Oh, and just so you know, shes apparently only on rung 9, or around that."

You grimace. This was going to be hard...

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