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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

Deust : Keep Travelling

As you continue to walk, everything around you moves in slow motion. You can make a several day journey in a day at this rate. It's just giving you a headache. You manage to find the Portal to Ken's Land and pass through.

Afrien : Respond

"Fuck if I know!"

@Kurai Okami

Afrien : Ask Questions

tyrannicalFigment -TF- began trolling gallowsCallibrator [GC]

TF: Terezi

TF: What the Fuck are we Looking for

tyrannicalFigment -TF- began trolling turntechGodhead [TG]

TF: Dave

TF: My name is Afrien Araeus

TF: Seer of Life

TF: Friend of Karkat and Terezi

TF: You saw My Prospit getting Blown the Fuck Up

TF: Describe the Orbital Cannon to Me

TG: its like this big metal box thing with a giant cannon sticking out of it

TG: there are like a shit ton of imps and ogres heading towards it

TG: if they reach it theyll smash it up then youll be completely fucked

TG: its somewhere near a purple lake

TG: thats all i can tell you

@Midnight Phantom
"Look for a purple lake. There will be a large metal cube with a cannon sticking out of it. A mass of Imps and Ogres are heading towards ti to destroy it. We have to get there first."

@Kurai Okami

TF: Thank you For the assistance

TF: Also

TF: The roof Above you will Collapse in 5 minutes

TF: You may want to Move

Shadow: Wake up

She tried, and almost made it, but it still didn't work. She frowned and put her book back in its place and curled up in her recuperacoon.

Shadow: Try again

She tried to fall asleep once again and her dream self's consciousness went black.

Shadow: Wake up

She yawned as she slowly sat up, holding her head. She was still a bit dizzy, but other than that, she felt fine. She was about to ask if everyone was okay when she noticed she was in the sky.

Shadow: Be stunned

She was. She looked around and noticed she was on a dragon lusus. Huh...what exactly happened while she was out? And why didn't Ken mention they were on a lusus? Maybe he was out before then?
She blinked before looking in his direction. Another second passed before she bolted up and rushed over to him. She had ran across her own lusus' back enough times to know how to keep her balance. "Are you alright? I didn't miss anywhere did I? Nothing hurts? Bleeding? Broken?" She asked, her eyes teary and worried. She couldn't believe she had left him before he woke up. What if he hadn't been alright? What if he still hurt? What if.....she didn't even want to think about it!

@Midnight Phantom
"Healing is the only thing I can do...but if I messed up then...." She said, voicing only half of the reason. She was pretty weak when it came to fighting and hurting others, though she had fought quite a few imps and some ogres.

@Midnight Phantom
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Father we need a better view of the land. kersin said to dragon dad signaling the start of his ascent. before long they were about 15 meters in the air and you could see the vast forests that covered the land occasional black lake. Across a black expanse of forest was a patch of purple that, as kersin saw, had millions of ogres heading towards it.

FLY FAST TOWARD THE PURPLE LAKE FATHER QUICK! Dragon dad suddenly sped up, flying towards the lake as fast as dragonly possible.
"A human acquainted with Karkat, named Dave, is the Knight of Time of his session. He looked into our future and saw the Dersite's launching a super weapon to blow up Prospit in 36 hours. That was 2 hours ago. We are in Kersin's land to find and launch the Orbital Cannon, which can counter the Dersite's weapon."

"...so we're on Kersin's lusus then." She said, a slight disappointment obvious in her voice though she did her best to hide it. She didn't know what she was expecting. Why would her lusus come back? She was worthless and, in all honesty, wasn't needed....

@Midnight Phantom
She had stopped listening. She ran her hand over his back and sighed. So there were lusi who did care for the grubs they took under their wing. Guess she just got picked up by the wrong one...
Aura: Fall

In your frantic attempts at trying wake Ken because of your phobia, you somehow slip over the side of the dragon. You scream, then take out your STARLIT NIGHT CRASHER and float for a moment, the mace head above acting as a helicopter. Your phobia seems to have disappeared, as you trusted yourself more than a random dragon. You float back up to the dragon, and decide to just fly next to the creature. He probably didn't intend to drop you. Probably.

Aura: Notice Ogres

You notice the ogre ranks, and your face became pale. You had to do something to slow their progress.


You fly down to the leading Ogre, your face stern.

"WHAT DO YOU GUYS WANT?! Do you want to kill us?!"

A shout sounded from most of the ogres


This message probably didn't reach all of the ogres, but it reached enough of them. A few of the masses started turning on each other, and the rage spread like a virus. Oh god, would this affect your team mates!? Or you?! You swore to all things holy if it did..! You flew back up to the dragon.

"Might want to go a little faster! I don't know what I started, but it looks like the rage is sprea-"

Aura: Be affected

You were suddenly filled with an incomprehensible rage, and start screaming while clutching your head. Your vision swamps over with anger, and you stumble off of the reptile's back. You shout at the top of your lungs, your mind no longer able to think reasonably.


If you could think rationally right now, you would be face palming. Great, now your stuck on the same rage the Ogres have...
Ken: Wake up

You finally manage to wake up. You open your eyes and look around. Huh... you're flying.

Ken: Be aware

You snap back to reality. You're flying on the back of a dragon, and- was that Aura shouting just now? You turn to look at her.


Afrien : Watch

You watch Aura go fucking crazy and groan loudly.

Afrien : Take Action

You leap off of the Dragon Lusus, spinning your ROYAL PENETRATOR in circles rapidly to slow your descent.

"Get to the Cannon without me!"

@Kurai Okami @electroShogun @ShadowHuntress @MoltenLightning @Nawmoo

Afrien : Land

You land on the ground in front of the Ogre Hoard.


Afrien : Strife

You summon Freud for projectile support, and lunge at the crowd of Ogres.

Deust : Continue Journey

You had traversed Ken's Land, and made your way into Aura's domain.
Duke: Enjoy the ride

Ah, this is actually going pretty fine. You were expecting some random battles to occur, but looks like this is going to be smooth sai-Oh for Pete's sake!

Duke: Stay on target

Ugh...Yeah, why not. You're sure that Aura and Afrien can handle themselves. Besides, the clock is counting down and you don't have time to waste.
Afrien : Rampage

You sprint around the chaotic battlefield, slicing Ogres apart like butter. After that battle with the Basilisks and the Lich, Ogres weren't any kind of threat.

Deust : Reach Portal

You finally made your way to Aura's Portal. It took 18 hours, but you are finally here. Well, 18 hours your time. Considering everything was moving at a 1/5 pace, it has only been 3 hours since Afrien messaged you. Now you just have to regroup! And get something to help with this migraine.

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