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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

Shadow: Wake up

She couldn't. She was too exhausted in the real world. She used too much of her ability. She just...needed more rest...yeah. that's all.
"Y-Yeah... I jus' gotta rest m'eyes for a second..."

Ken: Pass out

You fall asleep almost immediately after finishing that sentence.


Ken: Awaken

You wake up on Derse again. This time, Aura's not here with you. You feel lonely...

Shadow: Sit on window

Shadow decided to read on the window sill, since there was a slight breeze. It felt amazing even if it was a slight challenge to keep the pages from flying. She wondered when she would be able to wake up?

Ken: Get bored

You decide to wander around Derse. You float up above the buildings, level with the tower windows, and start flying at random.
Kersin rushes forward before ken hits the ground and unfortunately you do not have a human bed to rest him on therefore you take him to you couch and put a blanket over him.

Alright I found the emergency whistle.

We need to go to the roof and signal my lusus to get to the ground.

He then starts the lead up his expanse of stairs to the roof where they can look out across the dead looking land.

@Midnight Phantom @MoltenLightning
Shadow: See Ken

As she went to stop yet another page flying wildly, she saw Ken floating around. "K-Ken?!" She called, almost dropping her book. What was he doing here? He was doing just fine before she passed out, right? Nothing bad happened after she had, right?



Amanda: Continue exploring

She continued walking around after that. Her arrows didn't break all that easily and she was collecting more Grist, though no longer as much as she would have liked. She began wondering what was stronger than an imp.
Shadow relaxed, a relieved expression crossing her features. "Oh thank gog. He wasn't awake when I passed out earlier. I...I thought...his complexion was so bad..." She said, her eyes teary and she wiped the blue tears away. She was so happy he was okay. Nothing bad happened.

"He's fine. Hate to say it, but he wouldn't have saved my sister if it would have led to his own death."

Shadow seems really happy about this. You wonder if...

"You've really started caring about him a lot, haven't you?"

"Of course! As mean and rude as he is, he's an important part of the game, right? And he's more useful in a fight than I am, so that's a plus. Why? Is it wrong that I do? I care for you and the others the same way, though I'm terrified to talk to them outright."

Afrien : Follow Kersin

You pick up Ken and Shadow, carrying them over your shoulders. You then follow Kersin up the stairs.

@Kurai Okami @electroShogun @ShadowHuntress

Deust : Talk to Survivors

"I'm just so relieved that some of you survived."

"Yes. We took refuge and hid here. We pulled in a few adults before they were killed, but the rest of us are just kids."

"It was my ignorance that allowed this to happen. I am not fit to be your King."
Aura: Watch Ken fall

Before you could catch him, Kersin came and took the spot light. Fuuuudge. This day just keeps getting better and better. You see Afrien then pick him up with Shadow, and sigh again. You follow them, really having no real idea what the situation was.

"Maybe I should hit the hay too. You know, cause I'm tired."

Or maybe it was because you were worried about Ken. Yeah, probably the latter...
"No, thats not what I mean you weirdo. I just want to get somewhere were I'm actually SAFE. Then, get some rest."

You keep after him, though shuffle your feet a bit.

"Is Ken okay?"

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