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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

"Alright... That relieving. That power must be.. Pretty hard. I mean, if I had to live with knowing when someone was going to die... I dont know. I mean, if they died and I knew it was going to happen, the guilt would kill me..."
"Its a double edged sword. The guilt would be heavy, but it can be life saving. Charlotte would have died twice had I not used my powers. And so would everyone here due to that Ogre Ambush on Duke's Candy Palace."

You reach the top of the stairs where you blow your whistle multiple times.

..-. .- - .... . .-. / -.-. --- -- . / - --- / -- .

A sudden roar pierces the silence of the land and a large dragon springs up from far in the forest and flys towards the group. as the dragon nears he perches on the edge of the building and then approaches, swiftly tackle pouncing Kersin.


Father i know your happy to see me but we have guests!

And we need your help!

He backs off of kersin and looks at aura and afrien judgmentally as if he was untrusting of them, but his expression turned soft, and still fatherly-like.
"Yeah, well... Still. Its just a little frightening. I mean, all I can really do is- OH MY GOD IS THAT A DRAGON?!"

You gasp, clearly forgetting about what you were just talking about. Holy fudge! Thats amazing!

"That is so cool! Sorry, but I mean literally. You have a dragon as a dad. What was that even like?!"
"I.. Um... Okay. I'm going to take a nap though, when we get there. Just because I wanna tal-... I mean, rest my eyes..."

You recover, though not as smoothly as you had hoped. You clamber onto the creature back with some effort, though finally get it.
Duke: Do nothing

Story of your life, right there. You felt weird with having Ken's teleport you somewhere for the first time. It was like, "Do-do-do, sure is a lovely day outside. WOOooooOOoo, where are we now? Oh golly gee, we're on the Death Star." Okay, it wasn't exactly like that, but it still felt weird for you; Unnatural, even.

Duke: Think about it

It was bad enough those dudes from Derse were on the move, but now you and your friends have to go find some princely counter measures. You aren't even sure what kind of counter measures they really are, but you guess it's like a bazillion laser cannons or something like that. You're not even sure if that's even possible, though it would be kind of cool. A shit-ton of cannons is always fun to look at.
She sighed as she picked up her book again. Ken was acting a little weird, but she tried not to think about it. I mean, who would be flushed for that jerk?..... She sighed again. This wasn't possible...
Ken: Look around

You look at the surrounding area. Derse is actually kinda pretty...

Ken: Remember

"Shoot! I completely forgot! Something's happening back in reality! The Dersites are gonna launch some sort of superweapon in a day and a half and wipe out Prospit! We have to stop it!"

"Okay. Afrien was told by one of his 'troll contacts' that our session's Derse is preparing a superweapon. They're going to launch it at Prospit in about 35 hours. We have to stop it somehow. Apparently, the only way to stop it is in Kersin's land. I teleported everyone over there, but then passed out. Hopefully they're searching for the countermeasure while we're asleep."
"Troll contacts? Do you know if they are friends with Ms. Kanaya and Ms. Vriska?" She asked, tilting her head. She was worried about Ken passing out, but she knew he would be fine since it was just overuse. At least...that's what she hoped and believed.

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"Kanaya and Vriska? I haven't met either of them... Do they know Karkat?"

You shake your head.

"Never mind, that's not important. What's important is that we've got a deadline. 35 hours, or half of our dream selves are as good as dead."

Shadow: Worry

Shadow began to worry. She hadn't been able to wake up, and if they couldn't find it, think of how much trouble they'd have with her. She didn't want to cause anyone any trouble....

"...are you able to wake up?"

"W-wait for me..!"

Sharil: Run

You run to the lusus, and hop onto its back. Though you were deathly terrified of it, you did not want to be left behind even more.

"... So... Prospit is going to... Explode..?! Oh no... I think that's where my... Dream self is... Though, that's not what we should be worried about, its still... Frightening..."

Sharil: Be worried

You began to worry about everyone's Dream Self on Prospit. Was that were Ken and Shadow were right now..? You hoped not. They couldn't be. You tried not to seem to worried about it, but that obviously wasn't working too well.
Deust : Message Afrien

mushroomKing [MK] began trolling tyrannicalFigment -TF-

MK: I found some survivors of this tragedy in the ruins of the Kingdom.




MK: Where is it that you have left me for?

TF: Kersins Land

TF: You would Have to travel Through Kens Land

TF: Then Auras

TF: And then you Would reach Us

TF: But we Only have 35 Hours until Prospit gets Blown Up

MK: I can make that journey in time, if I can focus my powers.

TF: Good Luck

Deust : Say Farewell

You unfortunately must leave your kin behind. You give your goodbyes and head to the Castle for supplies.

Deust : Collect

You enter the treasury and grab the 50 Boonbonds that you had amassed. Damn, you have a lot of money.

Deust : Focus




Time slows around you as you begin your long Journey.
After everyone had climbed on, dragon dad began beating his wings until they were high into the air, then he flew over the edge of the house down towards the plagued looking ground of LoNaP. About five meters from the ground dragon dad swooped, and began to soar over the land.

SO, WHAT SHOULD WE BE LOOKING FOR! Kersin yelled over the sound of the wind

@Midnight Phantom

Duke: Notice Kersin's dragon dad

Dragon dad? What on not-earth are you talking about? Everyone noes that there's no such things as dragons, let alone dragons that can be dads. It's like magic, not real. Why, you are one-hundred percent sure that there's in fact no "dragon dad" anywhere to be seen. You bet if you look behind you, you will not see a dra-...a...oh...Oh my...Ummm...There's a dragon...and it looks like he's gonna give a ride...

Duke: Hop on

Okay, dragons ARE real...so...I-is magic real? You choose not to think about it and just hop on the dragon.

Duke: Look down

As the majestic beast took flight, you had a great view of land...looks plagued...you're not really tempted to go down there.
Aura: Try and wake Ken up

As the dragon took off, you kept a hand over Ken to keep him steady. Then, you proceed to gently try and slap him awake.


You slapped him just a little harder near the end, probably because you were deathly scared of heights and you needed some comfort. And, by the looks of the ground, your fear had been amplified. You felt nauseous suddenly.

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