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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

"Yeah... As horrible and dangerous as this game is, I'm actually thankful for it. Without it, I'd never have met so many amazing people. Most of all, you."

You receive a message from Amanda on your interface glasses, but you decide to ignore it. You take off the glasses and set them down nearby.


Charlotte: Retrieve glasses

You notice that Ken received a message from Amanda. You take his glasses and put them on.

ES: ken's a bit busy right now. this is charlotte.

ES: so, if you've been collecting grist, you can now alchemize a better weapon.

ES: use the card puncher thing to make punched cards for items, then put multiple cards into the carving bench to combine the items.

ES: it's a good idea to try everything you can. you never know what you'll get from alchemy!


You really wanted to do something irrational and crazy, but you didn't know if it was okay. You didn't want to... Kiss him right now or anything...
Oh god... Your face was probably just as red. You locked eyes with him, not daring to look away.


You were unsure, and you didn't know what to do...
"...Because I don't have anyone else..."

You finished, in case he took your words the wrong way. You kept you eyes locked with his, unable to breathe. You'd just said that..? It was true, but you'd never said anything like that before to anyone...
Amanda: Groan

She groaned and fell back onto her bed. Where did she think she heard it from? Was this adorable girl, or at least that's how she pictured her, really that much of an idiot? Why would she even ask someone if she already knew?

JF: Oh r3ally? !'ll hav3 to do that th3n. Thank you fur th3 advic3!

JF: Also, do you th!nk you could t3ll your broth3r !'m !n and ! don't n33d h!s h3lp anymor3? Thanks!

joyfulFeline (JF) ceased pestering electroShogun (ES)


Amanda: Throw phone

Amanda got up after tossing her phone into the wall on the other side of the room, making it shatter into a dozen pieces. Yeah, she would probably need it later, but she didn't need her parents texting her asking her where she and the house went. Besides, she still had her laptop, so she'd just have to combine that with something she can wear.

Amanda: Combine Laptop with archery glove

She retrieved the glove she used for archery and punched it's code into a card and did the same for her laptop. She then put them in the Alchemite and watched the magic happen. Okay...more like it just went poof and it was there. She grabbed it and noticed it came with a name. She got the techy looking glove. You got the GLOVETOP. Wow...more simple than she had expected.
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Amanda: Look for strife specibus

Amanda left the safety and comfort of her room and headed for her parent's rooms. She normally wasn't allowed in there but she was sure this could be an exception. She opened the door and walked into her mother's room first, as it was closer, and looked around. It was terrifying. Books illustrating murder and suicide laid scattered across the floor, a summoning circle that she suspected was made with real blood, and a few other things she probably shouldn't mention. She shuddered and began looking through the disturbing mess. She didn't find a strife specibus, but she found a few pairs of earrings that she could use in combining to make better arrows. She absconded quickly and went to her father's room.

His room was more what she had expected. Neat, tidy, organized. She looked around and in some of his business books but found nothing. She did find a blank disk that she, again, could use and a...why would get have a gun? He never went out hunting!

Amanda: Head back to room

Amanda sighed and headed back to her own room. Hopefully the stuff she made would be useful and not a waste of Grist.

Amanda: Combine arrow with earrings

Amanda punched the code for an arrow into a card and the code for a pair of her mother's metal hoop earrings. Let's see how well this works. She put the cards in the Alchemite and watched with anxiety. The object appeared and she couldn't be happier. She got EARROWS. Random word, yes, and not even real, but it works nonetheless. She picked it up, testing it's weight. It should be fine, and it's heavier than a normal arrow, but shouldn't be too heavy for it to fly. She punched a card with its code and made about twenty quivers worth of arrows. She could always make more later.

Amanda: Combine bow and blank disc

She then combined her bow with a metal disk get father kept around. She got BOSK. Again, not a real word, but it works. She, again, tested it's weight. Felt good. She slung it and a two full quivers onto her back. Let's go try them out, shall we?
Afrien : Slumber

You awake on the Moon of Prospit once again. You sure have been spending a lot of time here.

Deust : Look Around

You walk around the ruins of your once proud kingdom. Corpses litter the streets. Spores leaking out of un-moving bodies. Oh god. The awful stench.

Deust : Regurgitate

A slimy substance pours from your mouth, covering the ground.

Deust : Keep Searching

You enter a shop that was mostly still standing.

"Is anyone here...?"

"King Deust! You're alive!"

"Is there anyone else?"

"Yes! There are a few more of us!"

"I'm so sorry..."
Shadow: Continue healing Afrien

What do you think she has been doing? She hasn't stopped and he hasn't moved once this whole time! She was honestly starting to worry that he wouldn't wake up before she did end up passing out again. Her eyes closed a bit but she shook her head to keep herself awake. No...not yet....he had to wake up....

@Midnight Phantom
Charlotte: Stop the healer

You notice that the healer is starting to sway and looks very tired. You place a hand on her shoulder.

"You can stop. His wounds are healed. He'll wake up on his own."

She hesitated before nodding and leaning against the the wall. She was so tired...but she didn't...want to...fall asleep....

Shadow: Awaken

She woke up on the floor and grumbled. Oh great...she was so tired, even now. It must be an emotional thing. She looked around, already knowing nothing would happen here.


Amanda: Strife!

As soon as she head exited her home, she was swarmed by imps. Must have been mad that she killed their friends. She quickly hid behind a wall and got her arrows ready before she started to fire. She kept this up until only about ten were left. And, luckily, they were getting easier to kill.
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"Ah, Terezi. Its good to see you. I know you must be confused about the presence of Prospit, but I have an explanation. When you Trolls began messaging us, we somehow linked our sessions together. You are on my Session's Prospit, which has not been destroyed at the hands of Jack Noir."

"That's incredible! Now we don't have to force ourselves to stay awake!"

Your happiness suddenly vanishes as you remember something.

"Oh, shit, I just remembered! Afrien, you gotta get your team moving! Start traveling to other lands!"

@Midnight Phantom

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