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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

Aura: Do nothing

Okay, you can't do nothing because that's boring. Instead, you get up. You were not just going to sit there and do nothing that was against code! But, maybe you should... You lay back down, really having nothing else to do.


Sharil: Try and make something new

With the GRIST Aura had allowed you to have, you decide that making something new might help you if you ever needed to battle...

Sharil: Find objects

You scout around, looking for things of interest. Finding yourself outside, you see a piece of candy from the candy wall was on the ground. You captchalogue it, then look around some more. You come across several things, such as: A green piece of paper with words on it (Money), A long tube of liquid (Hose), a candle, a soft sack containing fluff (Pillow), and a curtain.

Sharil: Combine stuff

You combine the HOSE with the UMBRELLA you had, making the WATER SPOUT. Hmm... Seems almost... Eh, nevermind...

You then grab the PILLOW and combine it with your outfit to create some OVERSAFE GARMENTS. Well, at least they were fluffy...

You combine the curtain with the candle, creating some FLAMING DRAPES. How... Original. You then combine the FLAMING DRAPES with the WATER SPOUT, to make the CONTROVERSIAL CORRODER. Whoa... The edges of the parasol are lined with flames, and the handle can now be used to shoot water. Cool...

Next, you take the OVERSAFE GARMENTS and combine them with the MONEY to create the OVERPRICED SAFETY MEASURES. These... Were totally pointless... You combine the FLAMING DRAPES with the PILLOW and make WARM HOSPITALITY. The WH was a sleeping bag with heat constantly being produced. Oooh... You combine the WARM HOSPITALITY with the OVERSAFE GARMENTS to make the COMFORTABLY SAFE GARMENTS. You liked it, and put it on. You felt protected, like your lusus was hugging you. Yay...

Sharil: Go look for everyone.

You head to the Kino City, where everyone seems to be fighting monsters. You quickly back away, and hide behind a building. You... You couldn't do this... But, it wouldn't harm anyone if you attack from a distance, right..? You quickly position your CONTROVERSIAL CORRODER and shoot a jet stream of hot water at an Ogre. The creature screeches, clawing at the impact spots. Suddenly, however, she sees a huge imp that quickly crushes the Ogre under it. You go pale. Oh gog.... You retreat, but before you know it the Lich is guarding the exit. Oh no... You see everyone coming together to fight the creature, and decide to do the same... But from a distance... You shoot the creature, boiling hot sprays of water searing its face.
Charlotte: Get a dumb idea

"Ken! Throw me up there!"

"What?! No! Are you crazy?!"

"Trust me! I think this'll work!"

"Absolutely not! You're insane!"

"Come on, Ken!"

"I am not throwing you at a giant monster's head!"



You sigh and run over to Duke.

"Duke, I have an idea, but it involves me getting up at its head! Can you fly me up there?"

Shadow: Wake up

It takes a few tries, but she manages to wake up. She blinks as she sits up, she was still dizzy. She looked around, wondering where everyone was at. "Hey Aura, are you...you feeling any better?" She asked when she spotted her. She truly hoped she was okay. She looked awful before.


Amanda: Be bored

Amanda rolled over, though slowly, and looked at the ceiling. She hadn't hurt this much since she started archery. She wondered if Ken was alright. He had been gone for quite a while. Well...maybe it was a bigger monster than the imps. She hoped him and his friends are okay...
Duke: Sure

Duke: Be a monster-fighting taxi service

You jump on your INVADER'S CHOICE and present your hand so that Charlotte may climb on aboard.

Duke: Ready for a not-so magic disc ride?

"Yeah, I guess so. I'm still really weak, but I'll manage. Ken won't let me leave this spot."

You sigh, then smile at her.

"Boys, am I right? So, I know we've never really gotten to know one another Shadow, but you saved me. So, I feel like we should."

You blink a few times, not really knowing what else to say.

"Thanks for healing me, I guess? I... I can't help anyone. I can only make things worse..."

You have no clue why they you started feeling emotional, but you hadn't really told anyone. And besides, Shadow was a girl. Hopefully she'd understand, because you couldn't seem to tell Ken. He'd get too worried and emotional too...
Duke: CHARGE!!!

With a flick of your wrist, you and Charlotte fly your way up close to the lich. You're pretty close to this guy, your both practically in arm's length above this beast.

Duke: Alright, here we are, up and close to this thing. So what's the plan?

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Duke: Understood.

Duke: A little to the left

While on INVADER'S CHOICE, you slowly shimmy it over behind this thing. A little more aaaannnd...Perfect! Your both right behind the bloody bastard.

Duke: Good enough?

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You jump off the disc and land right on the lich's hunched back. You stab your staff deep into its neck. It howls in pain, trying to shake you off. You use the staff as a handle to keep your footing until it stops lurching.

"Take this, you creep!"

You pull the staff out and repeatedly slash at the back of its neck. Grist bursts out of each slash wound.

@Nawmoo @Midnight Phantom @Kurai Okami
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Afrien : Focus





Charlotte Thompson was impaled by a Lich Tentacle

Afrien : Take Action

You leap into the sky and shove Charlotte out fo the way of the oncoming assault, getting stabbed in the process.

"Kuh- Deust! Finish... It..."

Deust : Finish It

You jump onto the Lich's right leg, and continue to hop up its body. Once you reach the top, one heavy handed strike with your Scepter caves in the beasts skull.

GRIST explodes from its eye sockets.

Ken: Catch Charlotte

You notice Lottie falling off of the lich and teleport to catch her.

"Are you insane?!"

"It's almost dead, thanks to me! Let's finish it!"

You sigh. You can never tell Lottie not to do something. You call out to Deust and Duke.

"Guys! We gotta attack all at once! A Fatal Four-Way Attack!"

@Midnight Phantom @Nawmoo
Sharil: Question

"Four-Way... What? I mean, if I could help in anything then... I don't know..."

You hesitate, not sure you if you could even have the courage to do it.
Duke: Alright, I'll take your word on this for I believe in you, Ken. I trust in your judgement because you're my friend and friendship is the strongest bond-Ach-cahw. Mm, sorry, had a little crap in my mouth. Anyways, let's do this!

Duke: Resist the urge to make a dirty joke

You resist your childish urges to make inappropriate jokes and wait to fight them off another day.
"Oh, sorry... My lusus taught me how to... Do that..."

You listen to the last part of his statement, and gasp.

"You're sure you trust me with this...? I mean, I just don't know... Its... Its just so... Frightening..."

You don't realize it, but ice seemed to be crawling up your fingers.
"But... If you put all of your faith into me, and I fail..."

You continued being frightened, though you gripped your umbrella with a little more determination. Just a little...


You run towards the beast, having a strange plan that you would never have though of before come into your head. Using all of the paranoia and fear you had locked in, you jab your CC into the creature's foot. Then, you unleash that paranoia, causing the foot to freeze solid to the ground. The ice started crawling up the leg, and you run away from it. The fear was definitely getting to you... As you stop next to Ken, your eyes widened in anxiety, you say something, then deep breathing takes its place.


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