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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

Afrien : War Cry


You let out an piercing scream to battle, and charge into the fray. You begin stabbing at the large number of Basilisks as your screech can be heard all the way at Duke's House.

@electroShogun @ShadowHuntress

Deust : Charge!

You run after Afrien, taking out Ogres and Basilisks. The commander has got to be somewhere around here!
Shadow: Figure out what's wrong

The wounds and broken bones were basically healed, just needed a little rest, so why wasn't she waking up? Maybe she hit her head too hard?

Shadow: Focus wind on head

She moved the wind to wrap around her head, making it slightly heavier so it would work faster and work it's way deeper into her head. She figured if she did this, she'd fix anything that she could reach on the surface. Well...she could only hope, right? She tried to control her breathing, making it sound as even as possible. She can't stop...not yet...

@electroShogun @MoltenLightning
Aura: Wake up!!!

You try once more, but fail. However, you feel a slight draft, a strange one. It was almost calling to you, beckoning...

Aura: Be conscious

You finally awaken from your Derse-tomb, your breathing shallow. You look over at Shadow and Ken, and smile weakly.

Shadow: Be relieved

She smiled down at Aura. Oh thank gog she was okay. Her body started to relax and she fell forward, passing out. She had used too much and overdid it. And she knew it too. Oh boy.

Shadow: Awaken

She woke up on Derse with a start. She came back...but for how long? She hadn't used that much of her power before, so she was at a complete loss. Hopefully not too long. She didn't want to bother the others...

@electroShogun @MoltenLightning
Amanda: Explore

Amanda walked along the land, amazed by the beauty but also a little scared by how confusing it all was. If she didn't pay attention, she might get herself lost. As she walked, she saw these cute little purple salamanders which she had hugged on occasion. She hadn't seen any monsters, though, so maybe she had gotten lucky and doesn't have them? No, impossible. They had to be here somewhere.

Amanda: Look for imps

She started looking around for these so called imps. She looked for a while until she spotted little black creatures. They were staring her down just as she was staring at them. She was about to walk away when they charged.

Oh...those were imps...

Amanda: Strife!

She took an arrow from her quiver and aimed it at an imps' head. She hit her mark and it exploded into Grist. She continued to fire until she ran out of arrows. Yeah...probably should have made more...she dodged an imps blade and kicked him. Her fists would have to do. She began fighting them off, only stopping when she was surrounded by Grist and panting. She had gotten quite a cuts and bruises and was bleeding a bit, but it was nothing she couldn't handle.

Amanda: Collect Grist and head home

Amanda collected the Grist, slightly conflicted when it just disappeared when she touched it, but whatever. She headed back home and collapsed onto her bed when she got there. She was tired and didn't want to move at the moment. But she couldn't sleep. She wouldn't wake up if they decided to attack again. But...she could rest...
Charlotte: Motivate

"We can do this! We just have to believe in ourselves!"

Charlotte: Strife!

You start slashing away at ogres, remembering the weak spot that Ken exploited earlier. You slice through the back of an ogre's neck, killing it in one shot.


You continue attacking, feeling more and more confident in your abilities with each kill.

@Midnight Phantom @Nawmoo @Kurai Okami
Aura: Hug back

You hug Ken back, though with a loose grip. You were still out of it, but you were happy you weren't in some eternal sleep. You took a deep breath, finding words to be useless at the time. But, you still responded..

"At least now I have an excuse to call you Luke Skywalker."

You smile. The sword worked, and so did his aspect. It was Brilliant!
"So does that make you my Leia? Wait... no, Leia was his sister. Never mind."

You laugh a bit at your own silliness. You gently move Aura's hair out of her face, looking into her eyes.

"You rest up, Aura. I'm gonna go help out the others."


You lay there, and stare at him for a bit.

"I would like to help, though. I'm just gonna sit here and do nothing!"

Aura: Get up

The strength you had left was practically gone, but you tried it anyway. And slide off of the bed with some effort, then land on wobbly feet. As your hand finally leaves the bed, you limp over to the door.

"Well? Lets get a move on."
Aura: Sigh

Dang it, you hated when he was right... You lay back down on the bed, though with a huff. When you get your strength back, you SWORE you were going to beat the living crud out of something. Probably imps.

"Fiiiiiiine.... Just, don't get yourself killed without me, k?"
Duke: Do something

What, do something, why? What even needs to be done? Well, you guess you could get back your COSMIC SPECS. You were beginning to feel unnatural without them.

Duke: Alchemize

You walk over to your ALCHEMITER and start fiddling with it.

Duke: Combine Shades with Mobile Communicator again

You made the COSMIC SPECS...again! Ah, feels good to be shady again.

Duke: Hmmm

Hmmm, you do still got some grist to goof off with...Eh, you guess you can mess around with the ALCHEMITER some more.

Duke: Combined Vintage Space Suit with TIE Fighter Tux T-shirt

You made a SPACE ZOOT SUIT! Classy, but you really doubt that you can survive in space with it...still looks cool.

Duke: Combined Fingerless Gloves with Mobile Communicator

You made the PROTOTYPERS. Um...typing puns? You don't really see the practicality in these. They're just techy-looking fingerless gloves.

Duke: Combined Space Monitor with Darth Vader Imprinting Toaster

You made the MONITOASTER! Truly the perfect fusion of a portable computer and sci-fi toaster ever made.

Duke: Combined Toy Light Saber with Neuralyzer Replica

You made the FORGET-IT LIGHT STICK! You forgot why you even made this one.

Duke: Combined Lock Breaker with Alien Chestburster Plush Toy

You made THE PLUSH PIERCER! It's not really a weapon, but it looks cute.

Duke: Combined Robotic Arm with Lock Breaker

You made TURN-&-COUGH! A true weapon that strikes fear into all mortals.

Duke: Combined UFOMG with Toy Millennium Falcon and Prototypers

You made INVADER'S CHOICE! A vast upgrade from it's older counterpart. You can now command your disc with ease, given that its replaced the blink command technology with the far more easy to control hand gestures of today. The INVADER'S CHOICE can float in mid-air and is large enough for you to still ride on it, seat belts and air bags are not included.
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Afrien : Bloodbath

You decimate the Ogres, leaping from neck to neck, slashing through their necks and felling them in single strikes.


Deust : Clean Up

You run into the circle of Ogre corpses, throwing Charlotte over your shoulder once again.

"The Chaos and Destruction goes to his head sometimes, I apologize."

Afrien : Keep Fighting

You continue to cut down the Ogres and Basilisks, laughing insanely. I question your mental stability.

Deust : Greet Ken

You place Charlotte on the ground and shout to Ken.

"Ah Hello good sir Thompson! It is a pleasure to see you!"

Ken: Big Brother Instincts Activate!

You rush over to where Charlotte is.

"Lottie, are you okay? Are you hurt?"

"I'm fine, Ken! I'm getting better at fight- LOOK OUT!"

You turn around and notice the massive fireball headed toward you. You grab Lottie and teleport out of the way, leaving the fireball heading toward Deust.

@Midnight Phantom
Deust : Focus




Time slows greatly as you back flip away from the oncoming Fireball.

Afrien : Cheer


After shouting your words of encouragement, you continue the slaughter. This goddamned leader had to be somewhere around here!






Afrien : Dodge Titanic Motherfucker

A giant ass monster tries to slam its gross tentacle into you, so you jump backwards and evade it.


@electroShogun @Nawmoo @Kurai Okami @ShadowHuntress
Duke: Time to go

Okay, you are one-hundred percent sure that you absolutely have everything you need from this place...except the Sburb equipment, but you're sure there will be more waiting somewhere along the way or something. Any who, you leave Rusty in-charge of the house while your away and go off to this Kino Kingdom.

Duke: Traveling montage

After enduring blistering winds and scorching deserts - you climbed the highest bloody room of the tallest bloody tower - and what do you find? NOTHING, apparently, you were holding the map upside down...

Duke: More traveling montage

After enduring scorching deserts and blistering winds, you find yourself at no other than on the steps of Kino Kingdom.

Duke: Do an epic celebratory jump

You proudly present your fist to the sky, symbolizing that you triumphantly persevered your way to this very spot. Man, you feel like you endured so much on this journey, overcoming true hardship while learning more about yourself and who you are as a person on a spiritual level...You wonder where's everyone else.
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Afrien : De-Horn

You release Deust, before flying at the Lich once more. You spin and slash off the Lich's horns, before jabbing your Glaive into its eye. Unfortunately, this gets you stuck hanging there.

Deust : Assist

You leap upwards to aid Afrien, slamming your IMPERIAL SCEPTER into his ROYAL PENETRATOR, stabbing it further into the Lich's head. This loosens the fleshy restrictions on Afrien's weapon, and he pulls it out of the underlings skull. You have damaged it, but not enough to kill it.


@electroShogun @Nawmoo @Kurai Okami @ShadowHuntress
Duke: Examine new underling

Looks like a new underling has presented itself. If you had one word to describe it, it would be...lich. Anyways, looks like Ken and Charlotte are taking care of business, see if you can join in on this one.

Duke: Disc-o-rama

You chuck your INVADER'S CHOICE at the unruly underling, scratching it's torso. Doesn't seem like this one is going to go down so easy as the other underlings. You call back INVADER'S CHOICE and repetitively throw it at the beast from a far.

Duke: Where did this guy come from, straight from the bowels of hell?

@electroShogun @Midnight Phantom

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