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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

EL: yes, i know how to use them.

EL: first, you need to open the one that looks like a furnace by knocking the lid off with something heavy. that'll release a cylinder and a glowing ball.

EL: take the cylinder and put it on the carving bench. it'll carve it into a totem.

EL: while that's happening, find something to put in the glowing ball. it'll change to look like the thing you put in it, and that'll be your guide.

EL: when the totem's done carving, put it on the pedestal near the giant platform, and it'll create something.

EL: then all you have to do is break whatever came out and you're in.

EL: but you need to do all of that quickly. a timer starts when you open it, counting down to a meteor crashing where you are.

EL: breaking the item is the only way to survive the meteor.

EL: did you follow all of that?

Wait...a meteor will crush your house...? Yeah, she wasn't a fan of her family, but she didn't want them to die either. She also really like the servants that were staffed here, and some of their kids were adorable. She put her phone away and went over, knocking on her door. "Hey Brutus! My furiend Abigail just texted me to tell my parents that her parents wanted them to come ofur with the rest of the servants and staff. Says something about wanting anotfur contest. Could you tell them they have to be there in...hold on, let me check."

Amanda: Ask Charlotte about the countdown

JF: How long !s th!s sa!d countdown? Anyth!ng ! should b3 worr!3d about?

JF: Anyth!ng that w!ll mak3 m3 pan!c?

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EL: it was five minutes for me.

EL: long enough to do everything, but not much room for mistakes.

EL: duke told me that the meteor would hit whether you enter the game or not, so you should probably get going quickly.

Amanda bit her lip as she ran over to the door. "Three minutes! Tell them to hurry! I know how much they hate to lose to them." She said, waiting until she heard his footfalls fade to nothing but silence before she looked up at the machine that looked like a furnace. How would she...she looked up at the ceiling fan it was placed under. That could work.

Amanda: Find bow and arrow

She got back to looking for her bow and at least one arrow. She found her bow under her bed, but where was her...oh right. She went to her desk and began feeling under it. She made sure her parents couldn't find it because they wanted to take it away. She took an arrow and aimed it at the cord that was holding it in the air. She shot the arrow and it hit it's mark, going through and smacking the giant machine and making it to pop open. Yes!

Amanda: Grab cylinder and carve it

She grabbed the cylinder and brought it over to what she assumed was the right place and began its carving while she went back to get her sweet robo kitty.
"I am putting you into the glowing orb." She said with a smile before running back and placing it in the orb.

Amanda: Put totem on pedestal

Okay...was she the only one who thought this was like some sort of devil worship? Whatever. She pit it on the pedestal and she saw it make a...MASK! Wait...a vase? What good would a mask do? Oh wait, she has to break it. Nevermind!

Amanda: Make sure parents and staff are gone

Before breaking the mask, she looked out the window and saw all the cars were gone. Good.

Amanda: Smash the mask

She looked at the beautiful mask, admired it's beauty, then smashed it on the ground. There was a blinding white light and she had to cover her eyes. What was going on?!

Amanda: Look around

Once the bright light faded, she looked around. Everything seemed normal...except for the view outside and the floating red robo kitty...so that's what a guide looks like. Cool.

JF: Y3ah, !'m !n. Though w3r3 ! am at !s a myst3ry to m3 at th3 mom3nt. Would th3 k!nd RoboK!tty know wh3r3 ! am?

JF: Also, h3 !s 3xt3rmly cut3...! wanna hug h!m...


EL: he'll incorporate you into his body if you do that!

EL: so, i have some things to explain.

EL: you are now inside the game. the place your house is now in is called your land.

EL: the glowing ball is called a sprite. they act as our guides.

EL: right now, you need to go and hunt monsters. they should be all over the place.

EL: take them out and collect the crystals they drop. those are important.

EL: got it?

JF: Got !t!

JF: Don't hug th3 cut3 Robo!tty, th!s land !s my n3w hom3, attack the monst3rs and coll3ct what th3y drop. Anyth!ng 3ls3 b3fur ! h3ad out?

Amanda looked at RoboKitty and smiled. "If you can talk, can you tell me where I am? I know this is my land, but I want to know if it is called something."

"Yes, I can talk. And this land, which is located in the Medium, is your own and you may do what you wish as long as you do not wreck the land, the native islanders, or yourself. It is called The Land Of Acts And Mind."

"The Land Of Acts And Mind? That's odd sounding. Cool!"

EL: i know it sounds dumb, but don't die.

EL: if you die, that's it. game over. forever.

EL: so be careful. if you get hurt, retreat.

EL: when ken gets back, tell him that i helped you get in.

EL: i can't help you progress from here on. only your server player can do that.

EL: good luck, amanda.

JF: Why thank you Charlott3!

Amanda: talk with RoboKitty

"Okay...is there anything else I should know befur I go out into this Land Of Acts And Mind? Any cool powers I might have gotten? Any quests that come with it? You know, the basic game stuff?"

"Yes, there are a few things. There is a denizen located somewhere in this land, but I furbid you to go see him as of yet. He will more likely kill you than not, so stay away furom caves or anywhere else you might think a big god like creature would slumber. As for powers, there are, but I will not discuss them as of yet fur you are not ready. But there is a class and an aspect that you attain when you enter the Medium. Yours is Thief of Mind. There are also quests that the locals can ask of you and can range furom simple little things to the main quest, which I also advise not doing just yet." He said, his voice robotic sounding, but it was hilarious how he tried to make cat puns all the same.

"Got it. Avoid the god creature, do quests, but not the main one, and don't ask too much about powers until I level up. Anything else about you?"

"I serve as your guide as you progress through the game and will help you whenefur you may need it, but I also may not give you the answers. You can also summon me with this pendant," he held out a red pendent on a string. "Whenefur you tap on it, I will appear and help you any way I can."

She put the pendant on and looked at it. It was pretty, she'd admit. "Got it. Um...okay, what about the machines? Do they any other uses otfur than bringing me here?"

"The Alchemite is used to make things and impurrove your weapon of choice, which, is your case, is the bow and arrow. To do this, you must punch cards with the code needed to make the object and insert it here." He pointed to a slot. "You can enter two or more cards to combine items and make new ones, but that costs Grist, which is what the imps, or as Charlotte called them, monsters, drop."

Amanda: sort everything in your head

She was. She was making sure to remember everything she was told in case she needed to use that information later. This game was a lot more complicated than she had first imagined, but it also seemed exciting. This was the first time she had been truly happy in who knows how long.
Nepeta: Squee

Oh my gog! The new human has a kitty sprite!

-- arsenicCatnip [AC] began pestering joyfulFeline [JF] --

AC: :33 < *ac pounces on you from behind playfully pawing at your hair*

AC: :33 < hi there! :33

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Amanda: Look at message strangely

Um...okay then...role-playing...she could try it.

JF: *JF giggles and paws at the newcomer*

JF: H3llo to you too! Qu!t3 a un!qu3 3ntranc3 too. :3

JF: Now !f you could kindly t3ll m3 your nam3?

AC: :33 < ummm... i dont know, really.

AC: :33 < i guess i just wanted to tell you how cute your kittysprite is!

AC: :33 < oh! i know!

AC: :33 < i can help you! ask me anything you want to know about the game!

Amanda: Think of questions

She didn't want to turn down the kind offer Nepeta gave her, so she thought up a few questions she didn't ask RoboKitty...and maybe gain new information on these so called powers? She knew he said she shouldn't know yet, but the more she knew, the less off guard she would be.

JF: Hm...okay. What's th3 po!nt !n th3 gam3? Th3 goal? And !s !t any fun?

JF: Also, RoboK!tty told m3 that my Class and Asp3ct was Th!3f of M!nd. Any h!nts on what that !s about?

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AC: :33 < well its a long story...

AC: :33 < you see that big blue ball in the sky?

AC: :33 < thats called skaia.

AC: :33 < the goal is to get there and protect it from the dersites.

AC: :33 < but the first thing you should do is meet up with the other players.

So that was a no on her role as Thief of Mind. She walked out and looked up, seeing Skaia. It was rather pretty. But she also saw something else hanging in the sky above her house. What was that?

JF: What's th3 float!ng th!ng abov3 my hous3? !t's just k!nda...sp!nn!ng up th3r3.

AC: :33 < your denizen is basically a huuuuge monster that is the god of your land.

AC: :33 < youre not supposed to encounter it until much later.

AC: :33 < the dersites are the bad guys. theyre trying to destroy skaia.

AC: :33 < and the players have to stop them.

Afrien : Look at City

You stare down at the city from the high view. Its so nice. Fire and Chaos. So beatifu-


Afrien : Gape

Basilisks and Ogres are attacking the city? Fuck!

Afrien : Alchemise Quickly

You grab two swords off the wall and alchemise them with your boots, creating little blades on the bottom.

Afrien : Go

You kick open the window, shattering glass into the street bellow. Then, using your new KICK-ASS GRIND BOOTS, you hop on a large metal railing and grind into the street below.

Deust : Do the Same

You also make a pair of KICK-ASS GRIND BOOTS, and follow Afrien into the streets below.
"Muap muap muap"... What the hell was that! "WHO'S THERE!" Theo said pulling out her axe defensively "I HAVE AN AXE AND IM NOT AFRAID TO USE IT" "PLEASE DO NOT HURT ME" the voice said from behind a rock. Theo scaled around the rock and saw that the voice belonged to a small brown lizard

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpeg.eafb00e0d687b80b6c660c0f1531e5d5.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="81533" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpeg.eafb00e0d687b80b6c660c0f1531e5d5.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

I am falcon the scout, i was scouting out the area when your giant castle appeared" She said " o rlly? Do you have a king or president or something?" Theo asked "oh yes we have king Basil, if you want i can take you to him!" she said proudly "that would be excellentè!" she said enthusiastically.



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Charlotte: Look outside

You glance outside, trying to get your mind off of that dream you had.

Wait... Is that fire?!

Charlotte: Open window

You go to open your window, but decide against it when a fireball flies past. You instead run to the fire exit and leave that way. You see countless ogres and basilisks attacking the city.


You summon your staff and rush down the steps... running straight into the arms of an ogre. You scream and struggle against the ogre's grip.

"Help! Someone help me!"

@Midnight Phantom @Nawmoo @ShadowHuntress
Afrien : Attack

You leap into the air, and quickly behead the ogre. These things were essentially as easy to fight as imps at your current rung. But the Basilisks on the other hand.

Deust : Protect

You catch Charlotte in your arms and flee from a pursuing Basilisk.

"Why Hello there!"


Afrien : Murder Basilisk

You dodge away from a fireball, before sliding under the Basilisk. You holy your Glaive above you as you slide, slicing it in half. GRIST pours from the giant slit in the Basilisk corpse.

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