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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

ES: Now I have to connect to you with the server software

ES: When you get the prompt allow access

Ken: Request connection

You can't request a connection because you don't have a computer to connect with.

Ken: Borrow Lottie's laptop

You go to Charlotte's room and borrow her laptop, installing the server software on it. When it's done, you send a connection request to Amanda.

QA: Alright, take the cruxite over to the Totem Lathe.

QA: The Totem Lathe is the machine that looks like a giant drill lathe or an odd-shaped sowing machine.

QA: You will also need to pick-up the Pre-punched Card I placed down for it is essential to preform the next step.

QA: You'll place the cruxite in the Totem Lathe along with the Pre-punched Card

QA: The Totem Lathe will carve the cruxite into a unique shape that is represented by the Pre-punch card you put into it.

QA: There are more things you can do with it, but they're irrelevant right now.

QA: What is relevant is that after you activated your Cruxtruder, a timer started.

QA: The time is counting down to how much time you have left till a meteor will hit your current location.

QA: Don't feel bad about this for it was destined to happen anyway, totally inevitable.

QA: You cannot stop it and you will die if you're not in the game by the time that counter reaches 00:00.

QA: It should also be noted that you can prototype the kernelsprite.

QA: The prototyping will determine how your enemies in the game are and look.

QA: I suggest choosing things that can be described as "Weak".

QA: The prototype kernelsprite will also act as your spirit guide.

QA: That's not relevant right now, but should be mentioned.

@Kurai Okami
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Amanda: Accept

She was about to click accept when her door slammed open to reveal her angry father. "You little sh...sh...turd! What are you still doing here?"

Oh boy, he was drunk. She moved the curser away from the accept box, clicking accept in the process.

"Hey daddy! I don't know what you mean. You put the kind guards outside the exits to make sure I didn't leave, right?"

"You know what I mean! You shouldn't even exist! You little rat!" He smacked her across the face, sending her to the ground. He then left, slamming the door behind her.

Amanda felt tears burning her eyes but she blinked them away. Smile! Smile!
"Smile! Smile!" She muttered to herself before smiling. "There! That's better!"

Amanda: Now accept

She stood up and walked back over to her laptop, planning to hit accept but didn't see the box anymore. Huh...wonder where it went. Should she tell Ken? Maybe...just wait to see if he responds?

Amanda: Freak out

What did he mean okay? What did he...how did he...there's no way he could have seen that...right? Right?!

Amanda: Act like you don't know what he's asking

JF: What do you m3an? !'m sur3 ! m!ght hav3 acc3pt3d, so could you pl3as3 t3ll m3 what to do n3xt?

ES: No were not moving past this that easily

ES: I saw what happened

ES: Are you all right

ES: Did he hurt you

Rage bubbles up in your stomach. It's people like that man that ruin your faith in humanity.

Amanda: Uh........

Okay...he saw...how? Maybe when she hit accept, they're able to see you? But...does that mean she really did accept when...oh god...this could end badly. But she had to figure something out...something to please him....oh, how about...

JF: Oh, that? !t's noth!ng to fr3ak out ofur! !t was just us play!ng! Noth!ng to worry about!

JF: You s33, w3 hav3 th!s gam3 to k33p our guards up! !'m furom a f!ght!ng fam!ly that usually go3s on to s3rv3 th3 country as a m!l!tary off!c3r, so w3 k33p 3ach otfur on guard.

JF: But that just sounds l!k3 an 3xcus3 to anyon3 3ls3 that !sn't !n our fam!ly, r!ght?

She laughed, scratching the back of her head as if she was nervous about explaining a big embarrassing secret and made it look like everything was fine, which was pretty believable since she had years of practice.

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Ken: See through lie

You clearly see Amanda freak out before she starts typing. She's lying. But you can worry about that later. Right now, let's focus on getting her away from that man.

ES: Okay moving on

ES: I have to put down some machines

ES: I think there should be enough space in your room

ES: Stay right there okay

Ken: Place machines

You place the machines down in Amanda's room. You're fortunate that she has such a large room.

Amanda: freak out...again

Amanda turned around, confused, and couldn't hide her shock period. There were these giant machines just appearing in her room. How...COOL! No, wait, calm down...no, can't...no, you must.

Amanda: Calm down

She took a few breathes and turned back to her laptop.

JF: Okay...that was d!ff3r3nt...but k!nd of cool. But what do ! do w!th !t now?




You first before flipping out to your room you start the process that gets you the carved totem, you figure now you can flip out and prototype your sprite. you swiftly sprint down the stairs, in doing so you fall and sit there for a single moment before getting back up and carefully rushing down the last flight of stairs. You grab your art book and start flipping through all of the loose pages until you find your most prized demon character Xao though he doesn't have many powers hes the best guide around! You instantly throw the drawing into the sprite and hope it turns out ok.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c53d6bf78_Xaosprite.png.a842b3a1343ad1ea4fa558c56942692a.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="81478" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c53d6bf78_Xaosprite.png.a842b3a1343ad1ea4fa558c56942692a.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

WOW hes... ok? Oh well it'll have to do for now! You rush back up stairs and put the totem on the ALCHEMITER which is the only machine you havent used yet so you just take a guess on how to use it. You end up alchemizing a PERFECT PENCIL. "
OH COOL, a pencil?" you ask yourself

AM: what am i supposed to do with this?

AM: it reminds me of a gold pencil

AM: temporary but pointless

AM: hehe pointless




  • Xao sprite.png
    Xao sprite.png
    4.4 KB · Views: 13
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QA: You need to obtain the knowledge from your item somehow.

QA: It's weird, but we all had to figure it out.

QA: Since it's a pencil, I suggest drawing or writing something.

QA: Side note, what the hell did you toss into the kernelsprite?

@Kurai Okami
AM: i threw in one of my characters

AM: hes not that powerful plus

AM: since hes on paper i dont suppose he would have his powers anyways

AM: this isnt a fantasy


You look at the pencil with confusion its PERFECT but why is it a pencil instead of a mechanical pencil. Mechanical pencils define you more than normal pencils, you hate using pencils, constantly need sharpening UGH. you start to bend the pencil, it seems pretty flimsy. Maybe this pencil isnt all that perfect after all! you snap the pencil in half and get teleported to your land.


"Hey Ken... What's that?"

You pointed outside, a large scaly creature hissing out smoke and scoping out the area. You quickly run the other way, and whisper-yell at Ken.

AM: so didn't you mention monsters at some point?

AM: im going to need a weapon in that case

AM: brb

you shove your iPod in your pants pocket and run down to your room with Zao loudly speaking in... what you think is Greek. You grab your back pack and empty it out, inside is your purple, binder two notebooks, The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel: The Magician, Septimus Heap: queste, a colored pencil box and several papers. You decide to shove the books back into the bag, as well as your favorite white jacket, fourteen bags of smart food, an entire bag of pretzels, your art book, and you capchalog several bottles of water. A seasoned adventurers gear all packed and ready you head to the back yard to get into the garage. as you exit onto the porch you see that most of your back yard made it, only the corners didn't which is pretty ok with you as long as none of your child hood memories haven't gone.

you enter the garage through the back door and search thoroughly for a weapon and manage to find a double sided axe. you are now excellently prepared and combat ready with your new axe kind specibus and you take to the road!
QA: Indeed.

QA: The enemies of the game are called underlings.

QA: They'll generally look like or have elements of whatever you prototyped the kernelsprite with.

QA: They can range from being easy as hell to hard as shit.

QA: So far, I've only ever encountered three types of underlings.

QA: Imps, the basic low-level grunts, ogres, the colossal brutes with tusks, and basilisks, large-mouth lizards the size of cars.

QA: I believe there are more types of underlings, but aren't that interested to find out so soon.

QA: Since you just started, you'll most likely only encounter imps right now as they will try an invade your house.

@Kurai Okami
Ken: Back to reality

You got sidetracked, you fool! There's a basilisk outside!


You message Amanda really quickly.

ES: Sorry somethings come up

ES: Ill be back in a bit

ES: Dont touch any of the machines till I get back


Ken: Get up

You get up and draw your sword.

"I don't think it knows we're here. We have the element of aurprise. I'll warp us behind it, then we go nuts. Ready?"

Amanda: Don't touch anything

She could do that. She sat back in her chair and pulled out her phone. She had Pesterchum there too, thank god, so she could walk around her room and closet in search of her bow. She had been forbidden to go back to practice because she had 'angered' one of the other members. Of course, this was only because she had beaten him in a contest of skill, but said nothing since everyone wanted her gone anyway.

Amanda: Look for bow and quiver

She set to her task of finding her bow and the quiver she used to hold her arrows. She'd have to make sure none of them broke when she does find them. She looked in her walk in closet first first, seeing as it was the farthest so why not? She didn't find it there, though she did find her cat ears headband, attachable tail, notebooks with clothes designs, lists of things her friends needed when they hosted a party, and my favorite kitty cat robotic pet. So that's where it disappeared too!
Aura: Agree

You nod, getting ready for him to warp.


Sharil: Wake up

You wake up behind your couch, and blink. That was a strange dream... Hmm... You get up, and remember something about upgrading your weapon. Well, you'd do that later...
Ken: Warp

You teleport with Aura behind the Basilisk. It still doesn't know you're here. You nod at Aura and jump at it, slashing at its back. It screeches in pain and turns its head around to look at you.

Aura: Try new weapon out

You fly up towards the creatures face while its confused, doing a spin mid air to make the neon glowing metal ball to collide with its head. You then follow it up with a viscous uppercut after its head jerks to the side. It flew backwards, but quickly recovered and spit a flaming ball at you. You dodge, narrowly, and land back on ground.

"Go for it!"
Ken: Special technique

You warp in front of the basilisk and enlarge your sword, then smack the monster with the side if it, knocking it over.

"Let's go for a hammer-and-nail attack!"

You jump up and stab your sword into the monster's chest. The monster flails helplessly as you gesture toward the sword's hilt.

"Smash it in!"

Amanda: put the robo cat down

Amanda jumped at the sound of her phone and gently put her robo kitty down. She saw it was Charlotte.

JF: Y3p! But h3 sa!d som3th!ng cam3 up and that h3 would b3 back.

JF: Why? Do you not trust that h3 d!d?


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