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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

Theo quickly clicked the accept request button.

AM: yep yep

AM: ok this game did not come with any instructions whatsoever

AM: what am i supposed to do now???

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"Oh yeah, true! I really don't mind, I just wanted show you my place! It looks cool, in all honesty. Though.... First, I want to upgrade my weapon. Just so I have an easier time trying to 'God Tier' or whatever its called."
QA: Nothing, yet.

QA: By accepting my server player request, I can now see you and your house.

QA: I can also interact with your surroundings, but only around your house and I can only see into rooms that you've been in.

QA: Any who, I now am going to be making space so that I can lay down some equipment you'll need to enter the game.

QA: Any place you would like the equipment to be placed, by chance?

@Kurai Okami
Afrien : Visit Deust

You decide to head into the castle and visit Deust. You enter the throne room and...

Where the fuck is he?

"King Deu- Oh, its Sir Afrien."

"Where is Deust?"

"He left yesterday to 'slay beasts and grind experience', but he never returned!"

tyrannicalFigment -TF- began trolling mushroomKing [MK]

TF: Deust where the Fuck are You

MK: Ah! Good Sir Afrien, it has been many hours since we last chatted!

MK: I seem to have lost my way while doing the task of monster hunting.

MK: But I have steadily climbed this Eccheladder, and eaten the remains of the monsters. They taste quite good roasted.

TF: Holy Shit

TF: You got Fucking Lost

TF: Describe where You are

MK: Well, there are rocks all about, save for the massive stone wall behind me.

MK: I think I can see a window up over yonder.

MK: Oh hello Sir Afrien! Can you not see me waving?

Afrien : Look

Oh my god. He got lost. He got lost behind the fucking city walls.

TF: Stay Put

TF: I am coming To get You
AM: I thought this was an rpg...

AM: oh well

AM: dont place anything in my room


AM: plus its a pigsty in here

You quickly pick up your tiny dutch hound you got from china and put it on your head ITS SO CUTE YOU COULD DIE! ok your getting off task again focus oooooon your game here! Or wait! You log onto your blog and write an entry

To my adoring fans

if i die i want you all to know... I SUCK AT MATH

haha they're gonna love that

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Charlotte: Go to apartment

You take a map and follow it to the apartment. You get a key and go up to your apartment, then lay down on the bed. You almost immediately fall asleep.


Charlotte: Be visited

You're floating in an empty void. Something appears ahead of you, moving closer.


Ellie comes into focus and smiles at you.

"Hey, Char."

"Ellie! What happened?! Are you okay?!"

Ellie's smile falters.

"I... I'm sorry, Char. I lied to you. I... wasn't fine."


"I... I died, Char. I'm a ghost."


Tears well up in your eyes.

"B-But... You can't be dead...!"

"I'm so sorry, Char..."

Ellie tries to hug you, but her ghostly body passes straight through. She fades away into the blackness.

"Ellie, no! Don't leave! Ellie!"


You scream and sit upright in your bed, tears streaming down your eyes. That had to have been a nightmare... Ellie can't be dead...!
QA: Alright, no equipment in the bedroom.

QA: Guess it's going in the living room.

Duke: You know the drill

Once more, using your skills of Feng shui, you arrange the furniture in the living room so that you can place down the devices and still be able to use the living room as a place to...well, live. You plop down the Cruxtruder, Totem Lathe, Pre-punched Card, Alchemiter, and Punch Designix all in that order.

QA: Alright, everything you're going to need is right now in your living room.

QA: I'm now going to tell you instructions on how to use them.

QA: First, we're gonna go over to the thing that looks like a furnace.

@Kurai Okami
Amanda: stop moping and message a stranger

She sighed and sat back up. She really did want to play the game...but no one she knew wanted to play with her. Maybe...she could message someone else and ask if they wanted to play with her? Yeah...that sounded interesting...but also dangerous. She had been advised not to talk to strangers, but...maybe it would be fine? It's just to play a simple game. How much damage can she cause?

She walked over to her laptop and opened Pesterchum, looking at the list of those online. She clicked one and quickly started typing.

joyfulFeline (JF) began pestering equestrianLover (EL)

JF: H3y!

JF: ! was wond3r!ng !f you know about th3 gam3 Sburb?

Afrien : Grab Rope

You grab some CONVENIENTLY PLACED ROPE from the wall, and open up the window. You hurl the rope down over the wall, and tie it to the throne.

Afrien : Retrieve Deust

You climb down the rope in silence, reaching the Mushroom King.

"Ah! Sir Afrien! You have come to get me!"

"Hop on."

Afrien : Grunt

Holy shit Deust is heavy. You climb back up the rope while giving the King a Hoofbeast Back ride. Eventually, you make it back into the Throne Room.

"Please never get lost again."
You tromp up both sets of staircases this time into your living room where some machines have been placed down. 'these are pretty weird lookin machines' you decide

AM: ok

AM: which machine first!

AM: :T
"Thanks, Ken!"

You peck him on the cheek, smiling, and walk over to the machines. Lets get down to business.

You get those old SPEAKERS you had stashed away in your Sylladex. Maybe they could be of use?

You combine your MAKE-SHIFT MACE with the SPEAKERS to create a JAMMIN' STAR BASHER. Oh. It seems your Strife Specibus has... Changed to MorningStar Kind. Great...

You combine your LAMPH with this to create the JAMMIN' STAR STREAKER. Nice.

Next, you try combining the JAMMIN' STAR STREAKER with a GLOWSTICK you had... For some reason. You create the STARLIT NIGHT CRASHER. Whoa, this thing looks awesome. Now, you can fight in style! And fly, AND LISTEN TO MUSIC, all in one weapon!

You swing the thing around, the glow almost mesmerizing as it went rapidly faster and faster in a circle. You stop, your face stuck with a childish grin. Just like the good ol' days.
Amanda blinked at what the stranger said. A deathtrap...with monsters...? What is that about?

JF: !'m sorry...but what? A deathtrap? What do you mean?

JF: You are unhurt, correct? And are there any otfurs? You aren't alone, are you?

Ken: Smile

Seeing Aura so happy makes you happy. You can't help but smile as you head off to search the house.


Charlotte: Reply

EL: i'm with a bunch of others. we're managing to survive so far.

EL: but you enter the game alone, and if you don't have any fighting experience, you're doomed.

QA: The one that looks like a furnace, the Cruxtruder.

QA: Once it's activated, it'll produce one cruxite.

QA: It'll look like a large cylinder and functions as a
blank key in this situation.

QA: Also, when you activate it, a glowy-sphere thing will pop out from the Cruxtruder.

QA: That's your kernelsprite.

QA: I'll get more into that later.

@Kurai Okami
JF: Oh? !f !t's f!ght!ng 3xp3r!3nc3 you'r3 worr!3d about, th3n !'ll b3 f!n3! ! hav3 tons of tra!n!ng!

JF: !'m also r3ally handy with a bow :3

JF: Now, what's your nam3? ! th!nk ! should at l3ast know your nam3 now that ! start3d talk!ng to you.

JF: At l3ast, that's what ! b3l!3v3 how normal p3opl3 mak3 fur!3nds...

JF: !'ll start off! My nam3 is Amanda!

JF: W3ll Charlott3, ! b3l!3v3 that a gam3 !s fun wh3th3r you m!ght d!3 or not.

JF: As long as you hav3 fun, ! don't s33 th3 purrobl3m. As long as you 3njoy yours3lf, 3furyth!ng should b3 f!n3, r!ght?

JF: :3

Charlotte: Be worried

This girl's attitude worries you. She doesn't seem to care much about her own life.

EL: i can see that i won't be able to change your mind about this.

EL: all right, i'll help you out. give me a few minutes, okay?

Charlotte: Message Ken

EL: hey, ken.

ES: Whats up Lottie

EL: i just got a message from a girl named amanda.

EL: she has the game and wants to join.

EL: could you possibly be her server player?

ES: Is she crazy

ES: She WANTS to join

EL: i tried to convince her not to, but i couldn't.

ES: Okay Ill be her server player

EL: great! her chumhandle is joyfulfeline.

ES: Ill talk to her

Ken: Message Amanda

ES: Excuse me

ES: My sister Charlotte told me you wanted to join Sburb

ES: I can help you

Oh? A...brother...? Oh boy...no, keep up the smile! Be energetic! Don't let it slip!

JF: Oh, r3ally? And ! was 3fur so hop!ng !t would b3 cut3 l!ttl3 Charlott3.

Oh w3ll.

JF: ! am go!ng to assum3 you know my nam3, so could you pl3as3 t3ll m3 yours?

JF: Also, to start, all ! hav3 to do !s !stall th3 cl!3nt disk, corr3ct?

You kick what you think is the CRUXTRUDER "Okay thingie, GIMME THE STUFF!!!" You yell as you start beating up the machine as you see no other way of activating it besides the ESCAPÈ WHEEL! but your too random to try and use it. OK LETS STRATEGIZE! instead of stratagizing you run down the hallway into the office "ONII-CHAN IM BORROWING THIS METAL CHAIR!" You yell attempting to annoy him "k, have fun." he says stoically. You then run back down the hallway chair in hand like in WWE and start smacking the machine and throwing the chair about. Suddenly the top of the CRUXTRUDER pops off at the top when the chair lands on top of it and a red glowing thing pops out as well as a cruxite dowl.

AM: ok the deed is done

AM: rather randomly i might add


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