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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

Duke: Check out map

You look at the map Afrien gave you to the Communal Hive Stem in downtown Kino Kingdom, wherever that is, and started packing up shop. You're not sure what to take there. You guess some food would be essential.

Duke: Back some grub

You go to the not-kitchen and captchalogue some snacks. You mostly took EDIBLE SPACE FOOD, you're kind of into it now that it doesn't taste so bad. You then captchalogue the CANS OF MOUNTAIN LIGHTNING, you're definitely gonna need them.

Duke: Leave Not-kitchen

You go back to your lounge and look around for anything you could take.
"It's an app you can install. It seems to convert 5 Boon Dollars, be it positive or negative, into a gust of Sopor Vapor. I keep it on my glasses to help me sleep."

Afrien : Laugh

"But in your case, you could just use it to huff the shit. I will send you the file through Trollian."

Afrien : Think

What would Gamzee be like if his chill ran off?

Afrien : Focus




Gamzee would sober up and murder someone within 5 days, and be killed in revenge after another 2. Best to keep him high.

"Right, I will remember to do that."

"Don't you forget, man. Don't you dare forget."

You give Afrien a glare, then laugh it off.

"Just messin' with you, man. I know you won't leave me hanging."

You look around at Afrien's Prospit.

"Your Prospit's still in one piece, huh?"

@Midnight Phantom
"Yeah. We haven't managed to even reach Skaia yet. Only about a week into the game so far."

Afrien : Stare at Sky

"Karkat mentioned that your Prospit and Derse got blown the fuck up. I'm hoping that ours don't meet the same end. We need our Dream Selves to reach Godhood after all."

"Yeah, our Prospit only got blasted 'cause of some motherfucker from the humans' session. Fucking idiots prototyped a First Guardian and gave the monsters power over reality. Then this asshole, Jack Noir, showed up all prototyped and shit and blew up the way into our new universe. We had to hide out in this abandoned ectobio lab in the Furthest Ring to escape him."

@Midnight Phantom
Shadow: walk to the communal hive stem

She can't. Afrien didn't exactly say where it was....

Shadow: message Afrien

severedWorth (SW) began trolling tyrannicalFigment (TF)

SW: I'm sorry to bother you

SW: but where is the communal

SW: hive stem?

SW: You never really,

SW: uh,

SW: mentioned where it was....

@Midnight Phantom
Sharil: Get out of there

You run away as fast as you can while Fomeon is still distracted. You wish you could tell him just how... Just, don't. You jump behind the couch were you've made your 'secret base'. and decide to slumber.

Sharil: Awaken

Apparently, you were having a dream with several other voices and a golden room. You peak out of your window, hoping to catch a glimpse of the racket. It seemed Afrien was there, along with a stranger... Weird...


Aura: Huff

You huff, trying not to be angry at all of the things happening today. But, of course, that wasn't working at all.
Gamzee: Start waking up

"Fuck. Something's happening back in the lab. I gotta wake up and see what it is. I'll troll you later, 'kay? Peace, bro."

You wake up, your dream self disappearing from Afrien's Derse.

@Midnight Phantom
Ok, its been several minutes since aura said anything about entering the game, its time to pester someone else.

artisticMage [AM] Began pestering quirkyAlien [QA]

AM: yo i need patched into the game and aura ain't responding

AM: or something

AM: its been a half an hour

AM: about...i guess :\

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Aura: Sigh

Gosh dang it, Ken knows you too well... You sigh, but not in an annoyed way. In a 'I-am-super-stressed-out' way. You smile, however.

"One tough day, I suppose. What do we do now?"


Sharil: Fall out of the window

You fall out of the window, though half way through realize that you can fly...
Afrien : Wake Up

You emerge from your Recuperacoon, turning on your Techno Lenses.

Afrien : Send File

You send the "relaxation Application" file to Gamzee through Trollian. Should extend his and the other Troll's lifespans quite a lot.

Afrien : Respond

TF: I gave Duke a Fucking Map

TF: He should Have Shown it To Everyone

TF: If he Didn't he is Getting slapped Back to Earth

Duke: Notice Space Monitor

Once again, some one is pestering you on Pesterchum...Though, this time, it looks like it's not a troll.

Duke: Answer chum

QA: Looks like I've become the go to guy when it comes to this.

QA: So, artisticMage, do you want me to be your server player?

@Kurai Okami
AM: yeppers :3


AM: >

You suddenly become super hyped, TODAY IS THE DAY YOU SAVE THE WORLD! metaphorically... of course...

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Shadow: sigh

She sighed as she went to look for Duke. Of course Afrien would only give one map for everyone to use. She soon found him and tapped him on his shoulder. "Afrien said you had the map to the communal hive stem. Would you mind showing it to me?"

QA: Alright, just let me send you a request and we'll get started.

QA: Just give me a moment.

Duke: Send Server Player Request

You cannot send a server player request because Shadow requires the map from you. You remember that there's only one map that Afrien gave you and it was currently captchalogued in your Sylladex.

Duke: Take a moment

Duke: Hmmm...One moment, I got an idea.

Duke: Punch the map

You go over to the Punch Designix and pre-punch the captchalogue card with the map. You then proceed to make four maps at the Alchemiter.

Duke: Here, one map for you and three spares maps for anyone else...You think we'll need more?

@ShadowHuntress @Kurai Okami
"Yeah... I agree with you. I'm super tired, but we always somehow get woken up one way or another. I wonder if we could go back to my land eventually... Who knows. I guess we can go now, then."

You unravel the blankets around you, holding out your hand in acceptance. Ken was always thinking of others, wasn't he? And that's why you thought he was amazing... He cared for everyone like family. And you needed that.
"Don't know." Was all she said as she took the map and headed toward the communal hive stem. Once there, you get a key before entering a communal hive. Once there, you see a recuperacoon and you almost dive into it. It felt so good....so comforting...

Shadow: Awaken

You once again awaken in the purple room on Derse. What you are supposed to do here, you haven't figured that out yet...but maybe later you will? No, you doubt it. For now, let's just continue the book you had to put away last time.
You take Aura's hand and teleport with her back to your house.

"If I knew what your land looked like, I could teleport us there..."

Ken: Get idea

"Oh! Of course! I could just look through Sburb at your house and bring us both there!"


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