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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

Duke: Chip away

You start chiseling at the ice around Aura with a bothersome feeling in your gut.
Afrien : Get Annoyed

You notice that Freud followed you in.

"I didn't tell you to follow me."

"I just assumed-"

"Don't assume anything. I need to think. Alone. So get back to working."

Freud : Work

You begin to breath small flames onto the ice once more.
Amanda sighed as she tossed the games aside. Maybe she just wouldn't play. All her friends wouldn't bother with it and all the rich kids she had gotten to know didn't have time to bother with video games. But...it seemed like it would be fun...No! If no one around her would like it, neither would she. That's just how it works. Adjust to what people like and what they expect from you. Fake a smile. Don't show your emotions. Those were the things she was taught when she was younger and it was now her. She never showed how she felt. Never did what she wanted. She sighed and laid on her bed, staring at the ceiling. Maybe playing the game would get her new friends? Friends that might understand she wasn't into sneaking out, or partying until the sun came up (despite how much she loved to party), or trying things such as drugs and alcohol. Or, when with the rich, that she loved making fun of the poor, or being all stiff and formal all the time. That she wanted something in the middle of the two lives she led.

She heard herself chuckle. As if. No one out there would believe that she wasn't that girl she acted like around them.


Shadow continued to chip away at the ice. She glanced over at Duke and smiled a bit. He looked so u uneasy. Maybe he was just unused to a large group of people like she was? No, she doubted it. From what she could tell, humans got along great with each other...mostly. But she didn't want him feeling bad just because of something he said, so she gently put an arm on his shoulder, stopping her chipping for a moment. "Hey, don't worry about it. There's no reason to beat yourself up about it, okay?" She asked, her voice soft and gentle.

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Aura: Move

You are moderately freed from the ice, breath returning to you lungs as you gasp and breath out puffs of white air. As some of the last ice thaws, you collapse onto the ground, coughing and hacking at the exposure to air once more. Though, you could not remember what happened. Eye wide, you look at your deathly pale hands.

"Wh... What happened..?"
Aura: Be confused

Your senses were numb, and your vision blurry. Who was hugging you..? Well, they were warm, so you hug back. Wait... Its Ken. Your memory begins to come back, but slowly.

Aura: Remember

You remember Sharil... Freezing you. Suddenly, you didn't want to be weakened. You tried getting up, but you were still weak to stand. In the meantime, however, you glared at her with malice. Your mind was still hazy and confused, but you were furious at her.

"You.. You did this..."

"I... I didn't mean-"


You try and jump for her, an insane glint in your eyes.
Duke: Panic

Oh my god, Aura is trying to attack the new troll. This is not making the whole situation earlier look any more better.
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You look back at him, calming down a bit.

"Oh... Sorry. My mind jumped to the conclusion that she tried killing me..."


"Look, sorry. How did you do that, anyway!?"

"I... Have no idea..."

FomeonSprite: Explain

You can't explain because you are busy trying to find the threat to Sharil. As you wander outside, you see Sharil with a histile looking human. You take action.

Fomeon: Protect Sharil

You smack Aura upside the head, causing her to trip and falter into Ken.


"Back away from Sharil!"


"Sure as SQUEAK you aren't doing anything wrong! Trying to attack her was your mistake!"



"Sure she did."


Aura: Be stopped

It seemed PuffieSprite was back, and he had tapped you on the shoulder.

"Stop bothering her."

"I'm not listening to some scum as low as yourself, BlanketNose."


PuffieSprite: Grab Aura

You accidentally grab Ken along with Aura, but that was fine. As long as it got her away from hurting herself. You float back towards the house, with them both in tow.
Shadow just watched everything go down, backing up so she wouldn't get involved. She hated fighting, but she hated getting hit even more.
"You were worried about lack of housing for all of us, so I just bought a Communal Hive Stem in downtown KinoKingdom."

"In human terms, an apartment complex!"

"Yes, that."

Duke: Think about it

Well that does solve the housing problem...however...You can't help but feel that there's still a problem now between races. You guess that you could try to be a bit more...friendlier? You question if that's even a word or not.

Duke: Try being more friendly

Duke: Well...that sounds great. Good job-um, Afrien.

Duke: Feel weird

Okay, trying to be friendly is not up your alley, but at least you're trying.

@Midnight Phantom
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PuffieSprite: Let them go

You do just that, setting them down on the ground near the house. Aura's color was back, though still paler than usual. She went back inside the house, not really having anywhere else to go. She grabbed a spare blanket, and wrapped in around herself. She looked disgruntled. You float up near her, not saying anything. You decide to give her your pendant, then float away and do other things. Not that you could do anything else...
Afrien : Abscond

You toss Duke a map to the stem, and quickly leave to go take a nap.

Afrien : Open Door

You grab your keys from the office and enter your Communal Hive, immediately hopping in the newly installed recuperacoon. Ahhh... It feels... Soo... Niiiiice...

Afrien : Sleep

You suddenly jolt awake on the Moon of Prospit, alone again. God Dammit.
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???: Fall in

You fall through the air and land on something soft and warm.

"The fuck? Where am I?"

You get up and look at the thing you landed on. It's another troll. Whoops.

"Hey, sorry 'bout that, bro. You okay?"

@Midnight Phantom
"Eh, after having a massive brick dropped on you, another Troll aint shit."

Afrien : Roll

You roll out from under this other Troll.

"I'm Afrien by the way. I assume you are one of the Trolls from Karkat's session?"


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