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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

Deust : Royal Bash

You sprint across the battlefield, jumping up to the Lich's head. You swing your Scepter up at its face, breaking everything from its jaw to its eyes sockets clean off of its exposed skull. You then proceed to slam your Scepter into its torso, creating a massive gash in the X Mark.

@electroShogun @Nawmoo @MoltenLightning
Duke: Disc of Doom

With all your might, you send the INVADER'S CHOICE right into the mark spot on the lich's chest. The gash widens with your additional attack.

You didn't know how to take all of this praise. It was... Nice. For the first time in your life, you felt as if you were needed. You use these new feelings of happiness, and use the water jet as a rocket to get up to the chest. Then, you focus.

Sharil: Do something

You... Can't. At least, not yet. Throwing your CC in front of you, you shoot a jet stream into the gash, searing it, then finally jab the creature with the end, the flaming tips licking the insides of the gash. But, it seemed that did not do the job. The creatures hand came crashing towards you. Then, finally, you do something.

Sharil: Be happy

You shoot a bolt of electricity into the wound, to finish the beast off. The creature fell backwards, bursting into different kinds of GRIST. You do the same, and fall over from exhaustion.

Shadow: Comfort Aura

Shadow hesitated before bringing Aura into a hug. "It's okay. You're better than me at a lot of things. I can only hurt myself and I'm not very good at anything other than healing."

"... I'd say we both have our weaknesses and strengths, but we shouldn't beat ourselves up about them."

You wish Ken were here, then you could talk to him about this too.


Sharil: Smile

You smile for the first time in a long time. Though you might be aching all over, you were happy.

"...I guess so..."
"I guess so..." She smiled, though it looked weary. "Does it hurt anywhere?" She asked, looking her over again. She had to be absolutely sure before she felt better about it. She didn't want anyone to feel pain if she could help.

Duke: Pick up some grist

Yeah, you might as well pick some up, you earned it. You pick up blue ones, black ones, big ones small ones.
Shadow stood up and hurried as quickly as she could despite her dizziness. She couldn't be burdened by that now! She used the wind to surround Afrien and made sure all of his wounds were healing, her eyes focusing on what she was doing, hoping she didn't pass out again.

@electroShogun @Midnight Phantom
Sharil: Go back home

You meander over to the house, then slumped onto the couch. You looked a little paranoid, though not as badly as before.


Aura: Notice Afrien

"Well, looks like beating up happens to the best of us..."

You state simply, continuing to lay on your bed.

"Can I get up yet, Ken?"

She questioned, though a smile was on her face. If he said yes, she was going to tackle him. If he says no, she was going to tackle him. Hehehe... He looked like he'd just been on a roller coaster 231 times. Which, frankly, was hilarious.
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Aura: Tackle him

You glomp him, hugging him and tackling him both at once.

"Haha! I now have an excuse to attack you!"

You ruffle his hair, a big grin stuck to your face.
Ken: Be surprised

You certainly didn't expect Aura to attack-hug you! You both fall to the floor.

"Whoa! Jeez, Aura! Take it easy!"

You smile and laugh, and hug Aura back.

Charlotte: Walk in

You enter the house to see Ken and Aura on the floor, laughing and hugging

"Umm... Is this a bad time?"

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Aura: Be surprised

"Oh, hi! Eheh, sorry. Just excited, I guess."

Aura: Laugh awkwardly

Wasn't this Ken's sister..? Oh geez... Has he told her about you?
"Oh, uh... Hey, Lottie. I guess you haven't met Aura yet."

"Oh my god, Ken! You got a girlfriend?!"

Ken's face turns red, and he becomes flustered.

"Lottie! Shh!"

"You were always complaining that you could never get a girlfriend back at home!"

"Lottie! T-That's not true! Don't make things up!"

"You always played those weird anime dating simulators-"

"That's enough, Charlotte!"

You giggle hysterically. It's so easy to tease Ken. You get such good reactions from him.

You couldn't help but giggle at their chat. Yup, definitely siblings.

"Yeah, hi. I'm Aura."

You blush at the statement of the boyfriend stuff, as you were still adjusting to it. You hadn't said anything official, but... Yeah.
"I'm Charlotte. Nice to meet you, Aura."

You smile at the girl. She seems like a really nice person. You guess that as long as Ken's happy with her, you're happy, too.

"Anyway... Charlotte, we need to have a talk."

Uh-oh. Here it comes. Ken gestures for you to follow him, and you reluctantly do so. He leads you into another room, then shuts the door.

"What the hell were you thinking?! Why did you install Sburb?!"

"I had to find you! I couldn't just sit around, knowing that you're still alive!"

"But I specifically told you not to install the game!"

"If I hadn't, I'd have been killed by a meteor!"

"Charlotte, the meteor doesn't hit unless you install the game!"

"That's not what Duke told me! He said that the meteor was gonna hit even if I didn't install the game!"

"W-What?! He never told me that!"

"It's true! I can show you the pesterlogs to prove it!"

Ken sighs and pushes his palms against his eyes.

"Look... I'm glad you're okay, but... you can't take any risks out here. You can't die. I won't let you die. I'll die myself before I let you get killed."


"So you'd better stop taking these crazy risks! Understand?"

You nod solemnly. Ken seems satisfied.

"All right."

Ken opens the door and heads back out. You decide to stay in this room and relax a little.

Ken: Return to Aura

You sit down next to Aura.

"Sorry about that."

"Thats fine, I don't mind."

Aura: Relax

You lean back, and stare at the ceiling. However, you were not relaxing, but rather scowling. A lot of things were gnawing at your insides right now.
Amanda: Begin making new arrows

Thinking she was going to die of boredom, she began making a bunch of arrows. She was not going to run out so easily next time she went out or if they attacked. She made enough to fill about twenty quivers.

Amanda: Okay, message Ken

She sighed and took out her phone. She was going to at least tell Ken she was in.

JF: Yeah, so, I'm in the Medium or whatever it's called, so that happened. Is there anything else I should do or should I ask your sister?

Yeah, she knew she didn't sound happy in that message, but she was tired and slightly scared of what was out there. She was planning on exploring her parent's rooms to see if they had any extra strife specibus' lying around so she could add something else as a weapon in case she ran out of arrows again.

"Some joke... Then again, I would never have been able to meet all of you guys. And, I wouldn't have this weapon or these powers or whatever else we got. I would not have met you."

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