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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

MK: Afrien mentioned something about the peculiar "Trickster Mode" or something to that effect.

MK: It must have been the source of our sudden and glorious transformation into our much more versatile forms.

"Well guess who doesn't give a flying fudge? Me. So, do yourself a favor, and get your head in the game."

Sharil: Listen to conversation outside

They seemed to be.. Arguing about something. Or just bickering, but whatever it was she didn't really like it... Wait. No, no, you have to just go with the flow...
MK: I am not quite sure about my intended purpose, but I hope to be an asset to the group in some form.

MK: My powers as an Heir of Time must have some significant use to my fellow players.


Afrien : Grumble

You grit your teeth and stop arguing with Aura. That woman was infuriating.
MK: Afrien created what he called a vestigial server on a computer located in a pair of spectacles I am currently wearing.

MK: He had me connect to said server and become a member of the session.

MK: I was given the title of Heir of Time by my extremely loyal companion Goldsprite.

Shadow: Be someone else

You are now a human girl who is laying on her bed, tossing a ball into the air. Who is this young girl?

Mistress Party Fail X

No! Try again!

Amanda Jackson

Yes, you are Amanda Jackson. You are fifteen years old and currently bored out of your mind. Your parents ground you...again...and even posted guards at your doors and windows. How unfair was that? Now she couldn't get out and see her friends...or whom she assumed was her friends. She surely hoped so, but they always bailed on her when she didn't have the money to pay for their fixes...but hey! Why be so down? At least she got to keep her laptop!

Amanda: Check laptop

She got up and walked over to her little desk and logged onto Pesterchum. One of her friends were on! She quickly told them she couldn't get out, but asked to talk, but was instantly shot down. Wow...okay...maybe she was being used? No...of course not!...but...she shook her head. No! Stop thinking like that! Always smile! Don't let anyone in! Don't let them know it gets to you!

Amanda: Listen for anything downstairs

Amanda walks over and presses her ear against the door. She hears yelling, of course, and then something crash. Looks like her parents are fighting again. This would make the thirtieth time this week...and it was only Tuesday! She soon heard the sound of high heels coming toward her room and she hurried back to her bed, just picking up the ball when her parents walked in.

"Amanda, we need to talk." Her mother said.

"It is about time me and your mother start seeing other people." Her father said.

Wait...what? They were getting a divorce? Was this her fault? It very much could be. Maybe she shouldn't have tried to fit in when she went into town that one day. But....she smiled despite the turmoil in her head.
"Oh really? Like whom? Oh! I know! How about the president? Or maybe a senator from another state!" She said gleefully.

"No Amanda, your father means a divorce!" Her mother screeched.

"Don't yell at her! She gets her slow mind from you!" Her father snapped.

They then left, taking their shouting with them. Oh boy....
MK: Do not misunderstand the situation, the Kinos have a level of intelligence rivaling humans, and I am one who far surpasses humanity in many regards.

MK: I may have the lineage of a race of mushrooms, but the mind of a humane scholar.

MK: Unfortunately, several player of this session lost their lives to a corrupted schism in time, where they were frozen.

MK: A player of the Human Session, and one of the Trolls Session, they both met their end.

MK: I was the next to join the session, and was selected as the new Hero of Time.

Duke: Hurry and set up shop

You ignore Ken, for the moment, and quickly arrange Charlottes friend's room to fit the equipment. You then proceed to lay down the Cruxtruder, Totem Lathe, The Player's Pre-punched Card, and Alchemiter.

QA: Alright.

QA: You have everything you need to enter The Medium, hence our session.

QA: Ready to race against Armageddon?


You were glad you had 'won' the matter or whatever. It made you happy you were so persuasive.


Sharil: Come out.

You open the door, then peeked out, shivering slightly. First encounters were always so frightening... Actually, any encounter was, but you tried keeping this to yourself. As you always did...

Sharil: Greet them

You.. Couldn't. You were paralyzed on the spot, literally having no words to say. You grimaced. Now you've made a horrible first impression...


Aura: Notice Troll

You notice the new-comer Ken had talked about. It seemed she was... Shy? No, she didn't seem shy, just scared out of her mind. Yeah, she was physically shaking.

"Hi! So you must be Sharil?"

"Yes... Um..."

"Theres no need to be afraid, we're all in the same boat as you. Well, except Afrien. Apparently he got first class."

You laugh, trying to make a joke. It seemed like Sharil wanted to laugh, but she held it in.

"I know who.. Uh.. Ken is, but I don't know anyone else... At least, I don't think..."

"Oh. Well, I'm Aura, and that grumpy Troll over there is Afrien. Kersin is the really, really tall one right there, and Duke must be somewhere else. Oh, and Shadow is out exploring."

"Oh.. Okay, that's alright, I guess..."
Charlotte: Talk to friend

You go find your friend and talk to her.

"Ellie, are you sure about this?"

"Yes. I'll be fine, Char. I promise."

"But what about what Duke said? He said you'll die if you're left back here!"

"C'mon, Char. You know me better than that. I'll find some way to survive."

"Y-Yeah.... Yeah, you will! I believe in you, Ellie!"

You head back upstairs and find that Duke messaged you.

EL: yeah, i'm ready.

EL: let's do this.


Eridan: Worry

CA: you must havve a land

CA: if you dont theres no wway to scratch the session

CA: you need to havve a land

@Midnight Phantom
CA: you need to havve a client player to get access to your land though

CA: havve afrien disconnect from wwhoevver hes connected to

CA: then connect to them as the servver player

CA: that wway you can get to your land through theirs

@Midnight Phantom
Aura: Question

"So, do you have a Sprite?"

"A... Sprite?"

"Yes, a glowing sphere and or ghost."

"Oh.. Oh my... Yes, I do..!"

"Did Ken forget it?"


"Of course he did... Ken! Hey, Ken, you left Sharil's Sprite behind!"

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"Be careful..! She.. Was acting strange right before we.. Left..."

It seemed to was too late, however, as he had already teleported. Hopefully he'd be prepared.


Squeaking could be heard in another room, as if a squirrel were conversing with something. Hmm. Strange. Not like anything could be seen around the squirrel orb, but it was squealing ferociously.
QA: Alright, let's take this step by step.

QA: You know, but quicker than you usually would in normal circumstances.

QA: Turn that wheel on the Cruxtruder (the thing that looks like a furnaces) to get some Cruxite.

QA: You will need the Cruxite for the next step.

QA: Also, once you activate the Cruxtruder, a glowing sphere called a Kernelsprite will pop out.

QA: This will also mean that you need to pick up the paste.

QA: A timer will start after the Cruxtruder has produced a Cruxite.

QA: The timer will countdown how much time you have till a meteor comes down and completely obliterates your current position.

QA: Do not feel bad for this because the meteors all already predetermined to hit your location anyway.

QA: It's just letting you know how much time you got till then.

QA: It should also be noted that you can prototype your Kernelsprite with something.

QA: Your sprite will act as your spirit guide and will often give you vague information.

QA: Try choosing something that can be described as weak and/or easy to beat.

QA: This will determine how strong your enemies are and generally how they look.

QA: You're next step will be to take the Cruxite to the Totem Lathe (The thing that looks like a giant drill press).

QA: You will also need to grab the Pre-punched Card that I've laid down.

QA: You will need to place both into the Totem Lathe and then activate it to get your Totem Dowel.

QA: Once you have your Totem Dowel, head over to the Alchemiter (the circular stage with the mechanical arm).

QA: From there, you'll place the Totem Dowel onto the Alchemiter to get your Cruxite Artifact.

QA: Grab your Cruxite Artifact and do whatever you need to do to obtain the knowlege within.

QA: For me, I had to drill my way through a boulder to get my item which turned out to be Ore.

QA: From there, I cracked it open so, if you need a frame of reference, there you go.

QA: Then you should be in the game, any question?

Shadow: put the book down and go back to reality

She sighed and put the book aside, as much as it pained her to do so. She had to be getting back, especially since she distinctly remembering that she fell asleep in the open on the hill. She wondered how long she had been out for as she went to her recuperacoon and closed her eyes.

Shadow: Wake up and head back to the hive

She slowly opened her eyes and sighed again. She was back and bookless. Maybe she could ask Ken if he could-no! She can't be asking favors! That would seem inconsiderate of her! She shook her head as she stood up. She had gotten too comfortable around him and was forgetting her place. She didn't know him well enough to ask any favors. Probably never would. She started walking back toward the hive, stretching as she yawned. She had to deal with imps and the occasional ogre, but that was about it. When she got there though, she sat outside and looked up. She didn't want to go inside just yet.

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