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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

A floating squirrel orb seemed to be conversing with something that wasn't there. Strange. The creature turned to face Ken, and started squeaking again. It seemed it wanted to talk to him, and it looked frightened.
QA: You'll be on a satellite that will be know as your land of blank and blank.

QA: Depending on what your class and aspect, Classpect for short, will be will determine your land.

QA: You'll be by yourself, but probably not for long.

Duke: Do something to activate furnace

It's not a furnace, it's a Cruxtruder. If it were a furnace then this would be an entirely different game, probably involving furnace things like paying monthly heating bills. Any who, you notice that the grist that she gets to start out with is way more higher than the amount you started with. You curious about it, but you don't ponder on it. Instead, you give her a starting advantage by laying down a Punch Designix...which you used to knock against the Cruxtruder, hence activating it.

QA: Alright, done.

QA: Also, take no notice to the device I just laid down.

QA: It's not relevant right now and won't be till you enter the game.


(P.S. I'm at school now and I'm gonna try to get back home now.)
Shadow: walk inside

Shadow sighed and stood up. She might as well head inside and look for Ken. She'd ask him if he minded, and if he did, never bring it up again. That was a good plan.

Shadow: Look for Ken

Shadow looked around for the human but couldn't find him. Was he out? Maybe he didn't want to be bothered. Yeah, that had to be it. She decided to sit down and watch everyone else. Oh how she wanted to go back to sleep and read her books, but if she slept too much, she might miss something, and that was something she refused to do.


Amanda: Look at mail on desk

Amanda walked over and looked over the mail that James, the butler, had left for her earlier that day. Yes, she probably should have looked through it earlier, but she was too busy trying to make her friends happy by trying to sneak out. Now that she knew that wasn't an option, looking through the mail seemed important.

She looked through the various envelopes, packages, and boxes to find ball invites, a few rings and necklaces her mother had ordered for her, a package of textbooks her father believed she needed, and two copies of this game called Sburb. She had heard of this. It was a game that consisted of a server and a client and then...oh, what was it...? Oh well. Maybe she'd find a stranger to play with. Her other friends were probably too high right now to even look at their phones. But who?
Charlotte: Get moving!

You quickly follow Duke's instructions, extracting a Cruxite Dowel from the Cruxtruder. You grab it and put it in the Totem Lathe, which carves it. While it carves, you grab your backpack and search inside it for something you can put in the Kernelsprite. You grab one of your many pony-shaped erasers and throw it into the sprite, creating a Ponysprite. You grab the finished Totem and put it on the Alchemiter. In a flash of light, a large wishbone appears.

Ellie: Come upstairs

You go back upstairs and enter your room. You see Charlotte holding a wishbone in one hand, and grab the other end.


"Make a wish, Char."

You smile at Charlotte. She nods, and you both pull, breaking the wishbone. Charlotte comes away with the larger half.

"Good luck, Char. I'll be waiting."

"Wait! Ellie, don't!"

The house disappears from around you, and Charlotte with it. You look up into the sky at the meteor bearing down on you, and you smile.

"I believe in you, Charlotte."

Charlotte: Cry

You fall to your knees and stare at the wishbone fragment in your hand, tears welling up.


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Duke: Be the other person

Why? You're kind of in the middle of some serious business, now is not the best time to be someone else. You're not ever sure why you would even do that, let alone how. Like switching consciousness, just too weird.

Duke: Continue important business

Looks like Charlotte did everything you said, however it looks like Ellie didn't get to tag along on the not-die train. Poor girl.

Duke: Take a moment of silence in honor of Ellie

Duke: Question if your moral values are up to par with the situations you're being put through possibly being judged by some being from a higher plane of existence

You do that and you feel weird in doing so.

QA: ...

QA: We'll talk about that later.

QA: Now it's time you get some grist.

QA: Grist is a building material you'll need for the Alchemiter to...well, alchemize stuff.

QA: You have some already, but you're gonna need more if you want to make some real progress.

QA: You can collect grist from creatures known as underlings.

QA: Underlings and the enemies of the game and just general annoyance of this world we're in.

QA: Depending on what you used to prototype the kernelsprite with will determine how they look.

QA: However, looks aren't important.

QA: The grist they have is.

QA: To collect grist from them, you're gonna have to slay them in a strife.

QA: I highly suggest using some sort of weapon.

QA: Do you by chance have a weapon you're accustom to?

EL: yeah, gimme a minute to find something.

Charlotte: Look for a weapon

You leave the bedroom and search the house. In the supply closet, you find a mop. You pull the head off of the mop and store the handle to your STAFFKIND specibus. On your way back to the bedroom, you look outside.

Charlotte: Stop and admire

You stare at the landscape outside. You're in a brightly-colored plain, with bright green grass and a clear sky. Flowers dot the landscape, and a rainbow stretches across the sky.


You head back to the bedroom and message Duke.

EL: okay, i have a mop handle.

EL: this counts as a staff, thankfully.

EL: now i have to hunt down monsters, right?

QA: Technically yes, but I'd just wait for them to come to you.

QA: And trust me, they will.

QA: They'll regularly swarm your house in packs.

QA: But don't worry about that right now.

QA: They'll mostly be the most basic of the underlings called imps.

QA: They're small, ruffly around your height, and are pretty easy to beat.

QA: Just make sure you collect whatever grist they drop, okay?

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EL: okay.

Charlotte: Wait for imps

You sit on the bed and wait around. You start worrying that you're in over your head. You're not sure that you can handle being in a real fight. Sure, you've taken lessons in self-defensive fighting from Ken, but here, you have to fight to kill. You're not sure you can handle that...


You jump up and equip the mop handle. Something's in the house! You run out to the living room and find three black creatures running amok. They're incredibly strange looking creatures, with the heads of ponies, dragon wings, robotic arms, and lion legs. You brandish the mop handle.

"Okay... I can do this!"

Charlotte: Strife!

You run toward the nearest imp and swing the staff at it. It connects with the imp's head, sending him flying across the room. You swing at the next one, catching it in the back. The third one jumps at you from behind, raking its metal claws down your back. You stab the handle behind you, hitting the third imp right between the legs. You turn and take a swing, knocking it into the wall next to the other two. The three imps slowly get to their feet and prepare to attack, but you're too fast for them, slamming the staff sideways against their necks, pinning them against the wall. You grab a nearby broom and break the handle, creating a point. You then stab the point into each of the imps' heads, killing them. Blue crystals burst from their bodies. You grab the crystals and go back to the computer.

EL: i got a few of them.

EL: did i do okay?

QA: You did fine.

QA: Just keep it up as I start building up.

QA: I shall be modifying this house so that it may reach a portal which will allow you to go to your land.

QA: The portal is a bit high up so this may take some time.

QA: Well with grist you can make stuff with the Alchemiter.

QA: With the Punch Designix, you can even make fusions of items with the Alchemiter.

QA: However, make sure you get a bunch of Capthalogue Cards if you're going to do this.

QA: Simply Capthalogue items, get the cards punched, put them in any combo into the Totem Lathe, take it to the Alchemiter and BOOM!

QA: One new item ready to go.

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EL: all my captchalogue cards are kind of being used...

EL: is there any way to get more?

You look through your Sylladex. You have stored a copy of your FAVORITE COMIC, your CELL PHONE, a PONY THEMED LUNCHBOX, a UNICORN PLUSHIE, and a TOY MAGIC WAND.

Duke: Remember what Ken sent you on Pesterchum

You remember Ken sent you a code for just blank Captchalogue Cards. You check some old chats and find the code, 11111111. Oh yeah, that was really handy.

QA: Empty one out and punch it with the code 11111111 at the Punch Designix.

QA: Once Alchemized, it shall produce a Blank Capthalogue Card.

You remove your unicorn plushie from its card and put the empty card into the punch designix. You input the code 11111111 and punch the card. You carve another totem using the newly punched card and alchemize a whole bunch of captchalogue cards.

EL: okay, got a bunch more.

EL: so i can combine stuff with this?

QA: Just captchalogue a bunch of stuff that you like or find would make for a great fusion and just repeat the process of what you just did, just remember to put both cards of what you want to fuse in the Totem Lathe at the same time.

MK: I watched Afrien's friend through this Trollian app, and it seems he has gained usage of the art of teleportation.

MK: In that case, Afrien could show him my land through his own Trollian client and have him teleport to my land.

CA: not a good idea

CA: better wwait until youre actually connected into their session

@Midnight Phantom

Charlotte: Alchemize cool stuff

You gather up everything you can find that might be useful.

Charlotte: Combine computer and cell phone.

You make a SMART PHONE. You've always wanted one of these.

Charlotte: Combine mop handle and lunchbox

You make a TIN FRIENDSTICK. It's pretty, but it feels kinda flimsy.

Charlotte: Combine Tin Friendstick and folding chair

You make a STEEL FRIENDSTICK. Much more useful.

Charlotte: Combine Steel Friendstick and kitchen knife

You make a BLADED STAFF OF FRIENDSHIP. Now we're getting somewhere!

Charlotte: Combine bladed staff and comic

You make a PAPER STAFF OF FRIENDSHIP. Oops. Bad idea.

Charlotte: Combine toy wand and Tin Friendstick

You make an APPRENTICE'S FRIENDWAND. Perfect for learning how to use magic... if only you had a Wandkind specibus.

Charlotte: Notice grist levels

You've used up a fair amount of grist. You'd better hunt down some more imps and gather more.

Charlotte: Go hunting

You install Pesterchum onto your smart phone and log in, then venture outside to hunt for imps.


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