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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

Duke: find a Return Node

You find one...yeah, not much to get into...hm.

Duke: Go home

You go through it and return back home. You rush back to your SPACE MONITOR and inform Charlotte of your situation.

Duke: Continue chat with Charlotte

QA: Alright, I'm back at my computer.

QA: You set up on your end?

QA: Alright, I'm gonna send you a request and all you need to do is accept.

QA: After which, I'll start setting up all the equipment you'll need to enter our session.

QA: Understood?

Shadow: Awaken

Shadow's eyes snapped open and she looked around and all she saw was purple. Oops. Well, she wasn't waking up any time soon, so she might as well read a bit. She left her books in her hive and was really wanting something to read. She walked over to her bookcase and pulled something out and sat against the wall.

Shadow: Get lost in the great fictional world

She was soon drowning in the history of Alternia and all its mysteries. She was loved this book and it showed on its wear and tear. But she never got tired of it. She just sat there, reading and letting the world go by,
"Wait.. Uh, whats a 'Human'? I don't think I've.. Um.. Heard of them..."

You think for a moment, having no clue what a human was. Had your Lusus told you about them before? You don't think so...
EL: well it's not my room, it's my friend's

EL: but go ahead i guess.

You look over to your friend, and she gets up. She comes over, sees the computer screen, nods, and leaves the room.


"Humans are a different sort of species. I'm one of them. I'll explain everything later. Now, take my hand and don't let go of it."

You offer your hand to Sharil.

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"Oh... O-okay..."

You weren't going to voice your opinion on the matter, because... Well, just because. You didn't need to do that.

Sharil: Grab his hand

You do just that, but slowly. You weren't quite sure about this. But, that was with almost everything you did.

You again stayed quiet. You weren't one to go shouting your mouth about what you like and didn't like, so you just had to prepare yourself for what came next.
Ken: Teleport

You teleport with Sharil into an unoccupied room of Duke's house. This just so happened to be the bathroom.

"All right, wait in here, okay? I'll tell everyone about you so they don't freak out."

You exit the bathroom and head back out to where everyone is.

"Hey, guys! I got an announcement!"

@MoltenLightning @Nawmoo @Kurai Okami

CA: Contact the mushroom man

-- caligulasAquarium [CA] began trolling mushroomKing [MK] --

CA: you there king

CA: i wwant to ask you some questions

@Midnight Phantom
"Hey, Afrien, what makes you think we aren't babysitting you?!"

You don't know why you get angry just then, but you were. He was being disrespectful, and that was not okay...
MK: We were initially a race of sentient Mushrooms living on the Land of Rams and Lies.

MK: But due to the magical intervention of the human who calls himself Ken Thompson, we ascended to a more humane appearance.

MK: The Great Destroyer gave us his blessing to build a government of our own, and I was crowned our ruler.


"Did you forget the whole Trickster situation? Who do you think got you out of that sugar high and off of the floor? Remember the Ogres? Who warned you about them? Apparently Chryom doomed me to take care of everyone like he did."


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