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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

Shadow: be ashamed

She had a feeling he was talking about her and hung her head. Yeah, she knew she wasn't any good, but at least she was trying...right? "....sorry...." She said under her breath, holding her arm again. "We...we should get back...don't you think?" She asked, already walking back.

@Midnight Phantom
Shadow: dwell on weakness

She had already collected her Grist and had climbed quite a few rungs on the Echeladder, so she should be fine, but she had help. That was the one thing she didn't want. That only showed she was still powerless, still weak, still...useless. What should she do to gain some strength so that she won't be a bother on the other players. But...what was she going to have to do to reach where she wanted to be? She clutched her arm tighter, her face turned down with her thoughts.

@Midnight Phantom
Afrien : Watch Deust

You see the Mushroom King doing what you had been doing, stabbing Imps and collecting GRIST. Good on him. You keep walking and watch him from a distance.
Theo contact friend

artisticMage [AM] started pestering domineeringConflagration [DC]

AM: yo dude i woke up to some gun fire sounds a few hours ago

AM: p much more than usual which is like...

AM: one per month

AM: is there like some sort of massacre going on somewhere

AM: dont answer that

AM: but anyways what sort of shenanigans do you think is goin on

AM: ?
Shadow: continue to the hive

She walked the rest of the way to the hive and walked in. She wondered if there was anywhere she could hide for a few hours. She didn't want to be seen just yet...maybe she should go back to the hill? No...Ms. Vriska might get mad since she said she would head back since they were worrying about her.
Aura: Check your BRACETOP

Wait, what!? Theo is still alive?! Goodness gravy!!!

DC: Theo?!

DC: Where have you BEEN!!?

DC: I've been on this whole escapade of a game without you!

DC: Literally!

DC: We've traveled to a parallel dimension I think, and we've got cool powers and stuff!!

DC: Seriously, what have you been doing?!
AM: sleeping

AM: its like 7 here

AM: your playing THE game

AM: man your in an alternate dimension ?

AM: and what level is that?


AM: not literally i just havent checked the mail yet

AM: ill go get the game


you swiftly exit your room with your ipod to keep in touch with aura whilst you get your copy of sburb. you seriously wonder what crazy adventures your friends have had without you. your all about crazy adventures of the video game variety. As you approach the door you hear your brother yell "MOM SAID NOT TO LEAVE THE HOUSE!" "I KNOW IM GRABBING THE MAIL!" you yell back in reply opening the door. Exiting the door you notice the red swingy flippy lever thing is up. you swiftly run to the mail box in excitement, opening it up you see a package and your copy of the game. The package must be for your bro, and who knows what he ordered. the last time you opened up one of his boxes you got a face full of fur as your new cat jasper jumped out. that was what a week ago? who knows at this point.
Duke: Stop delaying

You're still a bit hesitant to go through the portal. Shouldn't be that surprised, you don't think anyone would just hastily jump through a glowing portal to a probable hostile environment. However, no explorer got anywhere by standing around...unless they were standing on a boat, but you get the point. You jump on your UFOMG and go through your first portal.

You arrive to the Land of Night and Robotics...it's just the same as it was topside. Okay, there are a few differences. It more darker and empty than at topside, but still just a metallic world. The empty space is complemented with large metal pillars that seem to be holding up the outer layer of your land.

Duke: Explore

Might as well not waste anymore time just standing around, time to do a little sight-seeing.
"Who's Lottie? A sibling?"

You guessed, momentarily looking away from your BRACETOP. He seemed to be extremely happy about her, and Aura almost felt jealous. Almost.

"Well, I'm glad shes alright!"
"She's my little sister. I thought she died when Armageddon hit. I'm so relieved..."

You put your glasses back on and message Lottie again.

ES: Lottie listen to me

ES: You arent gonna believe this but Im in another world

ES: The game Sburb brought me here

ES: Whatever you do dont install Sburb

You then notice that someone else messaged you. You respond to them.

ES: Im sorry who is this

ES: Are you another Sburb player

Theo had finally returned to her room after giving bro his box which had started shaking five minutes into coming back into the house.

AM: ok so i gots da game

AM: what do i do now?

AM: just

AM: instaaaaalll

AM: it noooooow

AM: its done loading

AM: now what

Duke: Enter village

You enter what appears to be a village, or at least you think it was. It's quite abandoned, probably due to the underling infestation that has plagued the land. The village was made out of metal boxes with circle windows connected spirally around one of the large pillars that supports the land. You guess this must have been the robot chicken's village at one point. You snoop around a bit and see if you can find out a little more on the culture of your consorts.
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IT: Wa;t... You mean you've played the game as well..?

IT: Yes, ; am ;n the game... But, ; have no clue what to do...

IT: My fr;end just wanted to play th;s game w;th me...

IT: ; guess ; wasn't prepared for ;t...?

IT: ;s there a way to qu;t the game..?
IT: ;... Dont know... Maybe?

IT: ; could very well d;e, and...

IT: ;'m not sure...

IT: But, ; guess ;f you want me to, then ; can...

IT: Are you sure ;ts safe..?
ES: Its certainly safer than the alternative

ES: That being stay around and get hunted down by imps

ES: All I need to do is become your new server player

ES: Give me a few minutes

Ken: Get another computer

You go to the alchemiter and combine your interface glasses with your favorite manga and create a BOOKTOP. You start installing the server files for Sburb on it.

IT: Okay...

Aura: Answer Theo

DC: Um... You gotta connect to one of us.

DC: Lemme ask Ken whose available.

Aura: Question Ken

"Hey, Ken, Theo just got on and... Wait, what're you doing?"
Charlotte: Disobey big bro

You turn to your friend.

"You got a copy of Sburb, didn't you? Can I use it?"

"Yeah, I got one. But didn't your brother say not to-"

"Forget that! I need to get to him! And the only way to do it is to enter the game!"

Your friend sighs and hands you her copy of Sburb. You begin installing it on her computer, and message one of Ken's friends in the meantime.

-- equestrianLover [EL] began pestering quirkyAlien [QA] --

EL: youre one of kens friends, right?

EL: i'm ken's little sister, charlotte.

EL: dont tell him, but im installing the game right now.

EL: i need you to be my server player when it finishes installing.

Duke: Look at Cosmic Specs

Kind of on it, not like you can look away from something in front of your eyes. You see that a sibling of Ken is trying to get into contact with you.

Duke: Answer Charlotte

QA: Wait, hold on.

QA: If, and I mean IF, I'm going to be your server player I would need to get back to my house.

QA: I am currently away from my computer and would need to back track to get back to it.

QA: Also, Ken must have had a good reason to tell you not to install Sburb.

QA: Where is your current location?


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