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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

"Ah hello there young man!"

Afrien : Groan

You hear Deust at the door. You can never get a time of peace without the Kinos showing up.

"Deust why are you here?"

"I needed to ask about these peculiar rungs that the mysterious message boxes have informed me of."

"Thats the Echeladder. Kill things to climb it up, and once you reach the top, you can become a god."

"Godhood? That seems like quite a glamorous achievement!"

"Yes, just go and kill things."

"Well then my friend, I shall go and slay the heinous beasts!"

Desut : Go Kill Things

You return to the open territory of imps and continue the slaughter, collecting grist and climbing the rungs.
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SW: I can feel a breeze.

SW: I wanna know where it is

SW: coming from.

Shadow: Find windy hill

Shadow cleared some trees and almost sighed with content. She found herself on a hill where the wind was blowing through her hair. It wasn't strong enough to make her cold, but it was certainly a good feeling. She sat down and closed her eyes, just enjoying the feeling in and of itself.

SW: Ms. Vriska,

SW: if you don't mind me asking,

SW: what was your Alternia

SW: like?

SW: Was it as scary as mine?

SW: Where almost everyone

SW: was either
hunted or slaved?

Aura: Try not to go hysteric

Okay, you need to get your act together. Deep breaths. No giant creature is going to come kill you in you sleep or something... Just stop thinking about it! You continue to shiver, but on a lesser degree. You'll be fine! Stop it!

Aura: Stop it!

You finally calm down after some time, then you look up at Ken.

"Thanks... Don't know what came over me..."
Vriska: Reply

AG: Well, my Alternia was more of a "hunt or 8e hunted" deal.

AG: No slavery, 8ut we fought wars a lot.

AG: Usually relating to our 8lood color, actually.

AG: Did your Alternia have the hemospectrum?

Duke: Take a breather

Few, that was some dance you did. You felt like it lasted for hours or so. God, you're really tired. You prop yourself against a wall so you can catch your breath.
SW: Yeah,

SW: but probably more extreme

SW: than yours,

SW: since it used slavery as well.

SW: The sea dwellers were hunted

SW: for sport,

SW: except for fuchisa,

SW: which is the Empresses.

SW: The bronze and burgundy were

SW: the slaves.

SW: My own blood color was awful

SW: to everyone else...

SW: which is why I try not

SW: to be too mean to anyone

SW: else...

Afrien : Brawl

After encountering a massive pack of Imps, you fling yourself into the midst and begins the slaughter. You spin about, decapitating Imps and causing GRIST to exit their necks like fountains. You continue stabbing and slashing at the hoard until there are no survivors. You managed to climb a few rungs, and gain some Boon Dollars.
SW: In a bit.

SW: I want to stay here a little longer.

SW: It feels nice here.


Shadow: Lay back

She laid down and and sighed happily. The wind felt nice...relaxing...she felt herself drifting off but stayed awake. She couldn't sleep here but she could relax. Definitely relax...
Charlotte: Check Pesterchum

You log on to Pesterchum using your friend's laptop. Your breath catches when you see your chumroll.

electroShogun - ONLINE

Ken is alive?! You quickly type out a message to him.

-- equestrianLover [EL] began pestering electroShogun [ES] --



Ken: Receive message

You get a message on Pesterchum. You gasp when you see who it is.


You quickly message her back, fighting back tears.

ES: Lottie its me

ES: Im okay

ES: Im so glad youre okay too

You break down, crying tears of joy. Lottie's okay! She survived!

Charlotte: Break down

You start crying again, for a very different reason. Ken made it out! He's okay!
Kersin: be yourself

You cannot be yourself as you are too busy being this young lady.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c52ee4cbc_TheoFoxlyn.png.b8ab7fb9d626682b63a571f78bc5b630.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="80972" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c52ee4cbc_TheoFoxlyn.png.b8ab7fb9d626682b63a571f78bc5b630.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

What is her name?


What are you some problematic ghost?! A three year old could have done better!!

Theo Foxlyn :D

your name is Theo Foxlyn and you had just successfully completed yet another comic strip for your personal comic, of course nobody has seen it at all because you are very private about things relating to your personal life. Despite all of your private works you keep an extra bought of drawings and plots for all of the internet to enjoy... well, not all of the internet, more like the 36 followers of your blog of which is currently known as FITE ME until you can think up something more clever.

For the past hour you've heard lots of sounds that sound like gun fire some louder and longer than most. You've supposed just as much or your big brother doesn't have headphones like he usually does. you don't bother to check cause 1) your lazy and 2) you've been waiting hours to scare him whilst hes at a creepy part of his game because your evil like that.

What will you do?



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"Yea. I just needed to calm down. I'm fine now."

You were, that was at least true. You're better than that! You're Aura, the almighty! Okay, well maybe not that much... But, you'd go beat those creatures upside the head if you could!

"Yup, I'm recovered now. Just needed to stop thinking about it so much!"

You smile. You're back to your normal self, at least.

Aura: Be someone else

You're already being someone else. Who is this other person anyway...? And, wait, where'd they go!? They're gone..? Huh. Well, do you want to guess what this person's name is?

Sciuridae Nut

I don't think they quite remember it like that..

Shrail Litnom

Sure. Lets go with that. Your name is SHARIL LITNOM. A rather weird and random name that nobody else deserves to see because... Well, they just don't. You were currently hiding behind a bush, shaking. You had you're umbrella in hand, though with no actual way of using it. Gog, what was out there?!

What will you do?!

You get out your GRUBTOP and start to message someone, anyone. Then you almost regret it.

~ indesisiveTrainwreck [iT] started trolling electroShogun [ES] ~

IT: Someones ;n my h;ve..!

IT: ; have no clue what to do, where to go...

IT: But you don't need to worry about me, ;'ll be.. Um.. F;ne..?

IT: ; actually don't know why ;... Um.. Contacted you...

IT: Sorry... ; just got this new g-game and ;.. Just broke a walnut that was...

IT: A weird color.

IT: And theres this weird floating orb that has my Lusus ;n ;t...

IT: ;'m so confused!

IT: And ; think my server player ;s...

IT: Gone...

IT: He ;sn't respond;ng...

IT: ... Sorry...

IT: You don't need to worry about me, ;'m just a random stranger.

IT: Noth;ng spec;al...

IT: ;'ll be on my way now, just..

IT: Forget you ever saw me, ; guess...
Ken: Respond to stranger

You can't respond because you're too busy crying. You take off your interface glasses and set them down on a nearby table. You try to calm yourself, but the tears just keep coming.
Shadow: head back

Okay, you've been here long enough. She stood up, stretched, and started walking back. She dealt with the imps and ogres that crossed her path, humming as she walked. Soon, though, she was cornered by only ogres, five of them, and she was starting to feel fear. But...maybe...

Shadow: Strife!

She waited until one of the went to squash her and climbed onto its arm. She ran to its head and waited. The others were running at the one she was on. Yeah...if this didn't work...she might die. She tensed as she prepared to jump, hoping no one else was around so they don't get hurt by tumbling ogres.
Aura: Pat Ken

You pat Ken on the back, a concerned look coming to your eyes.

"Are you okay? Whats happening?"

You were severely confused by his sudden outburst, but understood at the same time. It was weird.
Duke: Analyze

While you admit that the dance session you had by yourself was fun, you haven't really made any progress in figuring out "nothing", whatever that could mean. You knew that the void in your title had to mean something else than just nothing, maybe some kind of element in the game. You're not entirely sure on this hypothesis, but you knew that "nothing" had to be something...Maybe...You just had to go find it.

Duke: Go up stairs

You casually make your way of of your lounge and up the tower that you had your robot chicken friends make. You like that they took into consideration NOT to make the tower or any other part of your house chicken-themed. However, you wished they put in an escalator or something. Would have been a nice touch to the place.

Duke: Look up

Yup, there it is, your first portal. Looks...kinda memorizing. It was like watching a nuance light show, but on a smaller scale. Pretty nice just to look at it.
"No!" She used her wind to push him back just as the ogres attacked each other, just hard enough to make three of the five burst into Grist. One of the two remaining fell backward where Afrien was once standing and the other fell backward, causing Shadow herself to slip and fall to the ground. She quickly broke her fall, but she ended up with some cuts. "Ow..." She said under her breath, holding her arm. But, that didn't matter as she looked at Afrien. "Are you okay?" She asked, worry in her tone.

@Midnight Phantom
Afrien : Stand your Ground

The sudden gust of wind pushed you backwards a bit, but you were still standing.

Afrien : Impale Ogre

You stab your Glaive through the Fallen Ogre's think pan, making Grist pour out.

"I am fine."

Shadow: finish ogre

She sighed with relief before dodging an ogre's hand and ramming her dagger into it. She launched herself up and ran back up to its neck and stabbed into it with both her daggers, harder than usual since she didn't want to put Afrien into any more danger. It only took her ten stabs before it exploded into Grist and she stopped herself from falling. Her arm was bleeding, yes, but she was more focused on Afrien. He wasn't lying when he said he was okay, was he?

@Midnight Phantom

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