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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

Duke: Of course I am, Aura? I'm so "Okay" that I'm expressing my emotions in rhythmical movement. Moving in a quick and lively way, dancing, can be very expressive for some individuals or so I have read. Honestly, I now understand why Palesprite does this so much. It is quite the creative way to show emotions without the need of a vocal responce.

@MoltenLightning @Midnight Phantom
Shadow: rush off

"Thank you! I will!" She ran off, ignoring the little shouts of pain, and ran until she could no longer see the hive. She stopped to catch her breath and looked around. There were about three hordes of imps. They were easy, but she knew she couldn't take on the ogres just yet.

Shadow: strife

She took out her daggers and began to strike them down. Yeah, she felt awful and sick to her stomach as she did so, but she had to get over it. She needed to get stronger so she didn't hold the others back. She cut them down, one by one, hoping this was doing her some good. Along the way, she started hoping she'd come across an ogre, but only to compare her abilities from before to now.
Shadow: take a breather

Congratulations! You've moved up to the 60th rung! Your title is Master Imp Slayer and you've earned 700,000 Boondollars!

Shadow growled and waves her hand at the bubble in your face. She didn't care about what rung she was on. She was taking a breather since there were no more imps around, but she did see an ogre coming over with about ten more hordes of imps. She stiffened in fear but she shook her head. She told herself she had to do it and stood up again. She'd just dodge the ogre until she finished the imps...yeah...something told her that was easier said than done...

Shadow: strife!

She waited until the imps got closer before she attacked. She cut them down. She got through a horde of them when her legs locked up. She rolled out of the way of the ogre's hand and sat for a second before running toward the imps again. She had to get through this.

As she finished the last of the imps, she had went up two more runs and gained more worthless Boondollars. She looked up at the ogre, panting hard. Gog she was tired, and her body hurt. But the ogre wouldn't wait for her. She dodged another attack and took a deep breath. She remembered someone saying their weak spot was the neck, so she'd aim for there. Luckily, she was a good climber. When the ogre attacked again, she stuck one of her daggers into its arm and held on as it raised its arm. She swung herself around and landed on its arm and ran up to its shoulder. It swung it's other arm and she moved just slightly to where it hit itself on the head. She laughed before holding it in and used her other dagger to stab into its neck. Yeah...this might take a few stabs...when she got back, she'd need to ask someone to show her how to make them stronger.
Vriska: Admire

This girl is tough. She pretends to be all innocent and quiet, but she's got skill with those daggers. You decide to talk to her a bit.

-- arachnidsGrip [AG] began trolling severedWorth [sW] --

AG: Damn, check you out! You clim8ed six rungs in an hour!

AG: You've got some skill, I'll give you that much.


"All right, I'll bring you back."

You teleport yourself and Afrien back to his place.

@Midnight Phantom
Shadow: finish ogre

She stabbed the ogre in the neck twenty times before it exploded into grist. Yeah...she didn't think that through. She used her new found wind control to stop her fall and landed softly on her feet...before falling to her knees. Yeah, she shouldn't try that again unless she wanted to pass out.

Shadow: get annoyed at Echeladder

Congratulations! You just reached rung number 68! You've earned the title-she swiped it away before she finished reading it. She didn't care how many rungs she climbed killing the ogre. She only cared she had done it. Now, she just wanted to- her Suntop went off and she sighed. She slid them down onto her face and saw there was yet another she didn't know messaging her.

Shadow: message stranger

SW: Uh...

SW: thanks.

SW: But I plan on giving

SW: them some type of burial

SW: since I culled them.

SW: I feel bad for culling them.

SW: Also...

SW: if you don't mind me asking,

SW: who are you?

SW: Are you perhaps a friend

SW: of Ms. Kanaya?

SW: Ah,

SW: then that means Ms. Kanaya

SW: is a troll?

SW: That's wonderful.

SW: And it's a pleasure to meet

SW: you Ms. Vriska.

Shadow: find breeze

Shadow felt a light breeze and looked around. She wondered where it was coming from. She started walking toward it, wondering where it would lead her. But, really, she didn't care. She wanted to feel the wind against her skin again. She really did miss it. That part wasn't a lie.

Afrien : Warn

"Cover your nose. My stash of Beef Nuggets has spoiled."

Afrien : Scavenge

You walk around your room, looking for stuff you own. You walk over to the RECUPERACOON and rip out its CORTEX.

You combine the RECUPERACOON CORTEX with your TECHNO LENSES and add the RECLINE application.

"I have my stuff, lets go."

Afrien : Nap

Once you lay down on the couch, you open up the RECLINE app from your TECHNO LENSES. A blast of Sopor Slime hits your face, and you pass out.

Maybe you can sleep well this time.
Afrien : Float

You float in the air and look around. You have entered the dream world once more.

Afrien : Fly Around

You float about Prospit, but there isn't much to see.

"God this place is boring."
???: Awaken

Suddenly, you find yourself falling through the air. You hit the ground with a loud THUD.


You get up and look around. The landscape is the same as you remember it. All gold and shiny... but wait! Prospit was destroyed! How are you-

You notice the troll floating nearby. You call out to him, trying to get his attention.


@Midnight Phantom
"We're on the same Prospit? What is this fuckery?"

Afrien : Scratch Think Pan

You begin to run your clawed fingers along your skull, before your wrist hits your Left Horn. Oh right, you still have that in the Dream World.

"I feel your pain. Shadow is wimpy, Kersin rarely interacts with anyone, and who the fuck knows where Vekter is. Ken and Aura's Matespritship makes everyone feel like a third wheel, and Duke is mentally unstable. I feel like I am the only sane one."

"Ugh, third wheeling is the worst. Like, yeah, I get it, you're flushed. We don't need to be reminded every ten fucking seconds."

Your mind drifts to Feferi and Sollux. Those two need to settle their shit down.

@Midnight Phantom

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