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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

QA: Alright then.

QA: Well, see you around Feferi.

QA: Hope you keep glubbing away and stuff.

QA: Hope glub is some sort of positive adjective in troll culture.

"Ancestors supposedly gave us more genetics than the Mother Grub. My Ancestor, who went by Chryom in his younger years, was a Healer who worked alongside the old Empress. When Trolls age, our blood color fills our grey iris'. But with him, his eyes completely turned green."

Afrien : Motion to Shirt

You point down at your shirt and look up at Ken.

"Hence my symbol."

Congratulations! You have reached rung 54! You earned the title Amateur Healer and earned 450,000 BOOMDOLLARS! Whatever those are used for.

Shadow: lean back

Wow, she was exhausted. She leaned back on her hands and blinked. She couldn't believe it would take that much out of her. Hopefully she didn't collapse.
"Oh.. Okay..? What were you so worried about..?"

You ponder this for a second, though try not to think about the thing you thought you saw... And now your brain hurts. Great...
"I think his powers and mine are different. He could generate Life from his hands. I can only see how and when someone will die. He could make people on the verge of death come back to full health."

"His powers may have been useful, but his kindness was his demise. The Trolls of old were caring and weak, so it was easy for them to be overthrown. All adult Trolls were banished after the Royal Court was slain. That includes Chryom."

Aura: Hug Ken

You hug Ken, paralyzing with fear. You had no clue what those things out there could do, but you were terrified. You started to shake, trying to push the memory into the back of you mind.
Duke: Ponder

Sea-dwellers?...So there are different types of trolls? You're learning more and more new things about trolls after every encountering, and yet still left with more questions every time. Might as well go do as she suggested and speak to one of the sprites.

Duke: Go speak with a sprite

You would just go speak with Palesprite...but he's/she's kind of hard to deal with at times. You instead go talk with Alisprite, since she seems to be on the ball with what's going on. Looks like Alisprite is in the middle of a conversation, might as well see what she's talking about.

Duke: Butt into conversation

Duke: So there are gender-specific classes?

"Hey Teddysprite, what are Boondollars for?" She asked, looking around for her sprite but he was nowhere to be found. Might be doing something important, if he had to leave without telling her first. She looked around and saw Alisprite. Maybe he'd know? "Hey Alisprite, what are Boondollars used for?"

Ken: Comfort

You hug Aura back, trying to calm her.

"It's okay, Aura. You're okay."


Alisprite: Answer questions

"There are, Duke. Sylphs, Maids, and Witches are female only, while Princes, Heirs, and Pages are only male. The other six classes are non-gender specific."


You hear Shadow speak, and turn around to face her.

"Boondollars are used as currency in this world. If we ever happen upon a friendly village, you could use your boondollars to purchase things from the locals."

"Ah." Was all she said as she looked up at the ceiling. She was feeling better, both mentally and physically. Maybe she should try getting stronger? She didn't want to hold everyone back...but what about those poor creatures? She didn't want to hurt them...but she had to. She'd...she'd just have to suck it up. She slowly stood, take a few steps toward the door, acting like she was stretching to see if anyone would notice she was moving toward said door.
Shadow: think of an excuse

Shadow turns around and smiles shyly. "I was hoping I could go for a walk. I'm feeling better, but also a little stiff....I also wanted to see if there were any places with....a breeze....I like how the wind feels....and I miss it..." She added, looking at her feet, trying to look pitiful. Hopefully he buys it, but something told her he wouldn't.

Duke: ...


Duke: ...Well, that was very helpful. Thank you for that enticing piece of information. I'm sure it shall help me in my journey to mastering my class's aspect.

Aura: Be comforted

You start calming down, taking deep breaths. As you hear Duke complaining, you sigh.

"Duke, I didn't know mine either until I figured it out myself. That's just how it works, I guess."
Duke: Dance

You need some sort of enjoyment out of this situation. You do a little jig in the middle of the room. Look at you, lookin' hip and fresh. You're like a dancing king, young and sweet, only thirteen. You are owning it, like you're some sort of god of the dance floor.
Aura: Be very confused.

Um.. Did Duke just start... Dancing? Oh god, what is he DOING!? AND WHY!?!? You stare at him, completely dumb founded.

"Um... Duke, you okay there..?"

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