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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

Duke: Go to Ken

You make your way back down to the ground. You put away your UFOMG, you think the fighting is done for now. You walk up to Ken to see what's up.

Duke: So...that happened.

Afrien : Wake Up


TITLE EARNED : Sight for Sore Eyes

"Oh fuck you and your humor Sgrub."

Afrien : Puke

You have a pounding headache upon waking up, and hurl on the ground. Guess trying to find Cause of Death with your powers at this rung is not a good idea.
Ken: Level up!

CONGRATULATIONS! You've climbed to the 64th rung of your Echeladder and earned the title of TELEPORT SPAMMER! You've earned 75,000 BOONDOLLARS! You still have no idea what a Boondollar is, but hey!
As you whack your ogre across the head for the 100th time he explodes into a moderate grist cache.

Congradulations, You've leveled up from the 65th rung to the 66th rung and earn the title DRAGON KIN. You also earn 12,000,000 boon bucks, seriously do we even need these.
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Duke: Level Up

You sky rocket your way up that echeladder to the 55th rung: Duke (the title, not his name) Skywalker! You knew that your sweet moves would be eventually rewarded. You earned 63,000 boondollars.
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Afrien : Look at Rungs Again

Wait... YOU GOT -97,000,000 BOON DOLLARS!?


"God Dammit. I don't know what these are for, but now I'm in the negatives!?"
Ken: Start collecting grist

You start picking up grist, making sure to leave enough for everyone. You wonder if there's some way to pool the group's grist.
Teddysprite: Call Ken over

No, not now. He was busy rounding everyone up. Besides, she wouldn't like someone getting hurt just to learn her powers. Maybe get Aura to round up a few imps? No, she'd be exhausted keeping them under control. But they couldn't wait.

Teddysprite: dwell on it

He sat next to Shadow as she stared at the door, doing what he was guessing as willing them to come back inside. She paid him no mind as he settled, leaning back to think. How should he go about it? There was no one he could ask to help her learn, but she had to learn before anything major came up...
Aura: Follow slowly

Some exhaustion was catching up to you now, the usage of your powers causing you to feel tired. You sat on the couch, sighing.

"Well that was... An event that happened. My gosh that was weird. At least I know what my powers are now, right?"

You cheer up. Yeah, you've got knowledge of your powers now!
Shadow: snap out of it

She blinked and looked up. She smiled softly before looking around. "Is everyone okay? No one is hurt, are they?" She asked, even though she knew what her sprite said earlier. She just had to make sure.

Afrien : Crawl Inside

Your headache is still awful, and its hard to move. You slowly make your way into the house and throw yourself onto the couch. Damn, you need to get a new Recupracoon.
Teddysprite looked at her and sighed. Poor girl worried too much, but that's just who she is, he guessed. "Okay Shadow, it's fairly easy. When you want to move the air around you, you just have to focus on just that. It might be easier for you to connect it with the movement of your hands. Think you can do that?"

"Alright. Then what happens when I manage that?"

"It's a healing wind, so just wrap it around any wound or place that hurts. It'll do the rest itself."

"Okay." She concentrated on her hands, moving them. As she moved them, she felt a soft breeze and she smiled. She moved her hands to Afrien's head and wrapped the wind around it, hoping it would work.

"Remember this is only to start out. Once you get enough practice and experience in, you'll be able to do it with just thinking about it. But don't try to push yourself just yet or you'll drain yourself."

@electroShogun @Midnight Phantom
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Duke: Be tired

Man, that was some battle and you bet there's going to keep being battles like that in the mere future. You're not sure if you can actually handle the onslaught of just wave-after-wave of underlings. You're metaphorically just not build to keep up a good fight.

Duke: Examine friends

You've noticed that Ken has become really friendly towards the trolls. You're not sure how to take that. You feel okay with him chatting with the horned-humanoids, but at the same time, they didn't know anything about them. The most you got that they're aliens with horns that like their ancestors a lot. Not much info you can use to determine if they're actually safe to be around. But, so far, they've acted more human than anything else so you guess they're okay.

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