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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

Duke: Be skeptical

You're not sure if any situation involving death is any kind of viable option. What does this troll take you guys for, idiots? You would rather DIE first that test out Afrien's theory!...Wait, what?
Shadow looks up at them. Death? That sounded a little bizarre, but she'd ask Teddysprite later. For now, she felt safe with Kersin. At least Afrien had stopped yelling, right?
"I remember being somewhere around 79, Maimed Maiden I think it was called... But, why is death necessary?!"

You wonder why death was necessary to get the cool powers you needed to save the world. It really shouldn't have to involve killing ourselves... I mean, how would you even do that?! You'd be asleep.
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Duke: Keep being skeptical

You still don't know who you feel about this. The thought of going to find a bed to take a nap of the ever-lasting variety just didn't sound sound like your cup of tea, especially for the fact you've tried your hardest to NOT end up dead.
"The death of the real self upon the Quest Bed transfers your consciousness fully into your dream self, empowering it with all of your memories and strength. It is an unfortunate law of this world."
Shadow: Worry

She knew that she had to kill imps to raise her level, but look at what happened recently. She began to worry about this and, really, if she would even make it that far. She highly doubted she would make it.
Aura: Be comforted

You don't say anything, just snuggle closer to Ken. The idea itself was scaring you, but you were starting to think dying might be the only way. Well, as long as your with Ken and your friends...

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Afrien : Ponder

Once you hit max level, what is the easiest way to off yourself? Most likely hopping in a Recuperacoon with a 10 minute time bomb. Yeah. That would work.
"There are, of course, other ways to climb your Echeladder than fighting. Most achievements will allow you to climb a rung. For example, using your powers for the first time."
Shadow visibly relaxed. Oh thank god...wait, how did she use her powers? She wanted to ask, but she knew Teddysprite would say she wasn't ready, so she'd wait until she was alone with him...which would probably be awhile...Ken and the rest would probably murder her if she tried moving again, and that strangely made her happy.
Afrien : Hear Noise

You hear a loud noise outside and go to check it out. Its some mother fucking Ogres roaring. Great.

Afrien : Strike

You begin jabbing at the Ogres with your Glaive, and manage to poke them a few times. Suddenly, one of them swings his fist down at you!

Afrien : Strife

You slide out of the way and stab the ogre in the hand. Nice.

Afrien : Panic

There are more Ogres than you initially thought.


"Ogres! Arm yourselves, everyone!"

@Midnight Phantom @Nawmoo @ShadowHuntress @Kurai Okami

You draw your sword and run outside. Jesus, that's a lot of ogres! At least a dozen of them!

Ken: Strife!

You rush at an ogre and start slashing away. It doesn't seem to be affected much by your attacks, even with your cursed sword. It raises its arms and attempts to crush you.


You teleport behind the ogre, jump up onto its back, and slash at the back of its neck. It roars in pain and collapses, bursting into grist.

"I found a weak point! Go for the nape of the neck!"

@Midnight Phantom
Afrien : Slide

You slide between an Ogre's Legs, and end up behind a large group.

Afrien : Procure Explosives

You throw a mass of Shit Grenades from your Captchalogue, hitting the Ogre's necks and exploding with a great stench. A small group of Ogres fall to the ground, overflowing with GRIST.


Aura: Engage

Okay, those stupid Ogres just ruined a fudging amazing moment. HOW COULD THEY?! You strike at one of the Ogres, smashing out his legs with one swoop. I mean, you were with Ken, and it was fudging amazing! You crush the creatures neck, making it burst into grist. And you guys ruined it! WHAT IS WRONG WITH THEM?! You fly towards one, turning off your mace and smashing the ogres head in pure rage.

You look over and watch Aura fight for a moment. She's one scary girl when she's mad. But hey, all the more reason to make her happy, right?

Ken: Narrowly avoid

You just barely roll out of the way of another ogre's crushing attack. Regaining your footing, you clumsily slash, and manage to catch the ogre's wrist. A spurt of black blood sprays from the wound. You take the opportunity to teleport atop the ogre and stab it in the neck.
Shadow went to go to help, even if it was just as bait, but Teddysprite held her back. "No, you can't."

"But...I have to do something..."

"You almost died trying to fight those things. You are in no condition to fight now. Let them handle it. And, if they get hurt, I'll teach you how to heal them. Okay?"

Shadow looked at him, then at where they were, then back at him. She nodded before looking back at where they went. She only hoped they'd be fine.
Duke: Get pissed

God dammit, you spent so much time working on that sign too. Why can't underlings just leave you be, why do they always be messing things up.


You jump on your UFOMG and get to work. However, you wanna choose the one that you feel like you have the most advantage over. Kind of like shopping for produce, you just kind of gotta look at them. Wait, what are you doing? You're wasting valuable time doing nothing when you could be killing ogres.

Duke: Decap-Attack!

Flying right into the neck of an ogre, You jump off the UFOMG and do a sweet triple backflip. The UFOMG decapitates the ogre on impact, leaving behind nothing but grist.

Palesprite: Play fetch

*Sweet Catch*

Palesprite catches Duke in a glowy-green ghost bed, before he hits the ground.
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Afrien : Get Mad

You used up all your Shit Grenades on these asinine Ogres! You leap off the ground and brandish your Glaive, before flying downwards at a large Ogre.

You guillotined the fuckers head off.


Afrien : Get Hit

The message pops up in front of your face, blinding you to the oncoming Ogre assault. You are rag-dolled across the ground and slam into the wall.

"Fuuuuuck Meeeeee..."
Ken: Aggress

You teleport over to the ogre that attacked Afrien. You stab at the ogre, using your powers to lengthen your sword and pierce through its chest. You then widen it, tearing the ogre in half. You take immense pleasure in watching the two halves fall to the ground and burst into grist.

...You're starting to worry about your sanity.
Shadow was just watching, her eyes wide with fear and worry. She didn't know what exactly was going on, but she heard it, and it sounded awful. But she couldn't go out and check because her Teddysprite was acting like a Virgin Mother Grub! Oh how she hoped everyone would be alright. Please let them be alright.

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