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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

Kersin bashed the ogre multiple times on the head. He really needed a better weapon, not that the TOASTY STICK was bad it was just kinda outdated. he thought about this for a moment, having an electric component could prove a useful item to add to your staff. Making it an electrifying sight, both literally and metaphorically. as you are thinking one of the ogres approaches from behind. it begins to bring its fist down but just as its about to hit him, kersin sticks his staff into the ground and turns up the heat, literally. The ogre suffers from first degree burns and you continue to whack it in the head.
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Ken: Use powers

You teleport behind the mega-ogre and stab it in the unarmored section. You then extend your sword, snaking it around inside the ogre and shredding its insides to bits. Finally, you make the sword giant, bursting the ogre from inside and spreading tons of grist across a fifty-meter radius.

...really starting to worry about your sanity now.
Duke: Get your weapon

You didn't think that through. You killed an ogre, but now the UFOMG is aaaaall the way over there. However, you can just call it back with your COSMIC SPECS! Now, just look at it and tell it to come back.

Duke: Tell it to come back

You tell it to come back...nothing happens...maybe it just some lag or something, might as well give it another go.

Duke: Tell it to come back

...It's still not working...You're getting a little pissed now.



Duke: Use the force

You hold out your hand, trying to call it back to you with the power of the force...it doesn't work, probably because the force isn't real.

Duke: Start blinking fast

You get some stuff in your eye making you start blinking really fast while you're trying to think of an idea. However, it seems you don't need to because the UFOMG is flying back to you...Oh! It's blink activated...that makes no sense.

Duke: Get over it

You get over it as a big-ass ogre comes out of nowhere.

Duke: Abscond

You get the hell out of there, you didn't sign up for this shit. You try to get as far away from the grist pile...Wait, what? Wasn't there just a big-ass ogre right there?...Fuck it, it's gone, be happy you don't have to deal with it.
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Shadow: send Teddysprite to see what's going on

"Teddysprite, since you won't let me leave, can you please go see if they are alright? Please?"

He looked at her, debating if he should leave her there or not. "You promise not to move?"

"Yes, I promise." She said, raising a hand as if to swear she wouldn't.

He looked at her a moment longer before nodding and exiting the hi...no, this was a human's house, if she remembered correctly.

Teddysprite: look around

There was Grist everywhere. There was certainly a large battle here. But what he came out to check if everyone was alright, so he began floating around, looking for them.
Aura: Stop rampaging and run

You cease the bashing, realizing a huge Ogre had appeared RIGHT NEXT TO YOU. As it about turned you into a pancake, Ken came and saved your life. You stood, paralyzed for a moment, than ran at him. You had some admiration in your eyes, but as you approached you noticed he had some strange dark glint in his eyes... Like he enjoyed it. You brush that thought off of your mind, just feeling relieved you weren't squash.

"You're definitely getting better, holy fudge! I didn't even see that guy comin'!"

You were seriously impressed.
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"Wait... AFRIEN?! Whaaaat? Now u both have powers?! Well fudge! You know what?! I'm going to try something."

You turn around and face the few ogres that are left, and notice one of them is just sitting around. Hmmm

"Hey you! Yeah you!"

The ogre turns to face you, his face very angry.

"Um... I just wanted to say hi? AGH!"

He tries smashing you with one of his hands, then the other.

"WAIT. You, stop no! CALM DOWN!"

He suddenly stops for a moment, your arms outstretched in preparation after you say that.

"Yea... Uh, that's better... You see those guys? Those... Jerks?! They're probably talking behind your back as we speak! Show them how you mean business! Go!"

He pondered this for a moment as you spoke, but after you finished your truly rage-filled speech something seemed to spark in his eyes. He turned to the other two ogres. Bellowing, he ran at them, smashing one of them across the face. They attacked each other for a time.
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"I guess so! I really didn't actually think that'd work. But it did! So yay! I guess I can get people angry? Hmm..."

Aura: Try it on Ken

No, are you crazy?! You'd never try doing something like that to Ken! Goodness gravy... You watch as, finally, all three ogres burst into grist.

"Do you think it works on people or just imps?"

You should at least get his input.
Teddysprite: hover behind Ken and Aura

Teddysprite hovered behind the humans and watched. He found himself smiling as he watched Aura learn what she could do. They were making progress, so that was a plus. And it looked as if everyone was fine, so that meant Shadow didn't have to worry as much. They were doing just fine.
Alisprite: Comment

"These players are progressing at a remarkable rate. If they keep this up, there is no doubt that they will succeed."
"Yes. Like the three who perished before they even met up with the rest of them, and my own almost perished as well. There are too many factors here that can change a good fortune into a terrible nightmare just by a flip of events." He said, glancing back inside. "I believe it is only natural for us to worry."
"True, true."

You look at the children, your glowing purple eyes softening.

"Their greatest challenges are fast approaching, but I know they will make it through."
"All we can do is hope, though. We've done what we can, though I still have to show Shadow a few things before they approach that challenge. Then we can only hope they are up to it." He looked at Alisprite with sad orange eyes. "Do you think we have prepared them enough, though? Told them everything they needed?"

"That's true. Well, I need to go inform Shadow that everyone seems to be alright." He said, floating back inside.

Shadow: look up

Shadow looked up when she noticed Teddysprite float back in.
"Are they alright?"

"Everyone is fine and well. Nothing broken or damaged...besides the ogres." He added with a slight smile.

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