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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)


You decide to just sit there and feel miserable. Uuuuuuugh. You run your face for the hundredth time, trying to wipe away the fatigue. And, for the hundredth time, it doesn't work. Fuuuuuudge.

Aura: Realize Nepeta was still there

DC: Oh god, sorry.

DC: Some fighting was happening...

DC: I am tired as all fudge.
Duke: Look at Cosmic Specs

You notice once again so troll is trying to contact you.

Duke: Answer Troll

QA: I t ere?

QA: Either you're typing gibberish or the parentheses are suppose to be a H.

QA: Would I be correct to assume that?

QA: Alright.

QA: So, are typing quirks a part of troll culture?

QA: I've been noticing the more I talk with trolls, they seem to have one.

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CC: Yes, most trolls )(ave a distinct way of typing.

CC: It's actually very difficult for us to NOT type in our unique way.

CC: But aren't you forgetting somet)(ing, Mr. Rude Guy?

CC: I introduced myself, you )(ave to introduce yourself too! 38(

DC: That

DC: Is the best thing I've heard all day!

DC: Other than the ogres bursting into grist after clobbering each other...

DC: But still!!

Aura: Comply

You decide that sleeping wouldn't hurt you... You lay back on the couch, closing your eyes.

Aura: Awaken

You open your eyes. And see... Nothing. What!? Wait, where'd Derse go!?! Oh, wait. You look downwards and find that Derse is below you. How on Earth did you...? You look up, and see that your close to ... The Furthest Ring?! HOW ON DERSE?! You fly back down, your eyes for a moment catching hints of movement above you. Tentacles...? OH FUDGE GET OUT OF THERE. You finally make it to your tower, your eyes trained on the sky. NEVER AGAIN. You shiver. You'd have to ask PuffieSprite about that... What laid inside the Furthest Ring..? You sit on your bed for a long while, then finally sleep again.

Aura: Wake the fudge up

You do just that, and jump off of the couch, forgetting about your previous exhaustion.

"GUYS! Oh god, what lives in the Furthest Ring!? There's something out there!"

(I figured I'd just try and do this, if its too early I can erase it. Just wanted to push the knowledge of the HorrorTerrors out there... >:3)
QA: Huh, I guess I should do that.

QA: Alright then, I'm Duke Solomon.

QA: I like puppies, walks at the beach, and saving the world.

QA: There, does that suffice?

CC: You're funny for a )(uman. 3XD

CC: I've )(eard from my allies t)(at you're already more t)(an )(alfway up your -Ec)(eladders.

CC: I wanted to warn you about w)(at lies a)(ead.


Ken: React

"The Furthest Ring?"

Alisprite: Go pale

Through some unknown means, you become a lighter shade of purple at hearing this.

"Y-You saw the Furthest Ring?!"

"I... Have no clue... But there was something there... And... WAIT. How'd I know it was called the Furthest Ring..? That name... Did we even talk about it!?"

Aura: Watch Alisprite

Oh god... If a Sprite goes pale because of that... Wh-what was up there..?

"Whats... Wrong?"
QA: I think I got a general idea.

QA: We, the players, must venture lands, kill underlings, and find portals to repeat the process.

QA: Eventually, we'll take on the end-game bosses, The Black King and Queen, and possibly win and save the world.

QA: Am I correct so far?

"Quickly, child! What did you see out there?!"


CC: So far, perfect! You've done your researc)(.

CC: But t)(ere's more to Sgrub t)(an t)(at.

CC: T)(ere's a few t)(ings you all need to do before you can take on t)(e Dersite rulers.

CC: W)(at's your Aspect, Duke?

QA: Well some ghost horse told me that I was the Mage of Void.

QA: I'm not sure what that entitles, but my studies have lead to one possible conclusion.

QA: It is, in fact, nothing.

QA: Afterwards, I threw away all my research and never thought about it again.

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CC: Void...

CC: T)(at's t)(e same as -Equius.

CC: Void )(olds t)(e power of not)(ing.

CC: And Mages know a lot about t)(eir aspect

CC: So... you understand not)(ing??

CC: T)(at doesn't sound rig)(t 38/

Afrien : Sleep

With the pounding headache gone, maybe you can sleep well.



??? : Strife

As a well built Troll rushes at you and your allies, you slide out of the way and swing your blade down, stabbing into his collar. The man bleeds out on the ground, and you slide his eye lids closed. Even in times of war, you must still respect the fallen.

"Empress, we must leave. I can't believe they have seized the castle gate..."

"Chryom, calm down."

"Chryom? I haven't been called that in years."

"It's not my fault you chose a ridiculous name, ΖΩΗ χέρια"

"I- Fair enough."

Chryom : Heal Comrades

As one of your allies lays on the ground, you place your hands over his chest, pouring life into his body once more.

"It's still hard to accept that my own daughter would begin a rebellion."

"I always thought she loved you so much. I guess thirst for power runs in Trollian Blood."


Afrien : Wake Up

You shoot up on the couch, shaking your head. What the fuck? Was that... Those were memories your ancestors... But why were you remembering them?

"The fuuuuck?"
QA: Actually, that sounds correct.

QA: I feel like I know nothing anymore.

QA: I've spent years preparing myself to play this game and now it just keeps throwing curve-balls at me with facts I didn't know about.

QA: It's like I've studied for a geometry test when I'm actually taking an algebra test.

QA: I'm not sure how to handle this.

CC: I )(ave no idea w)(at t)(at means. 38/

CC: But I t)(ink you just )(aven't discovered w)(at it is you know.

CC: It could be somet)(ing you )(aven't encountered yet.

CC: I'm s)(ore you'll figure it out soon.


Ken: Check on Afrien

"You okay, Af?"

@Midnight Phantom
QA: ...

QA: That doesn't really sound all that motivating.

QA: Especially since I'm, apparently, a Mage of Nothing.

QA: I'm a regular Mage LARPer, that's what I am.

QA: Fear my bird seed and crumpled-up paper balls.

CC: I'm sorry, I don't know anyt)(ing about Void.

CC: I'm a Witc)( of Life. I only know about t)(at kind of stuff.

CC: Try asking t)(e Sprites. Maybe t)(ey can tell you.

"I... I don't know..."

Aura: Recall

You can't seem to recall what it looked like. All you remember was that name, the Furthest Ring. You continue to try and remember

"I'm trying to remember..."
"My ancestor and I are very... different..."

Afrien : Sigh

The Ancestors lived in a much different time. There was more peace, and less hatred among them.

"After the rebellion, the new Empress' ruled like a Tyrant. It changed the very way we Trolls lived."



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