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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

Duke: Examine

Well looks like you have even more house guests, great. First, you lived alone on the moon. But now, you survive with your friends and aliens on a mechanical planet. Things really changed for you, but you're not that all concerned about it. You just hope you have enough sleeping quarters to go around...You know that you don't.
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She sat up. She couldn't stand laying down. She felt so...so weak...and when Ken mentioned her lusus, a new string of tears started rolling down her cheeks and she brought her knees to her chest. He must think she's pathetic now. Even her own lusus didn't want her. She wasn't needed, and she was weak to boot. Gog, why was she even here? No one needed her.

"Shadow, listen to me. You can't let that haunt you forever. You can't always be what everyone wants you to be. You're you, and nothing can change that. But you have friends that accept you for who you are. Us."

"B-but I c-can't do anything...I'm weak...and worthless...I can't even de-defend myself...she...she had ev-every r-right to...to abandon me..." She said in between sobs. Teddysprite was rubbing her back, looking around at the room. Hopefully no one would ask, but, knowing trolls, one of them might ask...at least, that's what he feared.


You look back and see Alisprite coming this way.

"You, like everyone else here, hold great potential. Your strength, however, comes from inside. Your heart of gold is your power."

She gently lifts Shadow's head.

"You are the Sylph of Breath, Shadow. You have the power to heal those who are hurt. Your ability is invaluable. You are not worthless, or weak."

"Th-thank you..." She said with a smile. "I'm sorry that...I caused you all...so much trouble...especially you Ken...sorry..."

"You have nothing to apologize for Shade." Teddysprite said, using her lusus's old nickname for her, making her smile grow bigger.

Shadow: shrink back

Shadow smiled but then quickly shrunk back as who she guessed was Afrien started yelling to get Ken's attention. Maybe she shouldn't have taken so much of his attention. Was she causing trouble again?
Aura: Be awkward

You sit on the couch, not really able to do anything. You see Ken and Shadow, and for some reason you feel... Jealous. Why? Who knows. It seemed to you like she needed to grow up. But, you weren't going to jump to conclusions or be mean, you just need to calm down.

Aura: Walk over to Ken

"Hey, Ken, you're getting pretty good at that! That power is fudging awesome, if you ask me."

Aura: Reply to Nepeta really fast.

DC: I see. Well, thats relieving. I'm glad not every alien has horrible language

DC: So, do you play Sburb? Or, as Afrien calls it, Scrub?

DC: Or, something like that...

DC: And, if so, whats your god tier?

DC: *Aura's eyebrows arc in question*
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"Yeah, it's pretty cool. But it does have its limitations."

You hear Afrien shouting your name.

"What do you want, Afrien?"

@Midnight Phantom

Nepeta: Reply

AC: :33 < yep i played sgrub

AC: :33 < i was the rogue of heart

AC: :33 < what was yours?

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"First off, we have to hit the top of the Echeladder. I would assume we are around the middle now."

"Second, we must return to our own lands and find our 'Quest Beds' to Ascend."

"And Finally..."

"You must be murdered in your sleep while in your quest bed."

"Then your Dream self will enter our realm and Ascend to Godhood."

"Yeah man. You have to die. When you die at the top of the Echeladder, all that power flows into your Dream Self and they ascend. Its crazy."

"Yes, all he says is true!"

"Get back in the fucking pendant. You're still in trouble."

"*Farting* Yeeees Master..."

"I fucking hate you."

DC: Me?

DC: I am currently Witch of Rage

DC: But I really have no clue what that actually means for me ability-wise.

Aura: React to Afrien

"Um... We have to DIE?! And you sure this source isn't trying to just get us killed?!... In all honesty, I don't want to give my life for some stranger's words."

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