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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

"As far as I know, it's just a place for our dream selves to live until we ascend. But, see that planet?"

You point up at the planet suspended in the sky above you. It looks like a giant version of the one you're on.

"That's where the Prospitians live. We're on Prospit's moon."

@Midnight Phantom
"Same with us. After the Empress was usurped, the world went to hell. Bronze and Burgundy bloods were the upper classes slaves. Yellow and Lime bloods made up the poverty ridden lower class. Olives and Jades made up the middle class, and were the primary militaristic force. Teal and Cerulean created the upper class, who treated everyone like shit. Indigos and Purples worked directly under the Empress, and were even worse than the Uppers. The Sea-Dwellers were hunted to extinction as some hellish sport. And then, Fuchisa was the empress herself. She overthrew her mother and caused the whole system to be put in place."

"I'm supposed to be the descendant of this pansy ass Jade Blooded healer. I didn't want to be compared to him. And, if caught as a criminal, your blood rank is stripped and you are grouped with the burgundys. So it worked best in multiple regards."

"Huh. I expected thievery, honestly. Maybe even burglary. I dunno."

You look up at the sky.

"Fuck, man... It's weird being on Prospit again. Just a few days ago... well, from my perspective, a few days. Probably just an hour for you. Anyway, a few days ago... our Prospit got destroyed. Blown the fuck up, just like that."

@Midnight Phantom

You join Karkat in sky viewing.

"Even though my Ancestor was a pussy, and that it got him killed, I still feel like I should have been more like him. More caring. I feel like I can never be as good as he ever was. As valuable."

You sigh and continue to scratch your skull.

"Our Ancestors sure left a hell of a standard."

"You said it."

You stand in silence for a few minutes, looking up at this session's sky. You can count seven colored points in the sky: pink, gray, red, purple, another gray, light blue, and orange. You can't see Skaia anywhere, because it's on the other side of the planet.

For some reason, you wonder about the other session you're tracking. Specifically, you wonder about Egbert. What's that stupid kid up to right now? You hope someone's keeping a glance nugget on him.

@Midnight Phantom
"Good luck out there, Afrien."

You start walking away, then stop.

"Wait, fuck! Will I even wake up back in the lab, or will I end up in you douchebags' sess-"

You suddenly collapse, fast asleep. Your dream self vanishes.

@Midnight Phantom
"Oooookay then..."

You were still unstable due to the fact you almost had an encounter with something... Frightening. You watch Ken leave, and go to sit on the couch. You really don't feel right. You were shaking and shivering, but you weren't cold. You seriously need to calm the crud down, but you couldn't. All you have to do is not remember. Its that easy... Bbut AliSprite even went pale, and you didn't know that was possible...

Aura: Stop worrying

Ken: Return to Aura

You go back to where Aura is. The poor girl's shaking. She must be absolutely terrified of whatever she dreamed about. You sit next to her and hold her tight.

"Everything's gonna be okay, Aura."

Deust : Go Outside

You have decided to finally venture out of the castle, with Goldsprite by your side. You see a group of imps, and decide to test your Scepter skills. You begin whacking them to death, collecting grist.




That was...


Deust : Visit Players

You walk over to the residence of Afrien and his allies.

"Would any of you chaps happen to be home at the time?"

@electroShogun @MoltenLightning @Kurai Okami @Midnight Phantom
Ken: Be someone else


Suddenly, you become this sad little girl. She's been crying at her friend's house for the last two hours. She saw on the news that her house was destroyed by a meteor while she was out, taking her brother with it. She's devastated.

What is this girl's name?


No. Not cool. This girl's experienced serious emotional trauma. Don't put her through even more.


Your name is Charlotte Thompson. As previously mentioned, your house was destroyed by a meteor, and your brother Ken likely killed as well. Your parents are still out on their errands. You don't even know if they've heard about the house yet.

You look around your friend's room. She has POSTERS OF BOY BANDS plastered all over the wall. You never really understood the appeal of boy bands. Girl bands are where it's at. Your friend herself sits next to you, rubbing your back in silence. She's as shocked by the news as you were.

Charlotte: Be Ken

You go back to being Ken. You hear someone outside Duke's house.

"Someone get the door."

@Nawmoo @Kurai Okami
"I got it" Kersin says whilst walking to the door. he opened the door to find a kino guy about, from what you can guess in his mid 8 sweeps.

Can i help you sir?"

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