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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

QA: Alright, alright, I shall be both you and your brothers server player.

QA: If that's even possible.

QA: Don't quote me on that.

QA: Just hang on tight and, if you can, keep anything you hold dear in your proximity close to you.

QA: Or at least in your friend's home.

QA: Understood?

QA: Depends.

QA: Are you going to be leaving your friend behind?

QA: If so, the outcome of the process of beginning your session of Sburb will most likely end up not in her favor of survival.

QA: Do you catch my drift?

"She does need one, I think, cause she just started the game. Lemme ask her."

Aura: Contact Theo

DC: Hey, so you need a server player AND a client player. I have no clue how we're going to set that up, but we'll figure it out!

DC: Just don't die, m'kay?


Sharil: Notice black lusus creature

OH MY GOG, Is that your lusus?! Oh no! You hold your umbrella in front of you defensively, though all of your instincts are screaming at you to run. Instead, you smack the creature. Some blue stuff pops out, and you gasp and hide behind your bush again. Oh... Was that just some kind of prize? Who knows... That mystery person had better get here, and quick...
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"dont die??" what does she mean by that!!!!!!!! is someone just going door to door shooting people...with lasers??? ok the laser part is a bit extreme, you might wanna look into this. you look up a local news site and read the first article


There have been several reports of meteors striking earth in random locations that currently have no connection with anything logical. Scientists are currently working to discover the source of this sudden Armageddon.

..."Dang son!" you say to yourself "YO BRO!" you shout "ITS ARMAGEDDON OUTSIDE!" "YEAH I KNOW!" he replies. Suddenly Jasper bursts through the door onto your bed and looks at you with a startled expression "sup little man, how you been." you casually say to your cat
IT: Yes...

IT: Do ; need to do someth;ng..?

IT: Sorry ;f ;'m being.. Kinda annoy;ng...

IT: ; just don't know what to do... Ent;rely.

Sharil: Notice the blue stuff again

IT: So, what ;s th;s.. Um.. We;rd blue stuff..?

IT: ;ts kind of freak;ng me out...

IT: B-but don't worry yourself about my problems...
IT: Not that th;s ;s ;mportant or anyth;ng...

IT: And you could, and probably should, just brush ;t off..

IT: But my name ;s Shar;l...

IT: N;ce to meet you, ; guess...

IT: You don't have to tell me yours, ;'ll be f;ne e;ther way...
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Shadow: go back to the hill

She snuck away and headed back to the hill. It seemed to calm her because of the breeze. Hopefully when she gets there the wind hasn't stopped. She walked faster, avoiding the imps and ogres when she could. It wouldn't do her any good when it hurt to move one of her arms. When she made it to the hill, she smiled and sat down. There was the breeze that calmed her, blowing as gently as before.

Shadow: Relax

She laid down and closed her eyes. No, she wasn't going to sleep, but it helped her unwind and forget the troubles that had been occurring since the game started. She could spend hours here, she was sure of it.
IT: O-others..?!

IT: ;... ; didn't know there were...

IT: Others...

IT: ...

Sharil: Accept

Well, here goes nothing. If you don't accept this, you'll die. But if you don't, you won;t have to see anyone else, and you could just die here... Alone. No, you prefer the former. You click the accept button on the prompt, squeezing your eyes shut in case something came to kill you.
Ken: Connect

You see Sharil's room on your screen. She's definitely already been playing the game for a while. She's already got all the machines.

ES: I need you to do me a favor

ES: Gather everything you think will be important

ES: Captchalogue it all

ES: Im coming to get you

IT: Coming to...

IT: Get me..?

IT: How..?

You decide that questioning anymore might cause some bad reactions, so you captchalogue everything important to you. Somehow, you fit it all into your Sylladex, then return to your GRUBTOP.

IT: ; have everything...

IT: But, how are you supposed to come here..?

IT: Actually, you don't have to answer that...

IT: ;'m just...

IT: Neverm;nd...
Duke: Um...

Hmmm...This...is a hard problem to swallow. You COULD tell her to leave her for dead, but would that make you a good person? Then again, her friend could be just a horrible person that deserve to die, but still you're not the judge of that. Oh dear god, what the fuck are you suppose to say? She doesn't want her involved, but at the same time, the outcome ends terribly. If she ain't involved then she's dead. Why must you be put up with such a inquiry?

Duke: Have existential crisis

This dilemma has left you questioning your own life and the value of it. Your mind swirls into a void of depression and sorrow, questioning if you're even worth anything.

Duke: Get a hold of yourself

What the heck are you even doing? You're a youthful boy who's NOT on a doomed planet, you have no need to question your life right now....If anything, you can at least tell her the truth.

Duke: Tell her the truth

QA: Listen, Charlotte.

QA: You can leave her, but know this.

QA: If you leave her, she'll die.

ES: Just wait a moment

ES: And dont freak out

Ken: Teleport

You teleport to Sharil's room.


Charlotte: Get scared

EL: she'll die!?!?

EL: but i can't bring her with me!

EL: this has nothing to do with her!

EL: oh god what do i do!?

"You go."

You turn to face your friend.

"What?! No way! I'm not leaving you to die!"

"Charlotte... listen to me. This is the way it was meant to be. Only one of us was meant to get out of this alive, and I want it to be you."


Your friend smiles sadly at you.

"Go. Reunite with your brother. I'll be fine. Promise."

You nod, wiping tears from your eyes, and turn back to the computer.

EL: she told me to leave her.

EL: i don't want to, but she told me she'll be fine.

EL: and i trust her.


your getting way too impatient maybe you should go and get some food. you continue to march up stairs where on top of the fridge is all of the chips. OOOOOH SMART FOOD POP CORN!!! as you grab the bag you ponder possibly the most important question in the universe. is smart food the same as smart water??? you'll have to look it up later.
IT: Um... Okay..?

Sharil: Notice figure in your room

Despite Ken's warnings, you still flip out. You open up your umbrella, and go out the tree house window, trying not to scream. As you run down the length of the branch, you stop. An Ogre stares you down, and you again run the other way, hands outstretched in front of you.
"I'm going to die, I'm going to die, I'm going to die..!"

As you hear Ken call out to you, you hesitate for a second and look back. Wait.. Where were his horns? And whats wrong with his skin..?!

"Um.. Ken? Are you sure thats.. Uh, you? That teleporting thing didn't do anything to you or anything..?"

You tried to act like you weren't terribly concerned, but you were. He was not any Troll you'd ever seen.
"Okay... I'm coming..."

You start walking towards him, but carefully. You did just meet him, after all, but you also didn't want to seem like that bothered you. As you finally came face to face, you quietly whispered something.

"How many more.. Um... People are there..?

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