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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

Duke: Get started with house modifications

You start this game of sims by making another floor atop of the house; continuing on with walls, windows, and a indoor stairway to it. You do this process several time, slowly turning the house into a several-story building. You were well on you way from turning this house into a skyscraper...or at least you would be, if Charlotte's build grist wasn't depleting.
Charlotte: Strife!

You find a large pack of imps and draw your bladed staff. You slice through the pack with minimal effort, only suffering a couple small scrapes. You collect the grist and move on to the next group.

Duke: Watch Charlotte

So far, she seems to be doing pretty okay. Off to a decent start.

QA: So far, so good.

QA: Just keep the grist coming.

QA: Got a few stories on your base of operations.

QA: Any structural suggestion you got for me?

QA: Oh...

QA: Well, if that's what you want, I could just tell him to hop to your current location if you want.

QA: He can teleport, by the way.

QA: Long story short, he has space powers.

QA: With them, he is the sculptor and space is his playdough.

EL: yes, sir!

Charlotte: Continue hunting

You keep hunting imps and collecting grist. It never occurs to you how flawed your logic is. If you don't want your brother to know you're in the game, then why are you actively trying to reach him?

Afrien : Check Trollian

You are extremely bored and decide to find someone to Troll... Who the fuck is this?

tyrannicalFigment -TF- began trolling equestrianLover [EL]

TF: Dear lord You are fucking Awful

TF: Move your Off Foot further back

TF: And stand up Straight

TF: Who the Fuck taught you To fight

TF: They didnt Teach you How to evade While still being Offensive

Shadow: grow bored

Shadow grew bored just watching and began messing with the wind. It didn't tire her out as much as it used to. She began moving things, laughing when they fell and landed in odd positions. She then began messing with Afrien's hair, giggling as she made it stand on end. Yeah...she was bored, but he totally deserved being messed with. He was really mean, so messing with him a little wouldn't hurt...right?

@Midnight Phantom
Afrien : Pat down Hair

Why is there a breeze? Your hair had begun to stand on end, so you pat it back down onto your head.
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Shadow: be amused

Shadow giggled softly and began ruffling his hair again, making it stick up higher. She then noticed a bottle of water beside her and smirked. Could she...no, not yet. But maybe later.

@Midnight Phantom
She scowled before smirking. She unscrewed the cap and made it float. She moved it over to him and, every carefully, turned it to dump it's contents on his head. As the bottle dropped, she ran further into the hive to hide.

@Midnight Phantom
Afrien : Rage

Through the water pouring off of your soaked hair, you see Shadow fleeing the scene.


Afrien : Chase

You sprint through the hive, chasing after Shadow.

Shadow: Run like hell

Shadow laughed as she ran, climbing stairs then jumping down them, taking turns and then double taking. She was having fun, but she had to make sure she didn't slow down or else she might very well die. "Hahaha, come on! Is that as fast as you can go?" She called back to him, laughing.

@Midnight Phantom
Afrien : Slide Down Railing

As Shadow laughs at you, you hop onto the support beam of the stairs and slide down quickly, claws ready.

Afrien : ...




Afrien : Open Hand

As your Seer powers activated subconsciously, you realize you are about to kill Shadow. You quickly open your hand and notice a change.


Afrien : Feel Pain

As you slide down the railing and your open palm collides with Shadow's face, you fall to the ground screaming in pain as your eyes are filled with a burning sensation.


Afrien : Respond

You would if you weren't currently writhing in pain.

Shadow: hold nose

She screamed and fell back. Her nose didn't feel broken, but she knew it was bleeding. But...he changed how he hit her...why? She looked at him, worry filling her eyes as she crawled over. She kept one hand on her nose and used the other to wrap the wind around his head. "Shh...it's alright. It's alright."

@Midnight Phantom
Shadow: lean against the wall

She smiled and leaned against the wall. The room was spinning, and she didn't know if it was because she helped him, she lost too much blood, or both. She couldn't move at the moment for too long so she just waited for the bleeding to stop.

@Midnight Phantom
Afrien : Respond

As it seems Shadow will not comply, you decide to get her some other time.


TF: My name Is Afrien Araeus

TF: You just Started playing Sgrub right

TF: My session Has been going On for Days now

TF: Your brother Must have been fucking Useless to teach Such Shitty form

Duke: Rub temples

God, you don't understand what be the logic in this situation. She wants to find her brother, yet doesn't want her brother to find her. Could have been a simple fix, but no, complicated plans are for some reason still needed.

Duke: Finish ivory tower

There, that should be close enough for her to enter her first portal. Oh what fun she'll have dealing with that journey.

QA: Just a heads up, I've made your tower reach the first portal.

QA: So if you want to go check out your land, just hop in.

The squirrel seemed to be rather panicked, and at one point it started moving around as if trying to avoid something. Seriously, what was its problem?! It looked as if it wanted to leave, as in right now.

Shadow: check your nose

She tentatively moved her hand and noticed that the bleeding hadn't stopped but it had slowed. She slowly stood up, a wave of nausea and dizziness hitting her as she leaned against it. "Okay...remind me to never mess with you again..." She said as she waited for the nausea to pass.

@Midnight Phantom

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