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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

AC: :33 < *ac swishes her tail around and stares at dc*

AC: :33 < *she asks again who are you?*


TC: I ReAlLy dOn't gIvE A FuCk mAn

TC: I JuSt cArE AbOuT WhAt's iN FrOnT Of Me

TC: AnD RiGhT NoW ThAt's a bOtTlE Of ThE WiCkEd eLiXiR

TC: YoU EvEr tRy tHiS ShIt mAn

TC: It's a fUcKiN' mIrAcLe dRiNk

@Midnight Phantom
DC: I'm... Aura?

DC: Whats this tail you have?

DC: And... Are you RPing?

Aura: Be curious

Were there trolls that were cats or something?
Afrien : Test Code


The Alchemiter spits out a small bottle of mysterious liquid.


Afrien : Bottoms Up

Damn this shit is good.

TF: Fuck

TF: This is Good

TF: We didnt have This on My Alternia

Shadow: look outside

She went to her window and almost screamed. There were these giant imp looking creatures staring back at her. She backed up as one swung at her, nearly missing her head as the wall was destroyed. Oh gog, this could end badly.

Shadow: strife

She jumped onto the ogres arm and ran up to its face, planting one of her daggers in its eye. That did nothing but faze him a bit. He swung at her again, causing her to go flying.

Teddysprite: use Suntop to contact someone

Teddysprite carefully picked up her Suntop and looked through her recent messages. He found Ken's screen name and decided to message him.

severedWorth (SW) began trolling electroShogun (ES)

SW: Hello, this is Shadow's sprite, and I was wondering if it was possible to seek help for the one who has awakened me.

SW: A few ogres appeared and she was not prepared.

DC: Nepeta, huh?

DC: Here, lemme try something...

DC: *Aura sits in a chair*

DC: Did I do it!?

DC: Fudge, I'm such a noob.

You weren't lying, its not like you've really done RPing before.
Duke: Finish cleanup

Okay, you think you got it all. I'm uncultured and span, it's all clean again. Took you a while, but you got it all cleaned up.
Afrien : Become Aware

Oh god. The Female is in the room. Does using the Male Fleshbag's shit without permission look suspicious? Probably.





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DC: *Aura pets Nepeta, smiling*

DC: Yup, I'm a human.

DC: Whats that make you?

You just DIDN'T realized something. Breaking the fourth wall, RP-CEPTION IS HAPPENING. BWAAAAAA. But, you actually have no knowledge of this...

Aura: Look at Afrien

Um... Whats he doing with Ken's glasses?! You walk briskly over there and snatch them from his face.

"'These are Ken's!"
AC: :33 < im a cat silly

AC: :33 < *ac purrs and rubs her head against auras hand*

AC: :33 < but for realsies im a troll

AC: :33 < you know about trolls right?

Ken: Wake up

You hear your name from somewhere. Opening your eyes, you see Aura holding your glasses.

"*yawn* Good morning. Any reason you're holding on to my glasses?"

Aura: Sit down

You plop down next to Ken, giving him back his glasses.

"Sorry, Ken. Afrien here decided that using them was alright, and I didn't know entirely if he'd asked you or not."

You really wanted to hug Ken for some reason, and you had no clue why. Well, for the most part. Maybe it was because you thought PuffieSprite was Ken, and that was probably why you freaked out so much. And now you wanted it to be Ken, just snuggling you. Well, that's very weird stuff to be thinking right now, so you stop thinking about it.

Aura: Check on cat

DC: Oh, yeah. Theres actually a troll with me right now, and well...

DC: Are all trolls cursers?! Holy cow!

DC: Not to be rude or to stereotype you or anything, but you know.

DC: Just wondering.

DC: *Aura continues petting Nepeta*
Teddysprite: carry Shadow away

She wasn't unconscious, but she was currently unable to move. Poor girl wasn't ready for that. And now she was badly hurt. What would happen if she were to die already?

Teddysprite: take her to crocodile leader

He made his way to a nearby village and sought out help. They did, thankfully, and she was going to be alright. Drifting in and out, yes, but alright. Maybe he should get Ken to come get her...

Teddysprite: message Ken

SW: Sorry about that. I had to find her help. She should be fine now, but if I may request I talk to the real Ken?

SW: That would be truly helpful.

@Midnight Phantom
Kersin sits on the couch bored out of his mind, yet not wanting to complain about it because he knows perfectly well he could go out and fight ogres it seems un important whilst not on his own planet with leosprite and Dragon dad to accompany him. He had never actually lived with people before which could be why he was being so anti-social. his thoughts wandered to his moirail whom he hadn't contacted since the government attack, what had become of her? Had she possibly perished in the midst of playing this game? or perhaps she had forever gone on some magical journey across space and time never to be seen again? ok that last one was pretty ridiculous, oh how your mind never ceases to amaze you.
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"Thanks, Aura."

You put your glasses on and-


Ken: Respond

ES: This is Ken

ES: Is Shadow okay


AC: :33 < *ac purrs happily*

AC: :33 < yeah a lot of trolls curse a lot

AC: :33 < especially karcat and gamzee

AC: :33 < some of us dont like it though

AC: :33 < like kanaya and me

SW: She is fine now, but I have a favor to as of you. You have learned to teleport, correct?

SW: It is too dangerous for her here. She does not have the heart to kill unless severely inclined to do so.

Teddysprite: take a picture

He took a picture of the room he was in and sent it to Ken. He was going to send him another message but Shadow started waking up

Shadow: Wake up

Ugh...her head hurt. She tried to sit up but she felt pain shot through her body. She screamed in pain as she fell back. She saw stars before her vision cleared and saw Teddysprite leaning over her.

"I'm sorry...I...I couldn't do it...I'm sorry..."

"It's alright. I shouldn't have thought you could with your nature." He said, running his hand through her hair, avoiding her horns.


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