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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

Shadow: Hide

Shadow almost jumped out of her skin when the other human -Aura, she thinks her name was- suddenly started yelling. She crouched back behind her recuperacoon, whimpering. She didn't want to be yelled at. She wasn't doing anything wrong, was she?

Shadow: Freak out

Or maybe she was and she was only fooling herself. Maybe Ken was just being nice. Maybe she was being rude and now this was punishment. She was a bad troll. That's why her lusus left her. She's a bad troll who deserved everything she got, bad or good.

@MoltenLightning @electroShogun
Aura: Be surprised

That person, or troll, just flipped the fudge out and hid behind their... Uh... Toilet...? Oh god, that's terrifying. Unless that was something else, like a bed, or something... You shiver, obviously trying not too think too deeply into this.

"Whoa there, calm down. Sorry, I just wanted to know who you were.Whats you name?"
Shadow: Try to calm down

Aura was trying to be nice But, wasn't that what Ken was doing? She could be luring her in. No, that's trolls...but humans could be like that too. "...Sh-Shadow..." She muttered, her voice shaking and blue tears brimming in her eyes. "I...I'm sorry...I-I'll be good...pro-promise..."

Shadow: Hide behind Ken

She stood up and went behind Ken, grabbing his purple pajama shirt. "I'm...I'm sorry...I-I'll be good...I...I promise..." She kept muttering, her tears spilling over now. The yelling triggered her earlier sweeps, when her lusus left. She was more scared than she had been in sweeps.

Aura: Question

"OH GOD, I'm sorry I'm freaking you out... I'm not trying to be mean, I swear."

Aura: Try and not be awkward

Well, Ken is saying shes friend. And you sure as fudge trust Ken. You'd even trust him with your life, for the most part. You decide to change the subject.

"So, Ken, is this the form of us that god tiers?"
Afrien : Reminisce

You think about Alternia, for the first time in a while. Your Ancestor, ??? ?????, may not approve of your decisions so far. But fuck him and his healing hands. You are an independent Troll, and you don't need your Ancestors approval.

But still...

was a hero...

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c51f2d01b_.png.f22b50d6258f5cf22f6b6b2222d7ddd5.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="80443" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c51f2d01b_.png.f22b50d6258f5cf22f6b6b2222d7ddd5.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Using his signature "Healing Hands" to restore the Queen from near death. You don't have any kind of restoration powers...

But then again, you can see when someone will die. Perhaps you can use your own willpower to alter their death. Once you ascend of course. Right now you are trash tier.



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Duke: Be preservative

You go over and captchalogue the PILE OF FOOD in your sylladex. Can't leave it out in the open forever, it'll go bad! That would be a waste of valuable resources that took you five seconds to make. YOU WOULD NEVER LET THAT HAPPEN!!!

Duke: Go find a fridge

You go on a journey around your base in search of a FOOD-STORAGE DEVICE or at least something you can store all this food in. It kind of takes up a lot of room. You find a SPACE FRIDGE...or at least you think it is. You're not really sure, but it looks like one. Ah well, you're gonna use it as one anyway

Duke: Store food in space fridge

You store the fo-Ah crap! The food got everywhere! God, this is the kind of thing you didn't want to happen. Now it's practically one big mess.

Duke: Clean up mess

You spend this time tidying up the spillage of food.
"Don't worry, I might have big words in my screen name, but I'm obviously not very big in person."

You smile, looking up at both the taller people. Geez, you were so short.

Aura: Get tired, for some reason.

You suddenly feel unstable. Your eyes droop, and you feel a very weird sensation of sleep falling over you.

"*YAWN* Why am I so tired suddenly..? Hrmm..."

You promptly fall over, probably landing straight on your face. But by then, you were already knocked out.

Aura: Wake up.

You open your eyes, then try to rub your face. Unfortunately, you can't. Because something is wrapped around you, enveloping you in warmth and fluff. It seems PuffieSprite is hugging you again.




PuffieSprite promptly lets you go, not looking you in the eyes. Before you could question him, however, he flew off. Weird.
TC: YeAh mAn wE GoT HeRoEs

TC: ThE HaNdMaId, ThE SuMmOnEr, ThE HeLmSmAn, ThE SiGnLeSs, ThE DiScIpLe, ThE DoLoRoSa, NeOpHyTe rEdGlArE, mArQuIsE SpInNeReT MiNdFaNg, ThE E%EcUtOr dArKlEeR, tHe gRaNd hIgHbLoOd, OrPhAnEr dUaLsCaR, aNd tHe cOnDeNsE

TC: ThEiR GeNeS ArE In aLl oF uS BrO

@Midnight Phantom

Ken: Catch Aura

You catch Aura just before she hits her head on the floor. You gently set her down.

"She'll be fine. She just woke up back in the real world, I think."

She sighed in relief. That was good to hear. But, now that she thought about it, she was feeling a little tired herself. Maybe she should be getting back to Teddysprite and the imps. She looked at Ken and studied him, wondering if she should ask him to leave or not.

???: Troll Aura

You're bored of just sitting around. You choose a human and begin trolling her.

-- arsenicCatnip [AC] began trolling domineeringConflagration [DC] --

AC: :33 < *ac curiously approaches dc, wondering about her*

AC: :33 < *she looks into dcs eyes and asks who are you??*

Ken: Take your leave

"I'm going to bring Aura back to her tower. You look sort of tired. I think you're about to wake up in reality as well. Talk to you on the other side."

You gently lift Aura and carry her back to her tower, before returning to your own and laying down on your bed, waiting to wake up.

Shadow: climb into recuperacoon

Shadow smiled as Ken left, then got into her recuperacoon, closing her eyes and hoping to wake up to a room of no imps.

Shadow: wake up

She opened her eyes to see and feel Teddysprite shaking her awake. She got out and looked at him with tired eyes. "What is it and is it dangerous?"

"If you count imps and ogres dangerous, then yes."

Her eyes opened wide. Ogres? She didn't like the sound of that.
Aura: Respond to... Random person

DC: Oh. Hi there?

You become very confused, but just roll with it. There were weirder things that had happened to you, after all.

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