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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

Shadow: try to be nice

She nodded but still kept to the wall. She knew it was Ken, and she trusted Ken, but she didn't know who the other sleeping human was. "...h-hi..." She practically whispered.

Ken: Enter

You float inside and gently set Aura down. You turn to face Shadow, noticing her glancing at Aura. You draw the conclusion that she's unsure about Aura.

"It's all right. She's a friend. Her name's Aura, or domineeringConflagration. Maybe you've spoken with her before?"

She shook her head. "The...only human I...have talked to...was you..." She muttered, still looking unsure at Aura. She knew Ken said she was a friend, but she didn't know. Should she trust Ken on this one?

Shadow: realize you haven't introduced yourself

Why should she do that? She was pretty sure he knew who she was, but what if he didn't and she was being rude not telling him?

Shadow: fret

She began to fret that she was being rude, or if she was annoying him. Probably both. What if he got mad and yelled at her, or worse, left her? He was the only one she really trusted so far in the game. She didn't want to lose another precious person. As she worried, her emotions showed on her face.

She visibly relaxed. So he did know. That's good. "S-sorry..." She murmured, looking at her feet. Man this was awkward. She wasn't used to talking with anyone face to face. It took her forever to be comfortable talking on Trollian.

"Ah...yes. This is a...recuperacoon..." She said, putting her hand on her recuperacoon. She remembered he was confused by the word, so she might as well show him what it look like. "But it...is usually...a dark blue...instead of purple..."

"It's sopor slime. It...helps keep away...nightmares. It's usually green...but it isn't...safe to eat. Messes...with your thinkpan and...makes you act different...at least, that's what I...have heard..."

Shadow: try to think of something to talk about

It's not like trolls and humans had much in common. But...she was curious about what his hive was like with his lusus. Maybe she could ask?

"What was your hive like?" She asked, though rather quickly.

"It wasn't much. Kind of a mess, actually. Posters all over my room, bare walls everywhere else."

You can't help but reminisce sbout home.

"There were four of us there. Me, my dad, my mom, and my sister. We had a dog, too. I wonder what happened to them all..."

You sigh.

"Sorry, just... reminiscing..."

Shadow: ask about human terms

"What's a mom?...or a dad?...or a sister?...or a dog...I'm sorry if this is too much...I've just never...heard them before...I'm sorry if I'm...bothering you by asking."

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"Oh, gosh... How do I explain this? A mom and a dad are parents. You know... the people who made you. And a sister is someone else your parents made. Specifically, a girl that your parents made along with you. And... a dog is a kind of animal that humans keep as a pet."


???: Troll Afrien

-- terminallyCapricious [TC] began trolling tyrannicalFigment (TF) --

TC: HeY WhAtS Up mOtHeRfUcKeR

TC: WhAtS GoOd

TC: GeTtIn' ShIt dOnE

@Midnight Phantom
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Shadow: piece things together

Parents...would they be like a lusus, only two? And a sister...same as you...could be like troll of the same blood color. And a dog...animal...oh, like a hoofbeast...or like one.

"Does the...dog...make any sounds?"

TF: I just Started a Shitty piece of Fleshbag Literature

TF: And Promptly deleted It

TF: Otherwise

TF: We just Got 2 Players into our Session

TF: Who are You By the Way

TF: I am Afrien Araeus

TF: Seer of Life

TF: Outlaw of Another Alternia

Shadow giggled a bit at Ken's imitation of a dog. So it was like a pawbeast, or a woofbeast to be more specific. "Do your...parents...take care of you...or look after you...as you grow?" She asked, trying to calm herself. She hadn't laughed much before and now she found it hard to stop.

"Sort of, but parents are the ones who made us in the first place, unlike your lusi. Don't trolls have parents? Other trolls who, erm... produced you?"


TC: ShIt mAn, YoU DoN'T KnOw

TC: YoU GoTtA ClImB ThE EcHeLaDdEr

TC: AlL ThE WaY To tHe fUcKiN' tOp

TC: ThEn gEt tHiS

TC: YoU GoTtA FiNd a sPeCiAl rEcUpErAcOoN In yOuR LaNd

TC: AnD YoU GoTtA FuCkIn' DiE On iT

@Midnight Phantom

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