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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

Aura: Be very surprised

Ken appears RIGHT NEXT to you, causing you to cringe back in fight. God, that was the stupidest sound you've every made.

"Don't do that! Geez, your gonna give me a heart attack... So your a Space player? Whats that imply? And what can I do as a 'Rage' player?"

You ask all these questions, but instead of AliSprite answering, it was PuffieSprite.

"You are a Witch of Rage."

"That... Sounds super evil."

"Well, I'm not saying it is."

"But it could be! What evil powers do I possess?!"

"Calm down! I'm not sure if I'm supposed to tell you that!"


"Ugh, nevermind..."

Aura: Chase him down

You try tackling him, but he flees.

QA: Look, I know that, okay.

QA: I know magic ain't real.

QA: I was just told by a ghost horse that I'm a mage.

QA: Mages are related to magic, an FAQ also stated that magic was real, so I tested to see if they were both right.

QA: Nothing happened.

CA: a ghost

CA: do you mean a sprite

CA: cause if a sprite told you that then it has to be true

CA: but in this wworld mage doesnt exactly relate to magic

CA: oh i see that sprite calling evveryone together

CA: it should explain evverything

Duke: Look back

You notice that Ken's back calling for everyone. Not sure why, but it must be important.

QA: Whatever.

QA: Brb, or not.

Duke: Walk over to Ken

Duke: What's up, Ken?
"Up up down down left right left right start. Sorry, memorized it. Or, wait... Was it up down up down right right left left, then start? Oh great, now I can't remember..."

You await for AliSprite to explain herself while you think about the code.
Shadow: explore land

Shadow began walking around, destroying imps for Grist and talking with the locals. She also reached a new level on the Echeladder, saying she was an imp-slaying apprentice. She also got Boonbucks, whatever those were used for. Now, if only Teddysprite would talk...

Shadow: try to get answers

"Come on, at least tell me what a...oh, I don't know,...a Slyph is? Or what Breath means?"

"I suppose. A Slyph has been regarded as a healing class of sorts, and Breath goes along with it. There isn't much to tell you know, though, until you meet up with the other players in your session. And, to do that, you need to get to that portal hanging in the sky above your hive." He said, pointing up.

"And how do I get up there? I know Afrien can help, but I doubt he'll be much of it. And I guess I could make something,...but do I have enough Grist for it?"

"Your main goal would be to gather Grist for that project, but you should also work on quests from the land's residents. Could be helpful if you know your way around and could run you somewhere you'll need to go."

"Got it. Go slay more imps. But they're getting kind-of easy." She said, continuing her walk. Now, if only she could find some imps...
"Eh, I guess it doesn't really matter. Alright, so AliSprite, what did you want to tell us?"

You ask, you hands clasping together eagerly.

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Duke: Watch as troll enters

Well that's nice, millions of dollars from NASA spent to be heavily modified by mechanical domesticated fowl and then just needlessly kicked by aliens. Great, just great. You swear, if you had saw, you hack off those horns of his. Yeah, that's what you'd do. Then he'd look like some guy who painted himself grey. That would look so silly. If you had a saw, you would so totally do it. No questions asked. Yeah...hm...ya...
Alisprite: Explain

"Now, I want you all to pay close attention. I am about to explain the very nature of the game itself."

"In the center of this world sits a massive orb. This orb is known as Skaia. Within it lays the source of all goodness. Two planets are at war over Skaia's power. The white-skinned beings of the gold planet Prospit are defending Skaia against the Imps, creatures of the purple planet Derse."

"Until you all entered the Medium, the war was a stalemate. But now, the war is shifting, and goodness shall not prevail. The Sprites, creations of Skaia, bestow the powers of whatever they are Prototyped with to the Imps, as well as those who hold the Scepters and Rings of Orbs. Prospit cannot stand up to the powers that the sprites have given the Imps. If nothing is done, Prospit will fall, and Skaia with it."

"Each of you has a great potential hidden away, deep within yourselves. You each fill a role from Prospitian legend, and embody an aspect of this world. You are the ones destined to save Skaia from destruction at the hands of the Dersites."

You point at each of them in turn.

"Ken Thompson, Knight of Space.

Aura Kenti, Witch of Rage.

Duke Solomon, Mage of Void.

Kersin Likaru, Prince of Doom.

Afrien Araeus, Seer of Life.

You point into the sky at two colored specks of light.

"Shadow Malria, Sylph of Breath.

Vekter Ulokiz, Rogue of Light.


You point out into the distance, in the direction of the mushroom castle.

"Deust Shroomen, Heir of Time."

"Each of you will learn to master your abilities through many hardships. You will unite and stand against the Dersite rulers. You will save this world from certain doom."

@MoltenLightning @Midnight Phantom @Nawmoo @Kurai Okami

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Afrien : Be Impressed

"Saving the world? Neat."

Freudsprite : Teach Afrien

"Hey Master."


"I should start teaching you about your powers. Like all the other sprites are doing."

"Finally! I can do something!"


"What can I do?"

Freudsprite : Teach More

"Alright. I'm gonna teach you how to see lifespans."

"So I can do cool shit!"

"You have to focus hard and stare at Ken. Eventually, you will see a green glow from his body, and a set of numbers. Those are his remaining days of life, as long as nothing bad happens."

Afrien : Focus




<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/KenLife.png.e13a39e9fb687fcda0eb3a0b7e97ef3c.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="80294" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/KenLife.png.e13a39e9fb687fcda0eb3a0b7e97ef3c.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>





<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/TrollEyes.png.7d20095da339325c872e2441b4b09268.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="80295" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/TrollEyes.png.7d20095da339325c872e2441b4b09268.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"Oh.... Right... Forgot to mention, before God Tier, prolongued use of your powers is very painful..."



  • KenLife.png
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  • TrollEyes.png
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Aura: Do something

You flail your arms out in front of you, making 'magical' noises. Absolutely nothing happens.

Aura: Try harder

Your arms start freaking out and you fall onto the ground, trying to make them do something.


Aura: Be disappointed
Afrien : Calm Down

Your eyes stop hurting after a minute or two. You lost count on the exact time period.


"Yes Master...?"

"Get back in the fucking pendant."

Afrien : Send Freudsprite Away

You tap on the pendant and Freudsprite vanishes. Little bastard.

Duke: Be wowed

So...Wow...A game were you actually have to save the world...Kind of a lot to take in. You knew the game was a big deal, but saving the world big of a deal? That's just a little too much to be throwing on the plate of some kid. You're not even sure where to start on this one.

Duke: Start somewhere

You guess the first thing to start on is with the fancy title Alisprite gave to you, Mage of Void. What even is a Mage of Void? Is it like someone who can magic up some black hole? Probably not, would kind of defeat the purpose to save the would if you just suck it in to a infinitely-growing black ball of doom...Yeah, that would suck. Still, your powers have to be something, but what can a Mage of Void even do?

Duke: Go to the drawing board

You walk over to your SPACE MONITOR and open up a notepad. You start typing up some ideas of what a mage is and what a void could possibly be.
Afrien : Get Bored

You begin reading that file of "Lord of the Flies". Maybe Human literature will be decent...



The Boys are stripping down and getting to know eachother...

Afrien : Delete Book

You will hope to never remember that again.
"Hey, Ken, do you have any questions? Cause I sure do. Like, what do these 'titles' mean?"

Aura: Ponder

You wonder what a Witch of Rage would do. Would you curse people? That's what you thought witches did... Maybe you get angry and curse people? If thats the case, that sounds like a useless power. Maybe you can control things by manipulating fear and inciting anger towards something! Naaaah, that'd be too weird. Haha...

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