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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

SW: I probably shouldn't leave

SW: it on the floor then...

Shadow: hurry and retrieve Grist

She ran down and collected all of the Grist the imps had dropped. She then raced back upstairs to message Afrien. She should really figure out a way to make her Husktop portable.

SW: Okay...collected.

@Midnight Phantom

Vekter: Watch The Item Come

He saw a giant rose come out. He raged.


Vekter: Destroy flowers

He rips the giant flower into pieces.
Synthesize? Like what? And with wha...she looked at her Husktop. Didn't she have a pair of sunglasses somewhere? Could she combine the two? She began looking around and soon found them. She was about to try it out before remembering she had no idea on how to do it.

SW: Um....

SW: I'm sorry to bother you again,

SW: but...

SW: How do I synthesize?

Shadow: Begin to fret

Gog she felt like she was asking too much. Hopefully he didn't get mad. What if he got so mad he stopped responding? Oh, she wished she hadn't asked. She would have figured it out if she experimented a bit...Teddysprite patted her shoulder, trying to comfort her as she began to fret.

@Midnight Phantom
SW: Oh,

SW: thank you.

SW: Also,

SW: may I ask what the point

SW: of being in the Medium,

SW: as you have called it.

SW: And,

SW: if it is not too much trouble,

SW: could you explain what might

SW: be waiting for me outside

SW: my hive?

@Midnight Phantom

Shadow: look at blinking message icon

Oops. Vekter messaged you. Better message him back

SW: I'm sorry!

SW: I've been so busy!

SW: Have you been doing okay?

"Make sure he is doing alright." Teddysprite said, hovering over her.

Shadow rolled her eyes before typing the question...again.

SW: My sprite,

SW: whom I have named Teddysprite,

SW: wants me to ask if you are doing

SW: alright.....

SW: again.

She asked, turning to look at him.


TF: The Medium is the Game World

TF: It is our Universe Now

TF: Outside your Hive is your Land

TF: Once The new Guy connects to One of Us we Will have A Full circle

TF: We use The Medium to Get stronger

TF: According to Karkat

TF: Once we reach A High enough Level

TF: We ascend to Godhood

SW: Who's Karkat?

@Midnight Phantom

She asked before she captchalogued her Husktop and the sunglasses, punched the cards, and combined them. The result was SUNTOP. This would make things easier.

Shadow: Respond to Vekter

SW: Alright.

Shadow: look at Vekter

She went back to her Husktop, pulling her Suntop up to the top of her head. She looked like he was doing pretty good.

SW: Looks nice.

SW: I'm about to head out,

SW: so I won't be able to look

SW: anymore for a while.

SW: But keep me updated,

SW: alright?

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Whoa okay... There are three dead people. And two new ones. And wait, are you the only girl here?! Weird. You hear from AliSprite that Ken can teleport. What does that mean?!

Ken: Learn

"Due to your class's influence, it will be very easy for you to learn your power. Knights learn to control their powers very early in a session."

"But... why was I chosen to be the Knight?"

"The game works in mysterious ways. Even constructs of the game, such as myself, cannot fully comprehend its ways."


"Now, pay attention. To teleport, you must first clear your mind."

Ken: Clear mind

You force yourself to forget all of your worries. It is difficult, and takes some time, but you manage it in the end.

"Now, think about the place you wish to go. Let it fill your mind. Think of nothing but your destination."

Ken: Think about home

Your thoughts drift to your house. You remember every detail of your room. Every poster, every discarded article of clothing...

Suddenly, you find yourself standing in your room. You blink, shocked.

"I-It worked!"

You look around, but nobody's here.

Ken: Contact Aura





You gasp in shock as you watch Ken disappear




DC: But holy cow how the fudge did you do that!?!?


Aura: Try teleporting

Apparently not.
Alisprite: Watch Aura

You watch Aura attempt to teleport. It goes as well as you expect it to.

"Unfortunately, you can not. Only players of the Space aspect have the ability to teleport... excluding Trickster Mode."

Ken: Reply

ES: Is Alisprite still back with you

ES: Cause she isnt here with me

ES: If shes there ask her how I get back

Duke: Just kinda stand there

You just kinda stand there, taking in the moment. So...Ken has powers...cool. Okay, that's actually bad-ass, but now that leaves you wondering if you have powers too. You recall that Alisprite was saying something about you being a mage, whatever that's suppose to mean...Then again...the notes did say that magic was real...So does that mean...Oh my god...

Shadow: go outside

She headed downstairs, Teddysprite behind her, and she opened her door. Outside was beautiful. The wind seemed to always be blowing and there were little blue crocodile looking things walking around. They were adorable! One notice her and walked over.

"Hello, and welcome to the Land Of Breeze And Healing." It said before walking off.

Shadow: Ponder name, then ask Ken what it meant

Land Of Breeze And Healing? That was an odd name, but it seemed to fit her perfectly. She decided to message Ken to ask him, seeing as she was probably annoying Afrien now.

severedWorth (SW) began trolling electroShogun (ES)

SW: Hello Ken.

SW: I wonder,

SW: may I ask about the land I am

SW: currently in now that I am in the

SW: Medium?

SW: And does the name

SW: Land Of Breeze And Healing

SW: mean anything to you?

Aura: Nod

You nod, a frown seemingly appearing on your face.

"Okay... That sucks, but its understandable. You said I'm something of Rage, right? That means...? Oh, and Ken was asking how to get back."

You show her your BRACETOP, the messages from him appearing in front of her.
Kersin you look around. With everyones sprites here you wonder where leo sprite is also why he couldn't talk like the others. 'He is a stuffed animal' you think plainly. Your thoughts wander to your lusus and how he might be doing. You sigh in longing, your lusus can take care of himself, but in doing so you miss him dearly.
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Ken: Respond to Shadow

ES: Land of Breeze and Healing

ES: I dont know really

ES: You might ask your sprite

ES: They seem to know a lot


Alisprite: Talk to Ken

You use your sprite powers to contact Ken through the chat client.

DC: Ken, this is Alisprite.

DC: To return, you need to think about this location.

DC: Remember what I told you.

ES: Okay

Ken: Return

You focus on Duke's house, and you find yourself standing back there, with Aura and Alisprite watching on.

Duke: Grab some kind of stick thingy

You cannot grab some kind of stick thing because you are in your house on a planet made mostly out of metal. DAMMIT, there must be some sort of stick thingy in which you could possibly do the motion one would call grabbing.

Duke: Search

There's no need to search because there isn't a stick thing to find.

Duke: Find substitute

You pick up a METAL ROD an use it as your substitute stick thing. Awesome, now you can Harry Potter it all up in here.

Duke: Harry Potter it all up in here

WHAT ARE YOU EVEN DOING, YOU LOOK LIKE AN IDIOT!?!? You're just flailing the rod around while trying to add some whimsical gestures. You look like a complete twat!

Duke: Throw rod on the ground

In extreme anger, you chuck the rod to the floor. You can't believe it, Alisprite and the notes lied to you. There's no such thing as magic, IT'S A PROVEN FACT!!!

Duke: Go sulk in a corner.

You retreat to a corner, grunting on the way there, and begin think why the notes would even state something as stupid as magic being real.
CA: Troll Duke

-- caligulasAquarium [CA] began trolling quirkyAlien [QA] --

CA: wwhat the fuck wwas that you just tried

CA: did you just try to cast magic

Shadow: look at Teddysprite

She looked at him through her Suntop and raised a curious eyebrow. "Do you know why it's called Land Of Breeze And Healing?"

"I do, but it is not time for you to know everything. You must first get a grasp on what you can on your own. I am only here to give advice. I can tell you that your title is Slyph of Breath. The rest I will tell you once you spend a bit longer here." He said, floating there.

Shadow: ponder meaning

Slyph of Breath? Sounded cool. What did it mean though? She looked at him, but doubted he would tell her anything.
Duke: Look into Cosmic Specs

Ugh, you have nooo idea who this is, but you can tell that's clearly a troll...you could ignore him, but you're so pissed right now that you need something to get your mind of what just happened...You don't think that's going to be the case...Ah well.

Duke: Answer Troll

QA: I don't think I know you, but I'm guess I don't want to.

QA: To answer your question on my earlier actions, yes, I was in fact trying to cast magic.

QA: It did not work, go figure.


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