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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

"I see. HES SO CUTE!!!"

You walk over to observe Afrien's sprite, then notice PuffieSprite lurking around, staring at you. Why didn't you notice him before?!

"And this..."

You walk over to PuffieSprite, who brightens as you come towards him.

"Is my Sprite. PuffieSprite, as he likes being called."

"Well you just sorta call me that-..."

"Yea, but you LIKE it."
"Freudsprite has Scales. He just ate Shitsprite and some Gaseous Beef Nuggets, so you may want to stay away form his mouth. And his... Wait, Sprites don't have asses. Well there goes the Gaseous part."

"Do not worry, I cannot fart in this form."


You know its no use, you'd just wish that it could STOP. You rub your temples for a moment, then your entire face. After stopping, you look at PuffieSprite.

"So. What have you been up to?"

"Building something."

"Really? With blanket arms?"


"Weird. What is it?"

"Um... Nothing?"

You give him a critical look, clearly not going along with his statement.
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"Oh, my husktop is back on LoNaP and I didn't make any other mobile items." you think for a moment "I'm going to need another one." you say importantly
you take the TECHNO LENSES and connect to afrien

"Ok, I'm connected to afrien now. Wont there be more meteors now?"
Shadow: open the Cruxtruder and prototype something

What? Without finding anything first? Are you crazy? She started looking around, seeing if there was anything soft and cute laying around. Well, there was her torn up plushies. Nothing else really...oh! Wait! She ran down the stairs and went to where her lusus used to sleep. She forgot the teddy bear she kept to remind her of her younger days. She grabbed it then ran back upstairs. Now...how did she open it?

Shadow: Stare at it

She looked at it for the longest time without any idea how to open it. She thought about asking Afrien but she didn't want to cause him anymore trouble. So, she stared at her giant machine, trying to figure it out.
You can't believe how well you're all working together. Well, it's a given, really; considering the circumstances, you really don't have much choice. Still, you feel like you have a really good shot at surviving this game, as long as everyone works together.

"All right. Aura, go ahead and connect to Kersin. I'm gonna check on Shadow."


Ken: Pester Shadow

ES: Hows the entry going

ES: Need any help


TT: Push SL

TT: What are you doing? Are you waiting for an invitation?

TT: Open the Cruxtruder, quickly! You don't have much time!

TT: You are going to die if you don't!

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Shadow: be relieved

She sighed with relief when someone messaged her. She stopped her hopeless search for how to open it and looked at her husktop to see that Ken messaged her.

Shadow: reply to Ken

SW: .....

SW: How do I open the Cruxtruder?

Duke: Sit

You...just kind of sit there as everyone's doing something...hm...strange. Nothing really more you can do right now, no on-coming threat, no danger, no nothing. You don't mind, everything seemed to be going according to plan so no reason to complain.

Palesprite's still in your personal bubble, not leaving you alone. No this, this right here, is bothering you.

Duke: Tell him to give you some space

Duke: Palesprite, for the last time, give me some room to breathe.

Palesprite: Negat1ve.

Duke: Negative?

Palesprite: Yes, negat1ve, y0u're n0t ready t0 be by yu0rself.

Duke: I got a bad-ass disc of death, I think I'm ready for whatever may come my way.

Palesprite: N0, yu0're n0t.

Duke: Oh really, what ain't I ready for?

Palesprite: N0th1ng.

Duke: ...

Palesprite: Yu0 are n0t ready f0r n0th1ng.

Duke: ...Really?

Palesprite: Yes.

Duke: Nothing.

Palesprite: Yes, n0th1ng.

Duke: I'm not ready...for nothing.

Palesprite: Aff1rmat1ve.

Duke: ...Did you get stupider when you fused with The Green One?

Palesprite: Negat1ve.
Alisprite: Mingle

You decide to get to know your fellow sprites and their masters better. You float over to where the Mage of Void is.

"Hello. You are Duke Solomon, correct? I am Alisprite."

You bow gracefully to the Mage.

Duke: Be annoyed

Oh great, another specter has graced you with his and/or her presence...wonderful. Well at least this one seems to have some manners, though you find it weird that it does. You were sure that half the things your friends threw into their kernelsprite were inanimate so this just comes of as some higher plane of existence kind of shit to you. Oh well, maybe this Alisprite can get Palesprite to piss off.

Duke: Hey Alisprite, guessing you're either Ken's or Aura's build-a-spirit guide creation, am I right?

You sense some animosity from the Mage. Perhaps he is in a bad mood.

"Yes, I am Ken's sprite and guide.
Though, I will gladly assist Ken's friends as well, if the need arises."

SW: Sorry.

SW: You can use your human

SW: words if it pleases you.

SW: And thank you for the

SW: information.

SW: I will ask Afrien.


Shadow: Message Afrien

severedWorth (SW) began trolling

tyrannicalFigment (TF)

SW: I have been informed that

SW: to open the Cruxtruder I need

SW: to drop something heavy atop

SW: it.

SW: Would you mind helping me?

SW: If it's alright with you.

@Midnight Phantom
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Duke: I think I'm good, although my sprite seems to be broken...that or an idiot, still deciding.

Palesprite: 1'm des1gnated as Palespr1te.

Duke: Oh yeah, this is Palesprite, by the way.

Palesprite: 1 am a c0llab0rat10n 0f the space r0ver f0rmerly kn0wn as Pal and a sent1ent danc1ng p1ece 0f kale f0rmerly kn0wn as The Green 0ne a.k.a Seth Green.

Duke: Yeah...

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A space rover and a sentient piece of kale? You simply can't fathom the level of disorganization and lack of knowledge that could have caused this combination.

"Certainly an... interesting combination. I, myself, was formed from two pony figurines procured from Ken's sister's room."

You run a hoof through your mane.

"But that's enough about me. Palesprite, have you been assisting your master to the best of your ability?"

Palesprite: Aff1rmat1ve, 1 have been ass1st1ng Duke t0 the best 0f my ab1l1t1es, g1v1ng h1m t1ps and ass1st1ng h1n 1n c0mbat. H0wever, bef0re my pr0t0typ1ng w1th The Green 0ne, there seemed t0 be a language barr1er between us f0r 1 c0uld 0nly speak 1n b1nary and he c0uld n0t dec1pher 1t.

Duke: Yeah, that was a real pain, especially since you yelled out every number.

Palesprite: But that's all 1n the past.

Duke: It was like a few hours ago.

Palesprite: L1ke 1 sa1d, all 1n the past.

"Excellent. Continue to assist the Mage, Palesprite."

You look back at Duke.

"You are yet unaware of your potential. But you will soon learn your power, and your purpose."


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