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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

You blink a few times in confusion. You have no clue what she means by 'Rage itself'...


You don't know how to finish that sentence. You sit there for a long moment, contemplating what she means.
"All will be revealed in time, child."


Ken: Rest

You realize how long it's been since you slept, and the exhaustion drops on you like an anvil.

"*yawn* I think we could all use some rest. Is it safe, Alisprite?"

"I do not sense any Dersite presence nearby. It is safe for you to rest."

"Great. I'm jus' gonna... lay down over here..."

You walk over to a couch, lay down on it, and promptly pass out.
Aura: Ditto

Nobody even uses that word anymore, geez. But, you were too tired to be concerned about it, and decided that taking a nap for a second wouldn't hurt anyone. You follow Ken in, smiling.

"G'Night, Luke Skywalker"

Hehe.. That was probably the only good tease you could come up with at the time. You sauntered over to another couch, slowly closed your eyes.

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Duke: Finish your calculations

Okay, so mages are like a wizard class in most role-playing games and are practitioner of magic as portrayed in works of fiction. Void as a noun is a completely empty space. When you switch the words Void and Mage while kicking out the Of, you have Voidmage. Voidmage is a class in the continuing card game Magic The Gathering. However, their is also a card in Magic The Gathering called Void Mage. Void Mage cost 1 blue plain, 1 white plain, and 2 of any plain to be summoned. If you get a blue, a white, and 2 plains of any type, you'll realize that this is stupid.

Duke: Delete this nonsense

What a complete waste of time. Instead of figuring anything out, you spent precious time making up utter nonsense. Ugh, this is hard. How are you even suppose to figure this out.

Duke: Get some grub

You grab some grub to eat, you need the fuel. You also take note that you should probably put that pile of food in the fridge...if you even have one. Do you have one? Eh, you're not sure.
Ken: Awaken

You wake up back in the purple city. Aura is sleeping nearby. You look around and remember what Alisprite had said. Is this... Derse?

Ken: Wake Aura

You think that's a bad idea. If you wake up Aura here, what will happen to Aura back in reality? No, best not to try it. You sit down and stargaze for a while.
Shadow: rest against an oddly shaped tree

Shadow collapsed against a tree, panting hard. Yes, the imps were easier to kill, but there were so many of them. Why did they attack in hordes? What were they, the freaking undead? She looked up at Teddysprite who was smiling at her. Must have done well to make the strict and sadistic teddy bear smile.

Shadow: see if he'll tell you anything new

"So...anything new you are willing to share?"

"I'm sure I can. Since a Slyph is a healing class, you have the ability to heal wounds."

"Which would explain why I always wanted to help instead of hurt like my lusus wanted." She muttered.

"That is partially correct. Your kindness and wanting to help is what gave you title of Slyph. And Breath is what goes hand in hand along with it. It gives you the ability to bring someone back after they have perished. We call this the Kiss of Life and can be very useful if the one who died lost their dream self."

"What's a dream self?"

"It is you while you are asleep. I believe you have seen it?"

"You mean the Purple City?"

"Technically, it is called Derse. There is also another just like it, only a golden color, and is called Prospit."

"By why did I go now instead of my whole life?"

"Because, you were either not ready, or not willing. Most do not wake until they enter the game, and may take longer even then."

"What's the point of the dream selves?"

"To give you a second chance. If you die, someone can kiss you and your dream self will become your real self. Of course, this can only happen once, as you can imagine."

Shadow: Process

She sighed as she took all of this in. She could heal people and save them, which could be useful if they already died once. So, she'd have to get to the others. But...how does she do that? She knows she has to go through the portal, but... She looked up at the portal again. It was so high up. Maybe she could work on helping the citizens of this land and see if they have any ideas? It was the best she could come up with. She yawned as she stretches.

"Is it alright if I take a nap? I'm exhausted."

"Once you go back to your hive you may. But only then. It's more dangerous out here than inside."

"Alright." She stood up and started back the way she came. This was going to be a long walk, and, if she was lucky, she'd find more imps. Or, maybe something stronger. The imps were boring her.
???: Contact Shadow

Another Sylph, eh? Might be a good idea to help her out.

-- grimAuxiliatrix [GA] began trolling severedWorth [sW] --

GA: I Couldnt Help But Notice That You Seem To Be Alone

GA: I Would Like To Assist You If You Would Allow Me

Shadow: Answer stranger

Shadow heard her Suntop beep and pulled them down. Someone was messaging her, but she didn't know who it was. Should she answer? Oh, but it would be rude not to. Oh wow, she hadn't felt like this in a long time. She certainly didn't miss it.

SW: Hello.

SW: I'm sorry,

SW: but I'm not

SW: I have Teddysprite with me.

SW: But,

SW: I've learned I like conversations,

SW: so I wouldn't mind talking.

SW: But,

SW: if it's alright,

SW: could you tell me your name?

SW: Mine is Shadow Malria.

GA: I Cannot Give You Much Information Regarding Your Powers

GA: The Reason Being That I Do Not Quite Understand Them Myself

GA: However I Would Like To Assist A Fellow Sylph In Any Way I Can

GA: If You Have Any Questions About Sgrub Please Do Not Hesitate To Ask

Shadow: Be amazed

Kanaya has played before?! That's great! And she's a Slyph player too! She's getting way too excited about this, she knows, but it just feels amazing that there is someone who has experienced this first hand!

SW: Really?

SW: That's amazing!

SW: Well,

SW: if you don't mind,

SW: could you explain the point

SW: of the game.

SW: Everyone else only

SW: had a vague idea of it.

SW: Oh!

SW: I'm sorry.

SW: I got too excited.

SW: I hope that didn't bother you,

SW: Ms. Kanaya.

GA: Your Allies Have Been Informed Of The Goal By The Knights Sprite Already

GA: The Goal Is To Save Skaia From Destruction By The Dersites

GA: But There Is A Second Purpose Of The Game

GA: The Creation Of A New Universe

SW: A new universe?

SW: Would the reason for that

SW: be because we destroyed

SW: where we once called home?

SW: Or do other lifeforms

SW: inhabit it?

Shadow: ponder

At this point she had stopped walking and was sitting in the shade of another misshapen tree. But, another universe? There could be countless options on how things could work out for it. Become their new home, become the caretakers of a brand new species, maybe, if you were a plant or animal lover, it could be a giant breeding ground. A place where those who don't make the cut as a lusus could roam free and do what they wanted without having to worry. She liked that idea. She found herself smiling at the thought.

GA: The New Universe Will Be Inhabited By Its Own Unique Lifeforms

GA: And The Survivors Of The Game Rule Above It All As Omnipotent Beings

GA: My Allies And I Had Succeeded In Creating A New Universe But We Were Unable To Claim Our Reward

GA: Due To Meddling From An Unknown Being

GA: But Thats Not Important Now

GA: It Falls Upon The Hero Of Space To Create This New Universe

GA: But Without The Combined Efforts Of All Heroes The New Universe Will Be Destroyed Alongside Skaia

SW: Thank you so much!

SW: Now,

SW: if you wouldn't mind,

SW: I must be going.

SW: It's dangerous to rest

SW: outside for too long for

SW: the imps might attack

SW: while I'm not paying

SW: attention.

SW: It was very nice to talk

SW: to you.

severedWorth (SW) ceased trolling grimAuxiliatrix (GA)

Shadow: Head back to your hive

She stood back up and put her Suntop back on its resting place on her head. She walked the rest of the way to her hive trying not to fall asleep then and there. A few groups of imps had attacked, but she handled them with ease, though it did make her fatigue worse. Once she was inside, she headed up to her respiteblock and got in her recuperacoon. She happily shut her eyes and drifted off.

Shadow: Awaken

Shadow opened her eyes and sighed. Really, she probably would never get used to this. What was the point of going to sleep if you're only going to wake up again a few second later? She got out of her recuperacoon and sat back on the window, looking up this time instead of down. The stars were really pretty, she'd give it that.
Ken: Get bored

You decide to explore a bit. Not too far, though; you don't want to leave Aura alone.

You float up and take a look around. Everything looks roughly the same as last time you were here. All purple and tower-y. Was this really the planet the Imps came from?

Ken: Notice

You notice someone sitting on a windowsill in the distance. Who is that?

Ken: Get Aura

You float down and gently pick Aura up, careful not to wake her. You then fly toward the tower where the mysterious person sat.

@ShadowHuntress @MoltenLightning
Shadow: hide

You see someone coming towards you carrying someone else. You know they're not trolls, but they aren't the cute little black skinned people either. She quickly ducked back into her respiteblock and hid behind her recuperacoon. Hopefully, they didn't see her. Oh please gog, don't let them have seen her.

Shadow: cower

Oh crap! They saw her! What would anyone want to do with her? She was a nobody that no one wanted to be around! She was uninteresting, ugly, unsociable, and really nothing to bother with. Maybe if she stayed where she was, they'd go away. Yeah, they would have to. There's no one here but her, and she's not worth it.

Ken: Call out again

Whoever's in here, they seem to be scared of you. Maybe if you tell them who you are...

"I'm going to assume you're part of our session, considering that you're in a tower like ours. It's Ken. ElectroShogun."

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Shadow: stop shaking

Wait...did he say Ken? Like, the human Ken? The one who was really nice to her? Was he on Derse too? Wait, do players in the same session share?

Shadow: stand up

She crawled out from behind her recuperacoon and stood up, staying near the wall as she did so. She still wasn't sure about all of this, so she'd keep her mouth shut for now and see what happens.


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