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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

"Well...yes. But we don't meet them. They pail to fill...a bucket with genetic...material that they then give to...a Drone that gives it to...the mother of all grubs..." She said trying to explain to the best of her ability.

You attempt to follow Shadow's explanation, but you lose track at the bucket part. Whatever, it doesn't really matter to you how trolls are born.

"I see. Trolls are certainly a... unique species."

"I guess strangeness is in the eye of the beholder."

"Oh! I just got an idea! When we wake up, do you want me to try and bring you to where everyone else is? Meet the team, and all that?"

Shadow: panic

Shadow shook her head, backing back against the wall. "Oh...n-no...I'm good...Teddysprite said I...I wasn't ready yet." She said, her stammering slightly worse as she looked everywhere but Ken.

"All right. If you're not ready, I won't force you. But whenever you're ready to meet everyone else, just let me know. I can bring you to them. They're a friendly bunch... except Afrien, but he's still all right."

"Same with mine, though I know why.....Teddysprite said I could...heal people...and bring them back if...they died...after they used their dream selves...how we are now..." She said, sitting on her recuperacoon.

"Yeah...with the...the...Kiss of Life, he called it. But I'm sure that...there's a limit to it...but he won't tell me anymore. Says I'm...not ready...but, I don't know...for what...you know...you can sit if...you want too, that is..." She said, staring at him. He was making her nervous...

You can't help but laugh a bit. Shadow's mannerisms remind you of a character from a TV show you watch. But nobody needs to know which show.

"Oh, I'm all right, thanks. So, you can heal... Is your title Nurse or something like that?"

You suddenly realize that a lot of your jokes would be lost in translation, and make a mental note to not make them.

"Sylph of Breath... Sounds fancy. I wonder if your magic healing powers will be wind related..."

Shadow found herself smiling as she heard the description. They helped people...and Ken just made a connection to her with him. "Helps people...that's nice...wonder even..." She said, more to herself than to Ken. She couldn't describe how happy that made her.

"That's certainly... different than us. Humans are a much more sympathetic kind. We care for others of our kind, even ones we've never met. Er, some of us do, at least."

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Afrien : Perk Head

You could sense someone was shit talking you. Somewhere. You will fight them.

Afrien : Ask Freudsprite

"Hey, Asshole."

"Yes Master?"

"Explain the Ascendance to Godhood."

"Ah yes. You must return to your land after reaching the peak of the Echeladder. Once you have done so, you must find your 'Quest Bed', and be slain while sleeping. Your dream self will then ascend to godhood and enter the physical world."

"Oh shit. Better tell everyone. At some point."
"Yeah...trolls aren't like that. I'm different...so my lusus left me...found me disappointing to...all of troll kind...Afrien is a more...modern and perfect...example of how we were...supposed to be..."

Freudsprite : Fart on Afrien

You discovered how to temporarily form a full body, and fart in Afrien's face.

Aura: Wake up

You wake up, finding yourself in a very strange place, perched on a wall... Hmm...

Aura: See Ken with stranger

AH, A STRANGER! You run to Ken's side, looking at him.

"What going on? Who is this?"

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