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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

DH: So you expect me to killlllllllllll them?

DH: After thaaaaaaaaat experience?

DH: I don't really think soooooooooo.

DH: Unless I'm convinced otherwiiiiiiise.


Aura: Stay

You stay next to Ken, not saying a word. You were still moderately traumatized, but you were ready murder anything that ever tried to do that to Ken again.
NF: I know I don't show it enough, but I do care about your well-being.

NF: And I want you to know...

NF: Those two lovebirds have been planning to betray you.

NF: I've seen it in their messages.

NF: They're going to kill you.

Duke: Be relevant

You were just...um...what were you doing? You kind of just been standing there as everything unfolded before you...You okay there, buddy? You feeling alright?...Um...okay so you're just gonna...keep standing there...and ummm...

Duke: Be the other guy...

...you are now the other guy

Chelon: Be relevant

As you approached Skaia on the back of your robo-plant dead turtle dad spirit guide, you begin to feel that looming thought of entering a death zone...Yeah, that's not gonna happen, especially on your watch.

Chelon: Be the Lord of Time

Using your power over time, you decide it was time to stop. You use some chronoprohiberis on this universe and, to you, time has completely stopped. You exist in a frozen world, everything stuck in place like it were a art museum. Now, it was the perfect time to move.

Chelon: Be the other guy...

...you are now the other guy.

Duke: Converse

QA: I really don't know if there's a range limit to this thing.

@Midnight Phantom
QA: Ugh, fine, but you better take a shower after this.

Duke: Touch the shoulder

You touch Afrien's shoulder...you're still touching it...hm...nothing really seems to be happening...S-should you caress it or something? It be weird, but it be something.

@Midnight Phantom
QA: Wait, we were talking about your eyes?

QA: I thought you were just asking if I could see.

QA: I know that I always were shades, most of the time, but I do have eyes.

QA: They're like perfectly-cut ambers, glimmering in the light.

QA: ...

QA: You wanna see?

@Midnight Phantom
"Focus. Here, look into my eyes. If you focus long enough, you should be able to see yourself and your life force."

You turn your head and star Duke in the eyes, after removing his sunglasses and yours.

DH: I would enjoy seeing prooooof

DH: You know how I am, sooooooo

DH: I need to know if I should killllll them fiiiiiirst, but with proof.


Aura: Grab

You nonchalantly grab Ken's hand, a smile appearing on your face.
Afrien : Get Annoyed

You know what? Screw this. You point to the life force of the Lord of Time.

"Alright. Just, look where I am pointing. Use the Treasure's power, targeted about 150,000 Miles that way."

QA: You make it sound like I actually know how to use it.

QA: It's not like there's actually controls for it.

QA: It's just...

QA: Actually, I don't know how to describe it.

QA: My use of it earlier was just kind of a fluke.

QA: Not even sure how I really did it in the first place.

@Midnight Phantom
Hummingbird: Theorize

Well, being a Muse of Mind that's just what you do! Who is this Muse? Which is he referring to? Did he mean Wolf? You decide to investigate further. Which did he mean?


Aura: Be stressed

As much as you wanted to keep calm, you were worried about Ken. You put a hand on his shoulder.

"Are you good? This'll be over soon Ken, we'll get through it."
Hummingbird: Again

You question this again. Hex was a general term. Technically, Sophie wasn't part of the Hex. But you didn't know if you should be taking these chances. You decide to look one more time. If it was bad, you might have to take measures...


Aura: Nod

True. But...

"Does... Sophie count?"

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